Introduction: Sexual deviations (or paraphilias) are multidisciplinary issues. To help these people there participate a wide range of professionals from various professions. Among the most prominent sexologists, psychologists and social workers are included. When working with paraphilliants, social work plays an irreplaceable role. Core: Paraphilias are a qualitative deviation of the structure of sexual motivational system. A multidisciplinary team participates on help to paraphilicians. Their goal is to help the client understand their deviation and learn to live with this disorder. This approach therefore aims to help the client improve the quality of their life and to protect society from sexual delinquency committed by some paraphilic individuals. Treatment of paraphilia is carried out within psychiatric care, both in the form of outpatient and constitutional forms. Institutional care for these clients is usually ordered by the court and is carried out at sexological departments of psychiatric facilities. A social worker plays an important role in the provision of benefits, empowers the client, encourages client’s reflection before starting treatment and significantly contributes to the client's own re-socialization. Conclusion: Social work is a field supporting reflexion of the life of paraphilia clients and its indispensable role is to re-socialize sexually deviant clients back into society.