Predarea, receptarea și evaluarea limbii române ca limbă străină, dimensiune a interculturalității. Ediția a II-a
Teaching, Learning and Assessing Romanian as a Foreign Language, an Intercultural Dimension. Second Edition
Contributor(s): Loredana Netedu (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning
Published by: Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploieşti
Keywords: teaching Romanian; Romanian language; foreign students in Romania; Romanian culture and civilisation;
Summary/Abstract: This volume includes a selection of papers presented at the International Conference "Teaching, Reception and Evaluation of the Romanian Language as a Foreign Language. Dimension of interculturality, 2nd edition". The event took place on July 13, 2018, at the Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești, organized by the Department of Philology within the Faculty of Letters and Sciences, and brought together teachers and researchers from the University of Belgrade, West University of Timisoara, University of Ankara, Filozofska Fakulteta of Ljubliana, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, University of Pitești, Institute of Educational Sciences from Bucharest and from the host institution, the Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-973-719-772-6
- Page Count: 91
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Romanian
Cu privire la procesul de predare-învăţare a lexicului -aspect indispensabil în învățarea limbii române ca limbă străină (LRS)
Cu privire la procesul de predare-învăţare a lexicului -aspect indispensabil în învățarea limbii române ca limbă străină (LRS)
(Regarding Teaching and Learning Vocabulary - an Indispensable Aspect of Learning Romanian as a Foreign Language (LRS))
- Author(s):Ludmila Braniste
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:5-10
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:language knowledge; active and passive vocabulary; teaching RFL;
- Summary/Abstract:Vocabulary learning is central to teaching RFL. Vocabulary acquisition has always been one of the core activities in foreign language learning because no communication is possible without words. Although vocabulary has not always been recognized as a priority in language teaching, interest in its role in language learning has grown rapidly in recent years. This paper focuses on the importance of lexis in knowing RFL, the most important questions to be discussed when approching lexis teaching, the difference between active and passive vocabulary. Attention is paid to the issue of a minimum adequate vocabulary and learning burden of the word if learners need to cover the whole range of language skills.
Predarea limbajelor de specialitate la anul pregătitor de limba română
Predarea limbajelor de specialitate la anul pregătitor de limba română
(Teaching Special Purpose Language to Students of Romanian in the Preparatory Year)
- Author(s):Ileana-Silvia Ciornei
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:11-17
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:terminology; field of knowledge; lexis; specialized language;
- Summary/Abstract:Most specialists in the field define specialized language as communication within a certain professional activity or within a field of specialized knowledge. Maria Teresa Cabré defines specialized languages as subsets of the common language characterized pragmatically by three variants: the subject, users and communication situations (1998: 125); they are characterized by conciseness, precision, depersonalization, objectivity, frequency of illustrations, specific vocabulary.Cowan (1974) and Nation (2001) identify the following categories of lexicon used in specialized languages: highly technical terms that rarely occur outside the field, sub-technical words - context-independent words that occur frequently, and in other fields but with specific meaning in a certain field, meaning understood outside the field, semi-technical words with one or more meanings in the general vocabulary and which, in specialized contexts, have different meanings and non-technical words.
Conținutul pragmatic al unui manual de limba română pentru străini
Conținutul pragmatic al unui manual de limba română pentru străini
(The Pragmatic Content of a Manual of Romanian Language for Foreign Students)
- Author(s):Alina Iftime
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:18-33
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:pragmatic competence; Romanian language; manual;
- Summary/Abstract:The objective of this article is to study the pragmatic content of the PULS Romanian language manual dedicated to foreigners, level A1, A2, applying the method of content analysis. We aim to answer the questions: Does the PULS Romanian language manual for foreigners attach importance to the training and development of pragmatic competence? Does the content of the textbook offer students the opportunity to become familiar with various aspects of pragmatics, to improve their pragmatic competence, and, implicitly, their communication competence, so that they are able to express themselves easily in various communication situations? Our paper is a case study that aims to describe the results and not their generalization.
Nevoia de a le preda studenților străini gramatica într-un mod comunicativ
Nevoia de a le preda studenților străini gramatica într-un mod comunicativ
(The Necessity of Teaching Grammar to Foreign Students in a Communicative Manner)
- Author(s):Mihaela Badea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:34-44
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Romanian as a foreign language; grammar; strategy; method; communication;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper aims to offer some methodological suggestions regarding the communicative teaching of grammar notions to foreign students, who are learning Romanian as a foreign language. The need for such suggestions comes from the observations made during the years of teaching at the Preparatory Year at the Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești, which brings forth the idea of a paradigm shift in terms of teaching elements of grammar. Many of the theoretical and practical elements of the paper were taken from the teaching of English, but were adapted to the specifics of teaching the Romanian language and the needs of the students enrolled in the Preparatory Year.
Predarea şi învăţarea limbii române ca limbă străină poate fi funtastică
Predarea şi învăţarea limbii române ca limbă străină poate fi funtastică
(Teaching and Learning Romanian Language as a Foreign Language Can Be FUNtastic)
- Author(s):Loredana Ilie
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:45-52
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:music; games; humor;
- Summary/Abstract:Both students and teachers admit that Romanian language is difficult. But this does not mean that the lesson of teaching Romanian language should be a fight or a marathon through the hassles of grammar and vocabulary. Starting from the personal experience of teaching Romanian language as a foreign language, in this paper, I will describe recreational activities that combine learning with fun, so that the lessons become not only informative, but also enjoyable. Well-known songs, cheerful, attractive and easy to remember, various verbal and situational games, as well as a wide range of humorous texts, created a much more relaxed atmosphere during class, which resulted in increased language acquisition due to the fact that the students' interest was aroused and they became much more visibly motivated, because they realized that, in this way, they can learn with pleasure while "having fun".
Metode moderne de integrare a studenților străini. Lapbook-ul
Metode moderne de integrare a studenților străini. Lapbook-ul
(Modern Methods of Integrating Foreigh Students. Lapbook)
- Author(s):Cristina Iridon , Cristina Gafu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:53-62
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:lapbook; teaching methods; foreign students; Romanian language;
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper discusses the lapbook method, an active-participatory method, used, especially in primary school in Romanian schools, which we tried to implement in Romanian language classes for foreign students. Through this method, students express their (dis)satisfaction with the new socio-cultural environment in which they have entered, with the weather conditions, which can be very different compared to those in the country of origin, and with the language acquisition, offering teachers honest, interesting and substantial feedback on students’ new experience. The proposed experiment targeted the students from the Preparatory Year, enrolled at the Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești, in the academic year 2017-2018. We started from the premise that the lapbook could be an attractive way, unlimited by the constraints of a traditional approach, to structure, organize, synthesize and understand the experiences, feelings, dilemmas, failures, disappointments, difficulties or successes of each stage our students go trough.
Dificultăți în receptarea mesajului scris pentru nivelul B1 de către studenții din anul pregătitor
Dificultăți în receptarea mesajului scris pentru nivelul B1 de către studenții din anul pregătitor
(Difficulties in Level B1 Reading Tasks for Foreign Students of Romanian Language from the Preparatory Year)
- Author(s):Lucia Ispas, Mihaela-Claudia Trifan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:63-72
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:difficulties; understanding written message; types of texts; types of messages;
- Summary/Abstract:This article presents an experiment carried out during the Preparatory Year at the Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiești in the period 2016-2018, having as subject the difficulties of understanding a written message for the B1 level by foreign students. Students from countries such as Angola, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, North Korea, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Cuba, Egypt, Palestine, Yemen, Vietnam and Nigeria were involved in the study. Our analysis is based on direct and continuous observations during the practical classes for level B1, the study being completed by applying and interpreting the results of a questionnaire that highlights the students' point of view on the difficulties encountered during the Preparatory Year for the practical course of understanding written messages.
Considerații privind achiziția genitivului la studenții din Slovenia
Considerații privind achiziția genitivului la studenții din Slovenia
(Comments Regarding the Acquisition of Romanian Genitive by Students from Slovenia)
- Author(s):Ioana Jieanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:73-82
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:possession; genitive; Romanian as a foreign language;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper analyses the acquisition and use of the noun in the genitive to express possession by Slovenian L1 students studying Romanian as a foreign language at the University of Ljubljana. Starting from a comparative perspective of the expression of possession in Romanian and Slovenian and of the structural and functional differences between the two languages, we follow the difficulties encountered by Slovenian students in using the genitive forms. Our research is limited to groups of students studying Romanian as a foreign language at levels A1, A2 and B1 and highlights the evolution in the use of nouns in the genitive case in both written and verbal communication.
Comunicarea nonverbală în predarea-învăţarea românei ca limbă străină
Comunicarea nonverbală în predarea-învăţarea românei ca limbă străină
(Non-verbal Communication in Teaching and Learning Romanian as a Foreign Language)
- Author(s):Silvia Krieb Stoian, Loredana Netedu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:83-91
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:non-verbal communication; Romanian as a foreign language; linguistic competence; communication competence;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper aims to identify and present the main types of nonverbal communication used in Romanian language as a foreign language (classes level A1-A2), conducted in the Preparatory Year of the Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti, series 2017-2018, and to demonstrate the effectiveness of nonverbal means as tools for teaching grammar and vocabulary elements. For this purpose, we will present examples of codes specific to nonverbal communication used in the Romanian language practical classes of phonetics, vocabulary and grammatical structures. In order to verify the hypothesis from which we started, namely that nonverbal communication plays an important role in the formation of communication skills in Romanian, as well as to investigate students' attitudes towards the use of this type of communication, we undertook a micro-research whose results will be exposed at the end of the paper.