Organizational innovation – significant factorial connections
Innovation provides for a certain organization the most important competitive advantages. Previous researches emphasized different influences and designed coherent organizational innovation factorial systems, suggesting particular relationships and models for different categories of innovations and organizations. An important issue of organizational innovation was, however, less considered and analyzed: it is the relation between different factors of organizational innovation and the performance of innovative activities, for which every organization spends important resources and puts into practice impressive strategies. Our study has as starting point a number of questions for which it intends to find answers or at least suggest possible solutions. The main question is: what elements (factors, variables, expenses and effects type) can be considered into the equation by a company in order to stimulate innovation and obtain a certain level of innovational performance? As an acceptable postulate for our approach, we considered that the innovational performance of an organization has to be associated with those novelties (products, services, activities, knowledge) recognized by the market, and which bring additional value to that organization, through commercialization. As immediate result, the study suggests a few logical relations between the construct of organizational innovation performance and the main influence factors. The study is mainly theoretical, with a deductive and ethical development, based on a thorough analysis of previous recent results in the field of organizational innovation.