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The aim of this study was to examine the predictive contribution of the dimensions of the Five-factor personality model to the organizational citizenship behaviour of employees, and to test the moderator role of the national culture in relations between the dimensions of personality and organizational citizenship behaviour using the framework of the national cultures of the Republic of Srpska and Austria. The Big Five Inventory and the Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Questionnaire were applied on the sample consisting of 651 employees, of whom 332 were from the Republic of Srpska and 319 from Austria. Results of the hierarchical regression analyses indicated significant positive effects of pleasure, conscientiousness, and openness to the organizational citizenship behaviour of employees, whereby conscientiousness made the highest individual contribution to the organizational citizenship behaviour. The obtained results also showed that the national culture represented an important moderator between conscientiousness and organizational citizenship behaviour, and it proved that the positive effect of conscientiousness on organizational citizenship behaviour was stronger in the employees from Austria than in the employees from the Republic of Srpska. Finally, the obtained results show that the national culture has also an important direct effect on the organizational citizenship behaviour of employees, and that the employees from the Republic of Srpska are more prone to the organizational citizenship behaviour than the employees from Austria. The results have significant practical implications for the selection procedures in order to improve the organizational citizenship behaviour.
During the first years of a child’s life, he/she establishes different socioemotional relationships that shape his/her psycho-social development. In addition to acceptance by members of the family, the socialization of the child specially implies the relationships and acceptance by the peers. Socially competent children use different stimuli from the environment, as well as their personal skills and interests, to participate in the community which they belong to. A child’s development and learning are significantly hampered if the incentives for interaction are absent or hindered for quite a long time by inappropriate behaviour of the child and / or the peer rejection. With the intention to act preventively, there has been created a research in five preparatory preschool institutions in Vojvodina. The aim of the research was the correlation between children’s social competence (N = 120) and their acceptance among peers, and their tendency to antisocial behaviour. Findings from scaling and sociometry show that preschoolers mutually significantly differ in acceptance, social and anti-social behaviour, where a significant positive correlation has been found between social competence and a number of years spent in the institution, while girls are rated as more competent and more accepted. During the first years of a child’s life, he/she establishes different socioemotional relationships that shape his/her psycho-social development. In addition to acceptance by members of the family, the socialization of the child specially implies the relationships and acceptance by the peers. Socially competent children use different stimuli from the environment, as well as their personal skills and interests, to participate in the community which they belong to. A child’s development and learning are significantly hampered if the incentives for interaction are absent or hindered for quite a long time by inappropriate behaviour of the child and / or the peer rejection. With the intention to act preventively, there has been created a research in five preparatory preschool institutions in Vojvodina. The aim of the research was the correlation between children’s social competence (N = 120) and their acceptance among peers, and their tendency to antisocial behaviour. Findings from scaling and sociometry show that preschoolers mutually significantly differ in acceptance, social and anti-social behaviour, where a significant positive correlation has been found between social competence and a number of years spent in the institution, while girls are rated as more competent and more accepted.
Artykuł stanowi omówienie uwarunkowań procesu podejmowania decyzji przestępczych, motywowanych świadomymi pobudkami. Szczególna uwaga skierowana została na uwzględnienie samego procesu dokonywania kalkulacji zysków i strat przez przestępcę oraz postrzegania przez niego ryzyka aresztowania. Tekst podejmuje również problematykę pedagogiki resocjalizacyjnej w kontekście świadomych decyzji przestępczych.
Collective guilt is a relatively new concept studied in intergroup relations in social psychology. Collective guilt suggests a new way of studying positive intergroup relations; thus, investigation of the factors underlying collective guilt seems more essential. Starting from this point of view, the purpose of this study is to look at the antecedents of collective guilt by considering its historical development. Since collective guilt is an aversive emotion, people are prone to reject it. That is why it is a rare emotion. Therefore, another concern of this study is to use terror management theory in order to provide reasons for why this emotion can be rare.
Few laboratory experiments have been conducted in loneliness research in the past. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to review, partially investigate and discuss loneliness induction procedures in order to facilitate future laboratory experiments in loneliness research (e.g. to examine the link between loneliness and social cognition). Previous studies have found both unconscious (i.e. professional hypnosis) and conscious (i.e. recalling and calling out lonely experiences) procedures to be successful in inducing loneliness. Another conscious procedure (i.e. recalling and writing down lonely experiences) that has been described in recent literature has not yet been examined. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine this procedure using a one-group before-after design. However, this procedure, in which the participants had to recall and write down two lonely situations, was not found to significantly induce loneliness. Of 16 participants, only three reported at least some higher feelings of loneliness following this procedure.
Ovaj rad istražuje jedan od pristupa kompleksnom pitanju određivanja odnosa između medija i društva u kojem deluju. Ovakav pristup blizak je novinarima (ili se pripisuje novinarstvu) po načinu na koji oni sami razmišljaju o svojoj ulozi u društvenim procesima. Problem je složen, jer je pomenuti odnos često osporavan, sa suprotstavljenim gledištima i argumentima o tome kakav zaista jeste i o tome kakav bi trebalo da bude. Ne postoji konačni odgovor na ova pitanja i, u svakom slučaju, ponuđeni odgovori će se razlikovati od jedne do druge zemlje, njenog medijskog sistema, kao i od različitog sklopa okolnosti.
Adolescence is a moratorium period modern society gives young people to prepare for the tasks of adulthood. Society, however, seems to be more and more impatient towards adolescents. During the last century, reference books and studies tended to depict young people as delinquent, selfish, abusive, irresponsible and deviant. My present study aims at deconstructing the “black legend” of adolescence, joining the efforts that try to elaborate the positive psychology of this age period. I rely on fiction written by adolescents. I point out that these stories reflect on adolescents’ identity crisis and serve as a tool for identity construction. The protagonists of these stories, depicted as Mary Sues, fulfill the function of identity projects. I conclude that adolescents are creative by nature, and speculate on mending the “dislocated world” while fighting on the “right side,” and visualize themselves as morally right and competent adults. All these characteristics have some very practical educational implications. Teachers should much more consciously exploit the creative power and speculative inclinations that adolescents possess. Teachers should also appreciate adolescents’ ambitions to live a meaningful life and help them find reasonable goals.
The paper fits into the trend in the research into the link between social value orientations and the perception of a facial emotional expression. The issues addressed in this paper relate to main topic area: the link between social value orientations and the assessment of the characteristics of another individual displaying various emotions on their face. An “omnibus” type representative survey was carried out according the experimental scheme, entirely via the Internet (N = 972). The following tools were used: for the measurement of social value orientations, a modified version of the Ring Measure of Social Values; for the experimental manipulation, photographs of facial expressions (happiness, anger, neutrality); a scale for the assessment of the perception of the individuals presented on the photographs. As expected, a link was demonstrated between the cooperative orientation and a high level of trust in, and positive assessments of a person displaying a facial expression of happiness. What was also revealed was the diversity of the perception of a person displaying various facial expressions (especially neutrality and happiness) depending on the type of (general and specific) indicators of social value orientations. In general, a person with a smiling and neutral facial expression was assessed significantly more positively (and more trust was put in that person) by prosocials (those with a high degree of the orientation on the others; cooperators and altruists) than by those oriented proself (those with a high degree of the orientation on oneself; competitors and individualists).
The article indicates what role played by social competence, physical attractiveness and social capital in entrepreneurs’ success. The results of many study indicate that several social skills (social perception, expressiveness, social adaptability) are significantly related to measures of new venture performance. Both entrepreneurs and their ideas for new products were rated more favorably when entrepreneurs were attractive than unattractive. The social capital is also beneficial to entrepreneurs. A high level of social capital, built on a favorable reputation, direct personal contact, oft en helps entrepreneurs to gain access to venture capitalists, potential customers, and others.
In the present article there has been described a connection between three dimensional model of empathy and attachment styles in close relationships of young adults. The study was conducted in a group of 120 people (60 women, 60 men; 38 cohabitant pairs, 22 marriages). The participants filled in the following questionnaires: The Scale of Empathic Sensitiveness, which measures empathic concern, personal distress and perspective taking, and The Questionnaire of Attachment Styles, which measures the following styles: the secure style, the anxious-ambivalent style and the avoidant style. The results indicate that there exists a connection between empathy and attachment styles. The secure style correlates positively with perspective taking, the anxious-ambivalent style correlates positively with empathic concern and personal distress, the avoidant style correlates positively with personal distress and negatively with perspective taking. The study revealed that women achieved higher scores on empathic concern and personal distress than men did, but no sex differences in manifested attachment styles were observed. Moreover, the type of relationship (marriage vs. cohabitation) differentiated scores on the anxious-ambivalent style and personal distress dimension, where cohabitants scored higher.
Talas viđanja aviona jednokrilaca među stanovnicima britanske Južnoafričke Unije tokom 1914. godine proučava se kao slučaj masovne histerije. Ova pojava iskorišćena je za evaluaciju korisnosti Smelserove kategorije negativnih ili neprijateljskih manifestacija histeričnih uverenja unutar Smelserove teorije dodate vrednosti kolektivnog ponašanja, naime: strukturalne pogodnosti, strukturalne napetosti, rasta i širenja generalizovanih uverenja, mobilisanja učesnika na akciju i neadekvatne mere službi društvene kontrole. Utvrđeno je da je svaka od ovih kategorija prisutna neposredno pre ove kolektivne epizode i tokom njenog trajanja, što je u skladu sa Smelserovim objaš- njenjem. Međutim, Smelserov objektivistički pristup označava kolektivno ponašanje kao iracionalno i osim toga što daje generalni poredak stanja, uključenih u konkretnu kolektivnu akciju, ne pruža ništa više.
Starting from the main hypothesis of the Circumplex Model that the balanced levels of cohesion and flexibility are the most appropriate for family functioning, and that unbalanced levels of cohesion and flexibility are related to problematic family functioning, in this paper we wanted to investigate in what way these dimensions of family functioning are related to self-silencing. In this model, cohesion is defined as an emotional relationship between family members, and flexibility is defined as a quality and expression of leadership and organization. Self-silencing is related to the cognitive schema of creating and maintaining intimate relations in a way that a person is passive, that he/she suppresses his/her feelings, opinion and actions in order to satisfy the needs of people close to them. The research was conducted on a sample of 250 Serbian and Macedonian students. The following instruments were used in this research: Silencing the Self Scale and FACES IV, which consists of three scales that measure Cohesion (Disengaged, Balanced Cohesion and Enmeshed), three scales that measure Flexibility (Rigid, Balanced Flexibility and Chaotic), Scale for the Assessment of Family Communication, which is defined as the skill of positive communication and it is considered to be a mitigating dimension and it helps families change their levels of cohesion and flexibility, and the Scale for the Assessment of Family Satisfaction. Self-silencing is in a positive correlation with unbalanced levels of cohesion, with disengaged family relations (r=.195, p=.002) and with enmeshed (entangled) family relations (r=.332, p=.000). Self-silencing is in a positive correlation with Unbalanced levels of flexibility, with rigid (r=.243, p=.000) and chaotic family relations (r=.217, p=.001). Balanced Cohesion, as the indicator of healthy family functioning, is related to a lower level of self-silencing of family members, that is, in such families the members can openly speak about their needs, feelings and opinions without fear that it would jeopardize the needs of other family members. The members of families with a very low or very high cohesion and flexibility conceal their needs and desires in order to satisfy the needs of other members.
Unemployment represents one of the possible significant losses which is a problem concerning many surveys with biological, psychological, social, and cultural approaches. Many psychological surveys, especially labour psychology ones, focus on the anxiety, stress, and depression experienced by the unemployed people. A significant role in the presence and the intensity of these emotional disorders is played by the resources and the strategies of individual and situational coping. The objective of our paper is to tackle these issues using hte data from our own survey. Our survey was created to evaluate the connection between the type of coping and the levels of stress, anxiety and depression for the unemployed people. The group that participated in the survey consisted in 208 persons (102 men and 106 women), aged between 20 and 65 years, from the urban area, being unemployed, selected using the method of simple random sampling. A cross-sectional survey was performed, using the following research instruments: a psychiatric interview in order to notice whether there are important mental disorders that require a special attention, DASS-21R Scale, in order to evaluate level of stress, anxiety and depression and brief COPE Scale. Our resuls show that the levels of stress, anxiety and depression for the unemployed people are influenced by the type of coping. Moreover, we found that persons with coping focused on issue have the least levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.
The youth period, expressed as the process of transition from childhood to adulthood, is a process that has its own unique lifestyle, values, social life expectancy, views and problems, as well as physical and mental change. The old age process, which is the last phase of life, similarly has its own characteristics. In addition to contributing to the socialization of the new generations by conveying their experiences and knowledge they have gained over the years, the elderly, who have a reputation in the society, can cope with many problems in the aging process with their physical and mental changes. Therefore, the expectations, value judgments and views of the elderly and young , which are in different age groups, can be different from each other. This study is based on interviews with a total of 15 young and 15 elderly individuals residing in Burdur Center to evaluate and compare the situation of young people who are considered to be at the beginning of life and the elderly in the last stage of life. The obtained data were evaluated by categorical content analysis method and tried to be analyzed by comparing the opinions of young and the elderly living in Burdur about the old age process.
The aim of this paper is to examine contemporary marital behavior of the population in Serbia older than 65 years. Models of marital behavior are a reflection of culture, tradition, local customs, economic status, cultural and historical heritage, and as such are subject to change. Extending the life expectancy of the population, and the change of socio-economic and cultural circumstances, had led to changing in marital behavior and marital structure of the old population. To track these changes and comprehend the current situation, we analyzed indicators such as the marriage and divorce rates for this age group, as well as current marital structure, comparing them with previous values. It is particularly noteworthy that for the first time (based on data from the 2011 census), we can analyze the frequency and characteristics of informal marriage unions (cohabitation), which provides important insights into the marital life of the elderly.
The Groupthink Phenomenon refers to the tendency of the members of a group to reach solidarity and cohesion, the trend that makes to bypass any questions which would lead to disputes. In such cases, if the members expect counter-arguments regarding a certain issue, they avoid to raise the matter. If it is believed that a question cannot be answered – it isn’t asked. Originally, Janis the author of the term, explains this process through the environment that has been established within groups that are in the leading position, but later, puts a strong emphasis towards the tendency to maintain the unanimity of the decision of the group. As preceding conditions of this decision-making process are listed the following: the high cohesion of the group, its isolation from other external sources of information, the lack of an impartial leadership, lack of appropriate legal framework and procedures in the decision - making process, and also “homogeneity of members, background and their ideology”. The Groupthink is manifested by: Illusion of Invulnerability, Collective Rationalization, Illusion of morality, Out – Group Stereotypes, Strong pressures towards conformism, Self – Censorship, Illusions of unanimity, and the presence of “Mind Guards”. In order to understand the decisions of a group, it is important that some analysis of Groupthink to be done, because in this way, can be controlled or eliminated the communicational distortion that occurs at a time among members forming these groups.
In this work relations between quality of friendship and attachment styles among adolescents were investigated. The question of the differences, among individuals of different styles of attachment in the quality of their friendly relations, both at the individual and at the dyadic level were investigated. Also, the predictive significance of attachment when it comes to the quality of friendship, were discussed.The study included 425 subjects of both genders, first grade secondary school students, aged 14 to 17 years. Following instruments were used: Friendship Quality Questionnaire, which was created for the purposes of this study, and assesses dimensions of affection, intimacy, interaction and conflicts in friendship, and a questionnaire for assessing styles of attachment UPIPAV (Nataša Hanak).Results indicate that participants of secure and insecure attachment styles differ significantly in all dimensions of quality of friendships. Secure participants have a higher level of affection, companionship, intimacy and conflict in relation to insecure subjects. Exceptions are subjects of fearful styles of attachment who have a similar level of affection in friendship to those of secure ones. When the above differences are observed at the dyadic level, the situation is as follows: couples of friends with secure styles of attachment at all dimensions of friendship have higher scores compared to couples with insecure styles.Regression analysis showed that attachment significantly contributes to the explanation of all the dimensions of friendship. The strongest individual contribution to the explanation of all dimensions of quality friendships have secure style of attachment. The results are discussed within the attachment theory perspective.
The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of playing video games among Serbian adolescents, the video game violence and the quality of parental control. We wanted to relate the frequency of playing, the video game violence, the bullying behaviour in schools, and GPA. The study involved boys and girls (N = 578) from four age groups (12, 14, 16, 18 years). Research results have shown that most participants play video games (75.1%). There are significantly more boys than girls among them, as well as more older than younger participants. Parental control is weak; a very small percentage of the sample (4.4%) reported that their parents had forbidden them to play a game because of its content. The parents mostly never check which games their children play (50.2 %), and the majority (40.6 %) do not even talk with the children about the games they play. GPA is negatively correlated with the frequency of playing (r = –0.228, p<.01) and the frequency remains a significant predictor of GPA even when controlling for age and gender. Those who play more violent games display more bullying behaviour (r=0.403, p<.01) This effect remains significant even when controlling for gender, age, the amount of TV violence and frequency of watching TV. The amount of violence in video games as a predictor has a unique contribution to the explanation of individual differences in bullying; the factor has a small but significant contribution to the explanation of this form of aggressive behaviour.
Facebook is currently the most popular social network site in the world. Having accounts on Facebook has become obvious for a lot of people, especially for teenagers. However, contrary to this trend a part of the society, including youngsters, decide not to use Facebook. Is this a sign of maturity or maladjustment? The purpose of this paper is to provide an answer to the question about the maturity of those teenagers who do not have an active account on Facebook.