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The formative role of reading is obvious in today's society marked by unrest of all kinds. Reading can and must become a moral support in the turbulent times we live in. All generations can find in reading a continuous life partner, a necessary and surprising way out of the daily labyrinth. From a formative point of view, reading literary texts develops thinking, imagination and the ability to communicate, offering themes and topics for discussion and debate, so encouraging the act of reading must become an imperative of contemporaneity.
Like it or not, cultural awareness across nations is becoming a must for all, individuals, managers and employees alike. Understanding cultural differences between countries and organizations seem to become a very difficult process with many concepts that are increasingly relevant today. There are good frameworks and models for national and organization culture by Meyer, Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner, Edgar Schein, Denison, Hofstede and others. Anyone today, could try to understand cultural differences even if you do not ever move to another country. More than military, political or economic power, culture has had the greatest impact on the world. The globalization of culture, allows people to communicate more with each other and learn to see and understand other cultures and behaviors. Migration plays an important role in spreading the phenomenon. Although migration, a growing phenomenon, has as a possible effect the loss of cultural identity for newcomers, globalization can also allow the convergence of cultures, not just divergence. Convergence is most easily achieved through art, film, sports and even work in multicultural environments. The integration of the cultures of the countries of the world into the world system leads to the development of modern means of transport, infrastructures, economic and social relations. Culture touches almost every aspect of human life on earth. Cultural implications are critical for succeeding in an international context. Lack of intercultural sensitivity can offend, alienate, and perturb people from different countries. It has a negative effect on any activity. Understanding cultural differences and intercultural communication allows individuals to adapt their skill set to meet the intercultural collaboration needs that global businesses value. Understanding cultural differences teaches us to know when to listen, when to ask for help, and when to speak. Better understanding other cultures improve our ability to communicate with others in many ways that lead to positive outcomes. Research on cross-cultural communication often focuses on understanding how individual differences influence our ability to communicate with others. Since most individuals grow up within a single culture having to interact with others from a different culture or background represent a challenge. We invite you to this
The article interprets the problem of the relationship between psychological defense mechanisms and coping strategies (coping behavior) in adolescents, which are considered the most important forms of adaptation for individuals in stressful situations. Psychological protection is an unconscious psychic mechanism, meant to minimize a person's negative experiences, to regulate their behavior, to increase their adaptability, and to balance the psychic. The practical study proved the relationship between psychological defense mechanisms and coping strategies used by adolescents in difficult situations: constructive psychological defense mechanisms led to the choice of constructive coping strategies and vice versa, destructive defense mechanisms determined destructive coping strategies.
In the present study we aim to present the results obtained by using the method of objective appreciation, proposed by the Romanian psychologist Gheorghe Zapan (1957) in researching bullying behaviors in a class of students. The method proved to be a tool able to identify both aggressor (harassing) and victim students, producing results comparable to those obtained by the APRI BT questionnaire, developed by Australian researcher H. Parada (2000) and adapted to the Romanian school population by Cluj researchers. In the second part of the study we verified the method of objective assessment through the classic personality tests: EPQ and self-esteem scale (Rosenberg).
Article presents the results of an experimental research of volition, perseverance in preadolescents, and the interrelation between volition / perseverance and personality traits. As results we established that preadolescents with high level of volition are characterized by courtesy, conscientiousness and emotional stability. The preadolescent with high scores for perseverance besides conscientiousness and emotional stability presents autonomy.
A teacher-psychologist in an educational institution performs a variety of functions: education, prevention, counseling and correctional and developmental work. However, sometimes in the process of work, specialists are faced with prejudice from both colleagues and pupils (schoolchildren or students).
The article presents the main results of the experimental study on relationship between the components of psychological well-being and types of lifestyle of the modern high school students. It also contains a description of the relationship between prosperious and patological types of lifestyle with the level of manifestation of components of psychological well-being.
This article comprises the aspects of developing creativity in pupils at all the stages of their education, during all the classes. The stimulation of creativity should have a special place in the instructive-educational process and take into account the factors that stimulate or inhibit it. This is the only way we will be able to help developing the complex characteristics of the personality, thinking, memory, intelligence, motivation and will – general human traits of the qualities of cognitive, affective, volitional and attitudinal processes.
The lack of free time, the large number of tasks, the busy regime often lead to a personal imbalance of social workers, which results in their professional burning. Known as the burnout phenomenon, burnout has a negative impact on the mental state, relationships with family, colleagues, and the quality of work. This article reflects one of the biggest problems facing social workers today, namely overwork at work and in their free time. The research of professional burning among social workers highlights the reasons and consequences of this phenomenon, which will help reduce its impact on well-being, quality of work, organizational climate.
Article indicates the elements of the development of the human personality and what is the significance of the visual arts in shaping personality, as a tool and method of interaction in the development of an integrated personality and learning visual artistic culture. Visual arts are treated here as a basic form of expression and the expression of individual psychological development, and thus one of the ways of knowing mental development. The issues are complemented by an analysis of selected cases where activity was used as a result of surgery to change attitudes, verification of self‑esteem, improve social relationships and the development of the capacity of perceiving reality, concentration, development of visual memory, imagination and creative thinking.
Označenie rituál patrí k výnimočne často zneužívaným slovám dodávajúc tak jeho objektu a subjektu magický význam. Jeho zneužiteľnosť však pochádza z jeho vlastností – stretáva sa s ním naozaj každý, jeho definícia je skutočne široká, pretože rozdiely medzi použitím v prenesenom a pôvodnom význame sa často zmazávajú. Slová Roberta Fulghuma popisujú zvyky (rituály), ktoré nám dávajú istotu a slobodu. No tak, ako v takmer každej oblasti, pokiaľ nám rituál prerastie cez hlavu, môže nám slobodu práve brať – cez úporné hľadanie istoty, ktorej nedostatok pochádza z hlbokých príčin, cez činnosti, ktoré nám môžu v konečnom dôsledku škodiť.
The aim of the study is to introduce the concept of foreign language communication anxiety and to outline studies dealing with this topic at the university level. The paper provides an overview based on data from sixteen studies that were included in the international databases Web of Science and Scopus in the range of the last nineteen years. Both quantitatively and qualitatively focused studies examine the concept of foreign language communication anxiety in relation to the personal characteristics of individuals and external variables, e.g. teacher’s personality or classroom dynamics.
Předškolní vzdělávání vždy nabízelo možnost vychovávat prostřednictvím tvorby a umění. Přínos výtvarné výchovy pro rozvoj dítěte vyzdvihovali mnozí pedagogičtí odborníci a teoretikové výtvarné výchovy. Význam výtvarné výchovy ve vzdělávání potvrzují četné publikace světově uznávaných odborníků, které poskytují i teoretická východiska pro výchovnou práci s dětmi předškolního věku. Také platný Rámcový vzdělávací program pro předškolní vzdělávání počítá s nabídkou výtvarných činností jako prostředkem realizace vzdělávacích záměrů definovaných vzdělávacími oblastmi.
In this chapter we will focus on students with identified needs and try to analyse the differences they may display when participating in inquiry-based mathematics education. Students in universities are diverse by their characteristics and it is difficult to comply with all their needs individually and on demand. Therefore, we will follow the social model of disability and its main idea emphasising the responsibility of educational institutions as the key factor in creating an inclusive learning environment (see Section 4.2). According to our own perspective as explained in Section 4.3 it is much easier to be prepared in advance to try to satisfy all the possible students' needs, preferences and requirements. In Section 4.6, we will introduce readers to the principles of Universal Design, a methodology to follow if one wants to create an inclusive learning environment that reaches the needs of as many learners as possible. However, it is necessary to know the specific needs of each student, and therefore the categorisation of the needs should rather help to and appropriate support, methods, forms and tools in the learning process" (Ceresnova, 2018, p. 16). Such typology of students with identified needs will be introduced in Section 4.4 and followed by a detailed study of students' differences when they undertake an inquiry within university mathematics courses (Section 4.5).
The paper deals with survival, fear and bullying behavior in school environment. Post reports on partial results of the research, which is part of an international project bullying at school as a process - social-cognitive analysis of class bullying. The sample consists of 302 students 6th grade of elementary school (145 boys and 157 girls). It refers to the relationship of perception of social support and survival fear of bullying. Social support was measured using The scale of child and adolescent social support (Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale-Revised; CASSS-R, Malecki et al., 2000), and for analyzing bullying behavior was used a shortened version of the questionnaire on bullying for primary school pupils ( Olweus, 2006) and adaptation in their peer nominations Guess Who (Guess who, Coie & Dodge, 1988). Research results suggest that teachers and classmates are important people who influence the survival rate fear of bullying.
Over the course of history, the decision-making process was at stake for many military commanders and their ability to act in critical situations. All historical events occurred as a result of powerful people making either a beneficial or detrimental decision. Therefore, the first part of the paper will be focused on the importance and the main elements of the decision-making process. Furthermore, the complexities of this process will be displayed along with the limitations that can influence the decision-maker. Also, the approach that a leader might choose affects the outcome of a specific situation. In the second part, attention will be directed at intuition as a favorable attribute for the leaders of the armed forces and how it can be taught in order to achieve the intuitive judgement necessary in the military. This paper’s goal is to analyze the effectiveness of using intuition in the military decision-making process rather than the rational evaluation that has been used and taught for years. Because military circumstances are so fluid these days, the decision-making process is hampered by a dangerous tempo of action, disordered intelligence, and agitated activity rather than a basic,easy-to-implement approach. In such situations, decision-making is rarely clear and objectively rational but rather intuitive.
The assurance of the future of the society, the development of children with energy are of great importance for the future of the children themselves and all of us. In this study, some concepts in the moral and personality development of the child were examined within the framework of the literature. The bond that the child establishes with his/her relatives, the individual's basic sense of trust and self-perception greatly affects the quality of any social relationship to be established with others. Many theorists state that personality encompasses almost everything related to the individual, including mental, emotional, social and physical. According to studies, temperament characteristics of both parents and children affect their relations with each other. Responsive and warm parents who accept their children's emotional reactions have children who can regulate their emotions. Children grow up with computer games, movies and advertisements and no longer interact face-to-face. This situation affects children negatively. Aggression that starts in childhood and adolescence and can cause greater discomfort in later ages if not taken care of; may be caused by genetic, environmental or social cultural factors. Values education aims to reveal the best aspects of the child, to ensure the development of her personality, to protect the individual and society from bad morals, to equip them with good morals and to ensure their continuity. Factors such as family, peers, technology, school and teachers have a great impact on the moral and personality development of the child in primary school.
The negative effects of the pandemic that shook the whole world are seen in working life as well as in every field. The changing working order of the employees, staying away from social life, and the chaos in working hours have increased the stress and burnout. In this context, we see these situations among the reasons for the concept of quite quitting, which we discussed in this study. Since there has not been much work on the concept of quite quitting, which has emerged with a new trend, limited studies are evaluated in this study, and the problems experienced by employees in business life are mentioned. The findings of the studies carried out prove this situation. In this study, which is tried to be explained conceptually, it is seen that the problems of individuals who experience the feeling of quite quitting are burnout, stress level, career barriers, wage problems, lack of value, etc.
Adolescence is a stage of development, in which important physical and mental changes occur, it is a very delicate transition phase, which marks the transition from childhood to adulthood and which brings with it a series of challenges, either for the adolescent or for those around. In the process of transformation from child to adult, the adolescent seeks a balance in the originality crisis he is going through. The family, with its own resources and uncertainties, is the privileged area of development and care of the adolescent, it is the safe base where the adolescent will return in times of need. The article proposes a presentation of adolescence with all the bio-psycho-social characteristics it entails, in order to facilitate communication and relationships with people in this stage of life.