Author(s): Amoin Joséphine Ané-Kpahé / Language(s): French
Issue: 2/2023
With the first case of coronavirus discovered on March 11, 2020, Côte d'Ivoire is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic which shakes the entire world since December 2019. This health crisis had socioeconomic implications. It hit public health systems hard and led to a slowdown in the country's growth dynamics. Projections have been revised from 7.2% to 1.8% in 2020. Faced with this situation, the Ivorian government called on the contribution of local authorities and goodwill in this fight and also took measures to curb the transmission of COVID-19. For the implementation of these provisions, the municipalities adopted strategies while carrying out actions. So, what are these strategies? Thus, this work aims to analyze the means of management of the pandemic by the Ivorian communes and particularly the actions of the Yopougon town hall against COVID 19. What were the means and strategies to combat the coronavirus in this commune? The method used involved literature research and interviews. The results of our research reveal that to combat COVID-19, Yopougon Town Hall adopted the following strategies: making additional arrangements, meetings with association and community leaders, religious leaders, and youth leaders. In addition to this, there are awareness campaigns on barrier gestures through the municipal radio, the installation of posters, the distribution of wipes, hand washing devices, hydro-alcoholic gels, etc. The Municipal Council also encouraged populations to be vaccinated through meetings and concerts on the importance of vaccination against COVID-19. Elected officials also provided material support (food and non-food items) to vulnerable populations (senior citizens, women, disabled people and young people, etc.) affected by the consequences of COVID-19 (due to work stoppages, reduction of working hours). For the implementation of these different strategies to combat this pandemic, the town hall received financial and material supports from the government, international organizations, development partners and goodwill. The town hall was helped in this task by a dynamic team made up of councilors, municipal staff, health workers, Red Cross agents and volunteers.