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Communication generally allows: interaction between two individuals; exchange of information; sharing ideas; expressing needs. This involves at least the participation of a transmitter and a receiver. It could be the process of encoding, transmitting, receiving and decoding "signals" regarding the exchange of information and ideas between participants. To communicate, we use more than words: in our interactions with others, our body has its own language. Our gestures and eye contact are ways of communication, visual messages that influence the messages we deliver verbally. Managers who effectively manage the negative emotions at work are attentive to the messages they communicate verbally and non-verbally, as well as to their way of doing this. Communicationis essential in people's lives, because in this way individuals can understand, interact, create relationships, develop themselves, their lives get more beautiful and harmonious shades. The main elements in communication are speech and spoken language, with which we can send messages. If the language in which the communication takes place is known to all participants, then it will be conducted in good conditions, without the risk of proper non-acceptance of the message.
Critical thinking is essential in making a sound judgment and addressing concerns in real life. The importance of this seemingly small sphere hinges on its philosophical aspects and ability to blend one's common sense with reason, intellectual empathy, perseverance, and knowledge. From this perspective, my paper demonstrates how critical thinking can be practically used to solve society's issues. It articulates the best way of changing people's perception of this broad discipline. By examining relevant articles, specifically, The Bell by Iris Murdoch, I demonstrate how society can gain a precise sense of reality. Also, I delve on how people can solve their problems without assumptions and clouded misgivings. Fictitious characters are vastly used to illustrate how critical thinkers can design appropriate solutions to overcome society's competitive scenarios through situational analysis and evaluation of the environment. I review Murdoch's symbolism to explain the benefits of using critical thinking in any contemporary society. The article constructs a practical narrative that moral vision is equally or, arguably, more important in any problem-solving or decision-making process. Further, it focuses on the necessary critical thinking steps that can ensure independent thinking without emotional distractions. The steps are essential in guaranteeing that communities make the single best solution to each of their problems. The study relies on the connection between philosophy and fiction to create valid arguments and explore how society can embrace courage, intellectualism, and unbiased judgment to solve most, if not all, of its inherent problems.
Among EU Member States, Romania has one of the highest rates of early leavers from education. Meanwhile, adult training is quite low compared to the European average. These factors affect young people's ability to integrate both social and labour market. In our paper, we analyze the participation of Romanian female population in the educational process. For this purpose we use descriptive statistics to highlight the evolution of the participation in education of the female population, the gap that exists between men and women in terms of early school leave, tertiary studies fulfilled and adult learning.
The evaluation of the efficiency of entrepreneurship education must be in the attention of those responsible at national level, in order to provide the necessary framework for the development of entrepreneurial skills considered one of the key competencies needed in the future. The aim of this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education programs from the perspective of students and graduates, who participated in entrepreneurship programs conducted in Romania, through the survey method. The results of the study show that there is a poor perception of the development of entrepreneurial behaviour through entrepreneurship education courses. On the other hand, the knowledge acquired in these courses is considered useful for managing a future business. The immediate results of participating in entrepreneurship education programs recognized by the participants are the accumulation of theoretical knowledge and obtaining a certificate of entrepreneurial skills. The increase of the involvement in the entrepreneurial education programs is seen by the respondents that it could be achieved by inviting some local entrepreneurs to present step by step their developed business.
Academic textbook presenting topics from the field of molecular biology. The author discusses fundamental concepts and processes from genetics, such as siRNA, genomic imprinting, structures of DNA, RNA, RNA as catalyst, etc. She presents the key methods and techniques of molecular biology. The textbook includes a description of human genetic diseases, which are caused by dysfunctions of particular processes taking place in the cells. The text is illustrated with numerous photographs, diagrams and figures.
This volume is a collective work dedicated to the memory of Virgil Madgearu (1887-1940) a preeminent professor of the Academy of Higher Commercial and Industrial Studies, the innitial name of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. Each chapter of the book reveals defining elements of Madgearu’s life and work, his beliefs, viewpoints and active involvement in the academic and institutional development of the university (1917-1940), in the interdisciplinary research of the economy and society, in shaping the Romanian peasant doctrine and promoting Europe wide the interests of agrarian countries, in assuming political responsibilities as parlamentarian or as member of various interwar governments. As a respected professor and a leading politician he vigorously rejected the presence and influence of extreme right movements in the society and that valiant attitude was at the origin of his assassination in November 1940.
This study explores the dynamics of curriculum design for the higher education and training of trade professionals over one hundred years within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. In the centennial existence of this specialisation, three analytical periods have been identified: (1913-1946) were years of acknowledgement and consolidation of the trade specialization in the newly established university; (1947-1989) were marked by politization of the curriculum and adjustment of the educational contents to the commendments of the ruling communist party; (1990-2018) were dedicated to the recovery of traditions in the Romanian higher education and to alignement to the experience and best practices of business schools in the Euro-Atlantic area. For each period, the paper investigates the educational contents of the curriculum in its historical evolution, as well as the improvements and the inevitable losses occured while changing the design. These developments have been analysed from the viewpoint of learning objectives and learning outcomes. The final part brings arguments in favor of further steps in renewing the curriculum.
The core of Ryszard Gabryś. Choral Pieces is a selection of twelve music scores, including the thirteenth one – a musical "Motto". The author is Ryszard Gabryś – a composer, music theorist, educator, cultural activist. Never before published compositions, prepared on the basis of the artist's manuscripts, were created in the period from 1969 to 2020. The innovative element of the publication is information from the artist on the characteristics of the works and interpretative tips for the performers.
Nowadays, the development of adult education as an important lifelong learning component is conditioned not only by the dynamics of social, scientific and technological progress, changes in the scope and nature of work, increasing leisure time, and opportunities for its rational use but also by the social role of both society and personality.Non-formal youth and adult education is becoming important in the context of ensuring the sustainable and balanced development of society. For the past two decades, adult education as a component of lifelong learning has been a defining goal of education policy in developed countries at the national and international levels. Adult education is considered a social indicator of the state policy human dimension, one of the ways to achieve socio-economic well-being, and a tool for promoting the ideas of the information and knowledge society.The problem of ensuring access to lifelong learning is becoming a priority, and its solution is possible only taking into account the achievements of foreign countries, including European ones, which are reviewed in the article (Austria, Poland, Liechtenstein, France, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Ukraine). The article outlines the European countries` experience in the field of adult education and describes a network of lifelong learning institutions; it is identified strategic directions for the development of continuing education.
Science and technology education: Developing a global perspective. Proceedings of the 4th International Baltic Symposium on Science and Technology Education (BalticSTE2021). Scientia Socialis Press. ISBN 978-609-95513-7-1 /Print/, ISBN 978-609-95513-8-8 /Online/
The presented book deals with the issue of language fossilization in the advanced users of Polish as a foreign language. In particular, the author examines language difficulties (fossilization symptoms) the foreigners experience while speaking and writing in Polish, accounts for reasons for the status quo, and finally, puts forward some suggestions concerning changes and forms of work on the Polish language proficiency.
The book shows the needs and opportunities of presenting culture and art in the upbringing and educational system, which may contribute both to acquiring knowledge in this area, as well as shaping the expected attitudes, behaviors and constructing the desired social relations in an increasingly diversified multicultural space which is marked by negative phenomena. The art in this book is presented both as a peculiar beauty of individual works of art, but also as good, value and multiple educational and social functions revealing educational and practical solutions in a classroom and post-school environment.
This book intends to shed some light on the problem of second language communication from both cross-cultural and cross-generational angles and to diagnose communication patterns, opinions, and beliefs on the nature of L2 learning visible among the Generation Z group. Particular emphasis is placed on the development of pragmatic competence (pragmatic production and pragmatic comprehension). In order to assess the ILP development, it has been decided not only to evaluate the respondents’ language level but also their problems in communication. Diagnosing sociopragmatic competence as well as pragmalinguistic strategies implemented while performing three speech acts, that is, requesting, reacting to a compliment, and apologizing, allows one to indicate problematic areas and suggest some teaching implications, that in turn, will enable to introduce necessary changes and forms of work on the further development of English.
Kada je ovaj Obrazovni priručnik napravljen još 1994. – 1995.g , pristup internetu bio je praktično ograničen na akademsku populaciju, veliki biznis i vlade – niko od nas nije imao e-mail, a kontaktirali smo jedni druge koristeći poštu, faks i telefon. Danas, pristup internetu još nije omogućen svima i moramo da činimo više da se borimo protiv ove nove vrste isključivanja. Ipak, stvari se popravljaju i mogućnosti da se internet koristi za razmjenu ideja i omogućavanje veće dostupnosti publikacija – u poređenju sa 1995. g. – su nevjerovatne. Doprinoseći narastajućoj zajednici prakse obrazovanja u oblasti ljudskih prava širom svijeta, svakako će pomoći u stvaranju veza i solidarnosti. Ubrzo nakon objavljivanja 1995.g., Obrazovni priručnik „svi različiti – svi jednaki” postao je referenca za one koji se bave interkulturalnim obrazovanjem i obukom u Evropi i šire. Prevedena na mnoge jezike, ona ostaje jedna od najuspješnijih i najviše korišćenih publikacija Savjeta Evrope. Sa uspješnim pokretanjem elektronske verzije Kompasa - priručnika za obrazovanje mladih u oblasti ljudskih prava, čini se razumljivim da se osavremeni publikacija koja sačinjava osnovu obrazovnih napora u kampanji “svi različiti - svi jednaki“ i da se oni učine šire dostupnim u kontekstu Obrazovnog programa u oblasti ljudskih prava za mlade. Deseta godišnjica kampanje “svi različiti - svi jednaki“ je takođe dobra prilika da se ovim materijalima udahne novi život.
This study aimed to investigate the progress of women's empowerment through employment opportunities in Nairobi and Kakamega Counties in Kenya between 2013 and 2017. Despite the increasing policies that aim to mainstream social equity and equality, there is still a significant gap between policy commitments and practices. The study evaluated whether the implementation of devolved governance in the two counties has improved women's empowerment. The study's framework included an in-depth review of policy documents, official records, and reports from official websites to understand women's economic empowerment status in Nairobi and Kakamega. The study analyzed qualitative and quantitative data from County Integrated Development Plans and other secondary sources. Specifically, it examined compliance with the 30% gender rule, requiring women to hold at least 30% of all elective and appointive positions. The study found that Nairobi commands the largest share of formal sector wage employment in Kenya, and women's access to employment opportunities remains slightly lower than men in both counties. Despite implementing the 30% gender rule, the study revealed the need for more comprehensive policies that promote gender equality and women's economic empowerment in both Nairobi and Kakamega.
Is it possible to modify or adjust the existing environment, so it is subjectively assessed as safe for people with specific needs? What are the attributes of a safe environment from the point of view of selected students, parents of children with special needs, professionals working with clients with specific needs, or clients with specific needs themselves? Is it possible to find an opportunity for special educational intervention on safety? This publication tries to answer these and many other questions.
This volume includes a selection of the papers presented at the International Conference "Education in the Perspective of Values", the XVth edition, held at the Moldova State University, Republic of Moldova, in Chişinău, on September 29 th - October 1 st, 2023.
This article examines the process of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage as a factor for sustainable development. It traces and highlights the synergies between intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development. At the same time the author explores the interconnections between the different domains of intangible cultural heritage and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, through the normative documents of the leading international organisations in the field.
As UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage turns twenty, the article focuses on its primary aim of safeguarding people’s living cultural traditions, practices, and expressions at the local level. Safeguarding measures are promoted throughout the Convention and related texts, but it is arguably the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices through which actual approaches are presented as being put to the test. The article uses the Register as a launchpad for examining community-based approaches to safeguarding ICH, and distilling “good” considerations for building ethical and equitable collaborations – from the first steps of initiatives to over the long term.