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This volume focuses on the problem of literary and cultural paraellisms between the Romanian and the Hungarian cultural and literary phenomena. Beyond some general aspects related to the topic, the first part is dedicated to the problem of intercultural communication between the Romanian and the Hungarian cultural milieu in the inter-war period, with a special emphasis on the issue of Transylvanianism. We try to identify the reasons for which this ideology failed to become one of the main facilitators of open communication between the Romanian and the Hungarian cultures. We also hint at some contemporary echoes of Transylvanianism and the changes that have occurred over the past few decades. We wanted to make a presentation of the main regional ideologies of the Transylvanian cultural and spiritual life in the inter-war period. The Hungarians’ Transylvanianism and the Romanians’ creative localism or ardelenism alike offered a wide range of key concepts and ideas that shaped/and were shaped by the cultural context of the time. Both regionalisms – Romanian and Hungarian – shared many of these concepts and ideas, although they had never really sustained an open and efficient communication, due to a series of causes. The shifts that occurred in the self-defining strategies, the communication breakdowns that characterized the relationships between the two cultural milieus and intellectual circles, the identity discourses that can be spotted in the media of that time, and the movement known as Transylvanianism are all approached with the purpose of identifying the causes that hindered (and perhaps still hinder) real and efficient communication between Romanians and Hungarians. We also attempt to offer an overview of the effects of the cultural and spiritual flourishing that marked the turn-of-the-century Vienna on the Romanian and the Hungarian cultural discourse. We focus on the most important phenomena that the Romanian and the Hungarian cultural discourses borrowed from the Viennese modernity at the turn of the century. Among these, one can cite the types of writers, literary topics (such as the theme of the Family, of strong women, the emergence of the human psyche in literature, the figure of the estranged, etc.). The second part of the volume is dedicated to the most important thematic parallelisms between the Hungarian and the Romanian prose writings, by analysing topics and/or motives like war, womanhood, wealth, freedom and the symbolism of the mountain, etc.
The second volume of Andrzej Gronczewski’s essays (the first one, Time’s Palms, was published by WUW in 2019) is characterized by a very personal, innovative and modern look at literature and its contexts: arts, music, history, social life and nature, which is given much thought by the author. Andrzej Gronczewski problematizes the works of Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, whose Diaries are a key culture text for Dark Paths and Bright Glades.
The book contains articles written by scholars from various Polish and foreign scientific institutions, which reflect on man in different aspects and domains. The subject matter is the human being perceived as a sign in various spheres: thought and language, the world, the sacrum sphere, society, literature and art. The book shows the multiplicity of contemporary humanities and addresses liminal territories, e.g. at the interface with natural sciences.
The paper deals with Russian folk tales and legends describing the cycle of birth, actions and roles of their protagonists with regard not only to their present state and condition but also to their future ones. The woman in childbirth is presented as a key character from the point of view of her role and meaning in the stages preceding the birth of a human being. The world of objects is described as a special one with regard to the reality, influencing people and being influenced by them. The author suggests a number of attitudes towards the potential, virtual typologies connected with the meanings of the paradigmatic units. The units are also discussed in terms of their internal structure and position in general semantics.
The paper deals with Russian folk tales and legends describing death, dying, actions and roles of their protagonists with regard not only to their present state and condition but also to their future ones. The image of Death as a significant figure has been characterized from the point of view of its various meanings. The world of objects is described as a special one with regard to the reality, influencing people and being influenced by them. The author suggests a number of attitudes towards the potential, virtual typologies connected with the meanings of the paradigmatic units. The units are also discussed in terms of their internal structure and position in general semantics.
Although the interpretation of legal rules has a direct impact on the content of judicial decisions, law of interpretation has not yet been the subject of a monographic study in Polish legal theory. The author describes the status of interpretative directives in various legal cultures (e.g. Poland, Spain, Australia, USA, Great Britain, Ireland and Latin America) and analyses the problems caused by enacting interpretative directives. She puts forward proposals for the creation of the law of interpretation and analyses the nature of interpretative directives. An important advantage of the work is the reference to a wide range of literature and jurisprudence from many jurisdictions.
The book Dislocations. Studies in Literature and Other Discourses of the Nineteenth Century addresses a range of issues related to nineteenth-century literary circulation with particular emphasis on literary works and journalistic and memorial texts. Assuming that the transmission of ideas and lifestyles in this era took a much more dynamic shape than in the pre-modern era, the author tries to diagnose the forms of experience typical of the nineteenth century. This period became a time of "great change," at least for some individuals and social groups, when old forms of existence collapsed and new ones only gradually emerged. Other communities experienced these changes to little or no extent. Due to the impossibility of synthesis, this characteristic coexistence of tradition and change is treated in the monograph from the point of view of case studies.
This book intends to shed some light on the problem of second language communication from both cross-cultural and cross-generational angles and to diagnose communication patterns, opinions, and beliefs on the nature of L2 learning visible among the Generation Z group. Particular emphasis is placed on the development of pragmatic competence (pragmatic production and pragmatic comprehension). In order to assess the ILP development, it has been decided not only to evaluate the respondents’ language level but also their problems in communication. Diagnosing sociopragmatic competence as well as pragmalinguistic strategies implemented while performing three speech acts, that is, requesting, reacting to a compliment, and apologizing, allows one to indicate problematic areas and suggest some teaching implications, that in turn, will enable to introduce necessary changes and forms of work on the further development of English.
The monograph presents a new approach to research surrounding the alter-cultural reception of a writer. The methodological proposals are presented with reference to the reception of Leo Tolstoy. The study focuses on two significant events: his 80th birthday (1908) and his departure from Yasnaya Polyana (1910). A comparative analysis of Polish and foreign publications enabled the author to track the transformations that took place in the way Tolstoy’s image was constructed, and at the same time to better understand the specific nature of press reception mechanisms.
The set of problems engaged in the texts which are presented in the monograph reflects the multifariousness of research perspectives in modern Slavic linguistics with reference to both traditional and novel methodological approaches. The authors’ focus has to do with the problems of the description of the units of the Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Czech and Croatian languages at the particular levels of these languages. The linguistic units are examined not only as elements of a system but also as components (which are varied genre-wise) of early and modern texts. Apart from the analyses which draw from structuralist traditions there are also ones in which linguistic phenomena are considered in a broad social-political-cultural context. The publication is a collection of pieces which are devoted both to one language as well as comparative studies: Polish-Russian, Polish-Czech, Polish-Croatian, Russian-Czech ones. There are also texts which are devoted to the problems of translatology. The broad range of problems which are engaged by the authors from Poland and beyond enables the reader to familiarise himself or herself with the areas and trends of work conducted by the particular academic centres. We hope that it will also become a source of inspiration for further research endeavours.
The publication is a collection of texts on diaries from the Second World War. The authors, analyzing diaries of Polish writers, present their innovative proposals on the definition and language usually applied in existing literary and cultural research on diaries.
This publication presents Ainu people, a mysterious culture of the Far East. Ainu people have long inhabited the Japanese island of Hokkaido, hence the chapter is concerned with the social context and status they have in Japan. An important chapter of this publication presents Bronisław Piłsudski, who lived among the Ainu people for a long time. He studied their culture and language thoroughly, which was preserved on Edison’s phonograph, and this made him known to the Japanese (in fact, only after almost a century) and Ainu. A list of memorials and memorabilia associated with Piłsudski is also included in this publication. However, the most important aim of the study is presenting the legends of the Ainu people. The legends have been translated into Polish (from Russian, into which they were translated from Japanese) and annotated with linguistic and cultural commentary.
Sumarul numărului 3/4 al revistei noastre inaugurează o serie tematică inspirată de proiectul științific și formativ al Centrului de studii comparate central- și sud-est-europene, care se derulează pe o durată de trei ani (1999-2001): Identități solidare, identități divergente. Dacă am început prin a dezbate și investiga ideea de polonitate (slujiți și de analiza unor opere majore ale acestei culturi) e pentru că spiritul polonez ilustrează Europa Centrală în ceea ce are ea, poate, mai dramatic. Dar și pentru că modelul înnoitor al Poloniei central-europene și-a dovedit eficacitatea în ultimele decenii. începem cu Polonia și fiindcă Fundația noastră a beneficiat de întâlniri cu personaje notabile ale Poloniei de azi. însă și pentru că am fost prezenți nu de puține ori, invitați sau gazde, la importante reuniuni culturale și științifice polono-române.
The Price of Gold is an emotional play-testimony about the coming of age of a child who grew up dreaming of becoming a sports dance champion. A child for whom the bodies of the dancers he watched represented both rigor, discipline, freedom and courage. "The Price of Gold" is a vulnerable confession in which memories from the dance hall, from trainings and camps become a subjective map of detachment from formative moments. Remembrance is a transformative act, which gives fragility the power to move forward.
The publication is the first monograph on Polish interwar literature devoted to former Eastern Galicia. The author discusses discursive acts, with particular emphasis on literary statements, which in the interwar period created the image of a multinational post-Habsburg country. She also analyzes sense-making activities, whose aim was a symbolic appropriation and adaptation of the region to political, social and cultural Polishness in the Second Polish Republic.
The book contains the author's study on the problems of slavonic textology. His studies on the textual tradition of a number of Old Bulgarian literary works and collections are covered. The perspectives in the development of slavonic textology in a medieval context are outlined.
The publication is the result of cooperation between researchers and teachers from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary as part of the project titled “The V4 Humanities Education for the Climate. Diagnoses – Best Practices – Recommendations” (VF 22020071) coordinated by the Interdisciplinary Center for Research on Humanistic Education at the University of Silesia in Katowice. The publication aims to present the issues of climate change and the idea of reformulating the tasks of contemporary humanities in the V4 countries and the world. The chapters address the issues related to the interdisciplinary perspective in academic and school environmental education and present a wide range of its implementation: from the theory of ecodidactics at both university and school level, through educational research, teaching concepts, eco-transformations in education, new methodologies, to examples of good practice (in the form of lesson plans, eco-activity or presentations of implemented projects).
The book contains dissertations on animals in the Old Polish culture: it talks about human–nature relations, the respect man had for nature, his empathy for all creatures and also about defining humanism through contacts with the world of nature. The volume is the result of work of an interdisciplinary research team centered around the studio Humanism. The Hermeneutics of Values at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw.
The book analyses and attempts to reconstruct the notion of the Kashubian nation as imagined by Jan Rompski (1913-1969) – writer, national activist and ethnographer. Rompski, founder of the Zrzeszińce political and literary group, envisioned the Kashubian identity as a collection of features from an open set encompassing in particular: territory, language, culture, and civic sense. Intertwined with the discussion of Rompski’s views are modern Kashubian identity discourses that serve to confront his narrative with ways in which Kashubian identity is imagined today.