Zkušenost několikanásobného vymístění v příběhu německo-židovské lékařky ze Sudet (Dr. Magdalena Robitscher-Hahn)
The Experience of Multiple Displacement in the Story of a German-Jewish Doctor from the Sudetenland (Dr. Magdalena Robitscher-Hahn)
Author(s): Monika Hanková
Subject(s): Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), Migration Studies
Published by: Židovské Muzeum v Praze
Keywords: Magdalena Robitscher-Hahn; Czechoslovakia; World War II; emigration; political activism; resilience;
Summary/Abstract: Magdalena Robitscher-Hahn's life story, spanning from her birth in 1899 to her death in 1977, reflects the complex history of German-speaking Jews in Czechoslovakia post-World War II. Born in Karlovy Vary, she pursued a medical career despite numerous obstacles, including the non-recognition of her German diploma. Her political activism and leftist inclinations led her to various anti-fascist organizations. During World War II, she emigrated to Bolivia with her son, facing significant challenges. Post-war, she worked with UNRRA in China, where she befriended Mao Zedong. Returning to Czechoslovakia, she faced bureaucratic and social hurdles due to her German-Jewish background. Her resilience is evident in her continuous efforts to rebuild her life and career, despite political purges and personal losses. Her story, reconstructed through archival research and personal testimonies, offers a poignant glimpse into the resilience and challenges faced by Jewish individuals in Czechoslovakia.
Book: Židé v Čechách 6 - Sborník příspěvků ze semináře konaného 19- a 20. října 2016 v Kadani
- Page Range: 161-175
- Page Count: 15
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Czech
- Content File-PDF