Pamćenje Divkovića u savremenoj bosanskohercegovačkoj i hrvatskoj književnosti
In the context of wider interest in Franciscans as particular ‘sites of memory’ (Pierre Nora) in Bosnian-Herzegovinian literature, this paper deals with how Matija Divković, his biography and work, is remembered in contemporary Bosnian-Herzegovinian and Croatian literary works, which, although not particularly numerous, vary chronologically as well as in terms of their genre. Namely, the paper discusses four literary pieces by four different authors: Lovrenović’s short story Iskušenje fra Matije Divkovića u Mlecima (The Temptation of Fra Matija Divković in Venice), Milić’s poem Matija Divković (1611), Karahasan’s drama Kotač svete Katarine / Čudo u Latinluku (The Wheel of St. Catherine / A Miracle in Latinluk) and Ivanković’s poem Divkovićeva molitva za zavičaj (Divković’s Prayer for Home) written and published over a period of thirty years (1973, 1982, 1991, 2002). The paper attempts to draw conclusions about the modes in which Divković is remembered and how they infl uence the construction of the Franciscan from the late 16th and early 17th centuries as a ‘symbolic and cultural capital’ of both Bosnian-Herzegovinian and Croatian traditions.