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This paper is a brief overview of the group correctional work through programs of public influence to the perpetrators of minor offenses. Described are the specifics of the basic principles, methods and approaches for conducting group work with sentenced to “probation” persons, on this basis are outlined several key conclusions and recommendations that allow optimization of psychosocial and educational intervention at blunt of the punishment and the development of workable strategies for combating criminal behavior in general.
In the context of the modern education a leading role is allotted to the pedagogical ability to respect and stimulate every pupil’s free choice as a unique code to interpretation of knowledge. Working on fables at elementary school provides similar environment for pedagogical interaction. The specific effects of its performance – those of allusion and attitude are not only an exponent of interpretative skills for artistic recreation of a fable. They are also an original feedback of the pupil, which favours an opening of his reflexive skills and premises a development of his selfeffectiveness.
The article analyzes the current Bulgarian language curricula in primary and secondary education. A number of problems are pointed out both in the curricula and in the overall process of teaching Bulgarian from the 1st to the 12th grade. Consequently, measures which could significantly improve the quality of the educational process are proposed. The level of the Bulgarian language education at school and in higher education has a leading role in raising the authority of the Bulgarian language, in making the native Bulgarian speakers literate and in preserving the national and the cultural identity of the Bulgarians in the globalizing world.
The study presents the organization and implementation of vision screening in the primary school “Bacho Kiro”, Veliko Tarnovo. Screening is used as a tool of identifying so far unrecognized eye problems that affect children's vision, and with it, the opportunity for quality training and comprehensive education, as well as future professional guidance. At the same time it was carried out as a practice of students from the specialty “Optometry”, at the Physical Faculty of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, as well as a STEAM-based approach, part of the training of pupils in the natural sciences. As a result of the event, an opportunity was provided to take timely measures for the prevention of eye health, for full neuropsychological development, educational progress and adequate professional guidance in the future.
The purpose of the article is to present the results of a study of modern trends in the accounting profession, related to the need to acquire knowledge, skills, and competencies to achieve a successful professional realization of accounting students in the conditions of rapid development of information technologies and digital transformation. In connection with this, traditional and modern ideas about accounting and modern opportunities for professional realization in this field are examined. Research insights into the implementation of a multidisciplinary approach in accounting education are presented. Through the lens of the International Educational Standards (IES), published by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), and the Canadian CPA profession's Competency Map, the necessary skills and competencies for successful implementation in the accounting profession have been examined. Contemporary challenges and perspectives for the accounting profession are clarified, as well as emerging job roles related to the increasing use of digital data, artificial intelligence, and automation.
The central idea of the present text is to show that in the formation of the students of tomorrow's world, a fundamental role belongs to the idea of curiosity. Scientific knowledge has recently become, thanks to technological development and the increasingly computerized era, a way of life in which the skills to understand and handle the applications and software increasingly present in everyday life have become inherent requirements of a life quality. Therefore, there is a need for education based on scientific knowledge to be much more present in the school curriculum of the students who will form tomorrow's society. Perhaps one of the most effective means by which students benefit from a science education is the systematic stimulation of native curiosity. We show some ethological and neurological foundations of curiosity that we consider sufficient for a reformulation of standard pedagogy.
When socio-economic crises last a long time, it is a consequence of decline in the first place in society and in parallel with this – decline in economy. “Decline”, for the purpose of the study, will mean permanently fragmented society, parallel to long-term problems in the economy. “Western world”, for the purposes of this study will include Europe, The United Kingdom, and The United States. Decline in addition to social chaos also includes economic impasse (deadlock), caused by absence of significant economic growth for years; obsolete equipment and technologies; indebtedness of the countries of the West; inflation; negative population growth; frequent change of goals and priorities, and others. The “Decline” brings to the fore in the public life of the Western world aggressive and non-dialogical representatives of various social groups who do not possess any of the traditional values and culture of Western society, nor the obligatory high level of fundamental education, nor the professional abilities to distinguish the important from the unimportant. In addition to not representing the majority of society and thus continuing to create disunity, Western leaders and leadership teams do not set long-term goals in economy or for the society, limited by the mandate of governance in the Western democracies. Science and education of the society are not developed in parallel with economic specialization in specifically prioritized industries. Status quo does not allow solving the accumulated problems in society, much less ensuring socio-economic development.
The article presents the particularities of informal education as a subject of the new Pedagogy of Informal Education, created by the author in 2020 as a new self-contained branch of pedagogy. The principles and functions of informal education are presented; types of informal education; the characteristics of adults as subjects of informal education; the particularities of individual informal education. Fourteen terms have been identified that form the terminological environment of informal education.
Social activism is a way of acting whose aim is to bring about specific changes. The movement is increasingly popular among children, who have a growing understanding of largescale phenomena and are increasingly aware of their agency. The aim of this article is to conduct an overview of the phenomenon of children’s social activism and to analyse the activities undertaken by children activists in an educational-literary interdisciplinary project carried out by early school-age children. The project addresses the topic of literary education and implements new initiatives to increase reading and ecological knowledge.
The article is devoted to the linguistic and cultural image of the heroine of Justyna Bednarek’s novel entitled Babcocha. The story’s heroine was compared to the stereotype of a witch, which was recreated from children’s conceptualizations (of children in younger schoolage). The comparison of the two images indicates a significant modification of the image created by Justyna Bednarek and these aspects of the protagonist and the world represented, which may encourage the child to read the text.
In a pandemic, the child-parent relationship is facing new challenges. Social isolation affects people differently, but a sustainable internal psychological resource allows the individual to get out of the critical period with as little damage as possible. Healthy emotionality is a basic prerequisite for the formation and development of emotional intelligence. The identification of the emotion, the control over the impulse and its expression in a socially acceptable way by the parent - all this is inextricably linked with the process of upbringing in the family and marks the nature of the relationship between parents and children. The study focuses on the study of the emotional style of the modern parent in the context of his interaction with the children in the family. The emotional style questionnaire used by a team from the University of Wisconsin-Madison was used. The survey was conducted among parents of children and students from 3 to 18 years. Conclusions were made regarding the specifics of the emotional style of the parents in the context of the established state of emergency and in connection with pedagogical activities aimed at creating conditions for increasing the emotional intelligence of the respondents with the support of the school.
A model for communication in information technology classes and the technology for its creation is presented. The applications of the model when using a webinar in class, as well as using a real contests and competitions to present a created product are shown.
The article examines the main problems accompanying unaccompanied migrant children on the way to their social inclusion in the Bulgarian and, respectively, in the European society. Taking into account the achievements of the Bulgarian governmental and non-governmental organizations in the care and protection of this numerous group of children, the author also presents some unresolved problems concerning the reception and integration of unaccompanied minor migrants in Bulgaria and offers his vision for alternative ways to solve them.
The aim of the study is to provide directors of educational institutions, experts from regional education departments, as well as specialists in municipalities with an accessible model for researching families with varying degrees of vulnerability with a view to more effective organization and management of learning and participation. of children and students from these families. Identifying and getting acquainted with the specific features of the living environment of communities and especially the most at-risk families between them, allows each teacher to change themselves and the educational environment to make it more inclusive and meet the individual needs of every child. The model allows every pedagogical specialist who finds himself in such a cultural and educational environment to organize and purposefully subordinate his activity to get to know the specifics of life of his graduates and put his work on a scientific basis. The research can be reproduced with each formed problem community in urban or rural environment.
The article aims to examine the role of textbooks on history and civilizations for the 9th grade in the acquisition of knowledge about modern economic life, the assimilation of economic ideas and concepts that form the economic literacy of students. The textbooks are examined, analyzed and compared with regard to the above purpose. The article draws attention to those of them that present ideas, policies and personalities in the field of economics that had a strong impact in the 20th century. The textbooks present the good examples that contribute to the orientation of the students in the complex economic life of Modernity. The economic knowledge of young people is an important part of their civic culture, which will ensure their successful inclusion in the economic and social life of Bulgarian society.