Styl późny w kompozytorskiej odsłonie. O transformacji idiomu polskiego w ostatnim okresie twórczości Andrzeja Panufnika
In the article, the author traces connections between the late style and the Polish idiom in the works of Andrzej Panufnik, arriving at the conclusion that the Polish componentis a characteristic feature of the late style of the composer. The Polish idiom appeared atthe very beginning of Panufnik’s artistic activity, mostly in the form of quotations fromfolk music and the topic of the compositions, as well as his inspirations with regard toform. With time, the Polish idiom penetrated the deeper levels of the musical work andbecame an inherent part of the message, which could be called an allusion or a reminiscence.It also assimilated with the new language of the composer, formulated on the basisof a three-tone cell. The emergent Polish idiom is expressed through the combination ofthe means of expression and creates a multithreaded net of extra-musical references; it isbased on the play of moods, contrasting narrative styles, the lyricism of Polish folk musicand the profundity of the religious experience. The late style in Panufnik’s works remains in a certain sense a mystery, since the scholars are not completely certain when, exactly,it began. While the last decade of his life brings a certain synthesis of the earlier artisticmeans, the significant changes in his creative output appear as early as the very beginningof his mature period.