Author(s): Miroslav ČERNICKÝ,Jana Slobodníková,Katarína KAŠLÍKOVÁ,Patrícia SHTIN BAŇÁROVÁ / Language(s): English
Issue: 4/2018
Introduction: Increased O2 concentration in the body, together with higher pressure,
acts in a complex way, which in combination with higher pressure gives HBOT unique
therapeutic options. HBOT stimulates aerobic metabolism, i. the formation of ATP
molecules, reduces lactate production, eliminates local acidosis, allows for greater
diffusion of oxygen into the tissues, bactericidal effects on anaerobic bacteria, promotes angiogenesis, regenerates nerve cells, reduces edema, and many others. In some diseases, HBOT is the foundation of a life-saving treatment, many of which are an important addition to other treatment methods. HBOT, however, focuses particularly on cases where conventional therapies fail to treat some diseases. However, the curative effect is not immediate, but it does not begin to manifest in patients until after a while. The number of exposures ranges between 10-30 and the duration of one exposure is approximately 90 minutes. The effect of HBOT on the individual organism differs in general from many factors, including, the pressure used, the length of exposure and the health of the individual, but also the biological variability of the organism. Methods and material: The pilot study examines the relationship between restoration of the patient's functional functions after NCMP and rehabilitation treatment combined with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The set consisted of 1 patient after overcoming NCMP. The data and data needed to prepare a pilot study during the patient's therapy from 31.6.2017 to 5.8.2017 in the Physical Hospital Trenčín and HBO were provided by input and output kinesiological analysis and functional independent measure.