Tema Marijine ljepote u vremenu i djelu Matije Divkovića
Matija Divković’s works Christian Study and One-hundred Miracles are analyzed here with reference to the topic of Mary’s beauty, which occurs as an especially striking theme. Before analyzing Divković’s texts, Divković’s historical context and the Marian-theological context are addressed. Thus,the topic of Mary’s beauty is first discussed against a broad background of philosophical and theological thought on beauty, especially in the context of Christian theological aesthetics, which considers beauty primarily as God’s beauty, and the beauty of his love reflected in his creation. The second important context for understanding this topic is that of post-tridentine Mariology and the spread of Marian devotion at this time, in which the theme of Mary’s immaculateness – considered as a precondition for particular closeness to God, and observed from outside as an exceptional mercifully mediated beauty – was emphasised.