Zo slovenskej onomastickej terminológie: meno, názov
In Slovak linguistic terminology, the word meno (name) is used as a part of terms when designating types of substantives, e.g. podstatné meno (noun, substantive), všeobecné podstatné meno (common noun, appellative), vlastné meno (proper name). In onomastic terminology, the following distinction between the terms meno and názov has been established: Name is used for a proper name of a living being, e.g. meno človeka (name of human), meno zvieraťa (name of animal); rodné meno (first name), osobné meno (personal name), and názov for a proper name of an inanimate object or a phenomenon, e.g. názov mesta, lúky, ulice, výrobku (name of city, meadow, street, product); zemepisný názov (geographical name), miestny názov (settlement name), vodný názov (water name, hydronym). Basically, international terms bionym and abionym correspond to these terms. In the general public, however, the term meno also refers to inanimate objects, which has also been reflected in the interpretations of meanings in Slovak dictionaries. The paper points out some inaccuracies in corresponding entries in the Slovník súčasného slovenského jazyka (Dictionary of the contemporary Slovak language) from the point of view of onomastic terminology. For example, the dictionary lists the obsolete term miestne meno (place name) instead of the terms miestny názov, osadný názov (place name), used today. The meaning of the special Slovak term chotárny názov (field name) is not exactly explained. Some established terms as zemepisný názov, geografický názov (geographical name), osadný názov (settlement name) or miestny názov (place name), terénny názov (minor place name, anoikonym) are absent in the entry názov in the dictionary.