Лингвистиката: история, предизвикателства, перспективи. Сборник в чест на 80-годишнината на проф. д-р Иван Кочев
Conference Proceedings “Linguistics: History, Challenges, Perspectives” (2015) are dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Prof. Dr. Ivan Kochev. The papers which are part of the Proceedings are close to Prof. Kochev’s diverse research interests. There are several sections – the first contains the plenary reports of Prof. Emilia Pernishka; Prof. Lilia Ilieva (1774), Prof. Antony Stoilov and Prof. Anna Choleva-Dimitrova. Their papers cover different linguistic topics, especially related to South-Slavic and Balkan linguistics. The second section is named “Dialectology. History of language. Word Formation” and it comprises 13 papers written by 15 researchers. The next section is called “Comparative and Contrastive Linguistics. Foreign Languages” and contains 13 papers as well. Authors are from different countries and their work includes various languages. The forth part of the Proceedings “Lexicology and Lexicography of Bulgarian language” incorporates papers of 10 researchers from Bulgaria, Ukraine, and Albania, dealing with some problems of modern and historical lexicology/ lexicography in Slavic and Balkan context. The fifth section, named “Stylistics and Pragmatics. Language and Communication”, explores the so-called communicative approaches and methods to languages. It includes 10 papers from 13 Bulgarian and foreign linguists. The next part “Grammar of Contemporary Bulgarian Language” includes texts devoted to Bulgarian morphology and syntax. The last section is called “Interactive Teaching Methods” and it concerns some pedagogical issues.