Transplantation and trade in human organs, tissues and cells - international legal and national normative framework
Transplantacija i trgovina ljudskim organima, tkivima i ćelijama – međunarodnopravni i nacionalnopravni normativni okvir
Keywords: Public law; human organs; transplantation; trafficking; normative framework; national law; international law; criminal law; Republic of Serbia;
In the paper the author analyses normative framework of transplantation and trafficking in human organs, tissues and cells. The focus is on the International Public Law instruments, both universal and regional (Europe as a region) and on the Serbian national legislation. Starting point in the elaboration is that medicine and biomedicine are marked with the intense growth in the area of transplantations, stem cells, artificial organs development. On the other hand, law is not complementary developed as to cover all possible illegal actions. While there is a crime trafficking in human organs recognized as the manifestation of trafficking in human beings, there is nowadays recognised phenomenon of trafficking in human organs, tissues and cells as separate crime. Concluding remarks, thus, summarizes the optimal proposals for further development of both international and national law.