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Większość badań statystycznych prowadzi się na próbach dobranych z populacji, ale ich wyniki uogólnia się na całą populację. Obliczenie prawdopodobieństwa popełnienia określonego błędu lub błędu o określonej wielkości przy takim uogólnieniu możliwe jest wtedy, gdy próba została dobrana w sposób losowy. Służy do tego rachunek prawdopodobieństwa, którego elementarne, niezbędne podstawy przypomniano tu i uzupełniono. Przedstawiono najczęściej stosowane przez socjologów metody wnioskowania statystycznego: metody estymacji parametrów statystycznych i weryfikacji hipotez statystycznych. Oprócz najprostszego sposobu losowania próby (dobór prosty losowy), wystarczającego dla wyjaśnienia podstawowych pojęć i metod wnioskowania, omówiono także inne schematy doboru próby, które umożliwiają wykorzystanie posiadanej wiedzy o populacji dla uzyskania dokładniejszych i bardziej wiarogodnych wyników bez zwiększania liczebności próby oraz ułatwiają realizację badań reprezentacyjnych.
Przedstawiana w drugim tomie analiza zależności statystycznych między dwiema lub większą liczbą zmiennych to najczęściej stosowany przez socjologów rodzaj analiz statystycznych. Główną przyczyną trudności pojawiających się podczas wyboru metody opisu i pomiaru siły zależności statystycznych jest nieznajomość teorii, a przede wszystkim błędne przekonanie, że istnieje tylko jeden typ zależności statystycznej, mierzonej na różne sposoby w odmiennych sytuacjach. W podręczniku zaprezentowano wiele typów zależności statystycznej: zależność stochastyczną, zależność korelacyjną, skorelowanie liniowe, korelację rangową itd. Podstawą ich wyróżnienia jest nie tylko rodzaj posiadanych danych, charakteryzowanych przez typ skal pomiarowych, lecz przede wszystkim sposób optymalnego opisu jednej zmiennej na podstawie informacji o drugiej zmiennej lub o większej ich liczbie. Dużo miejsca poświęcono klasycznym metodom wielozmiennowym: zależnościom warunkowym (w tym pozornym zależnościom i niezależnościom) i regresji wielokrotnej oraz związanym z nimi nowym problemom (zależności cząstkowej, addytywności i interakcji między zmiennymi). Tom ten kończy przegląd celów i metod wielowymiarowej analizy statystycznej.
Podręcznik przedstawia elementarne metody opisu i wnioskowania statystycznego i wyjaśnia ich podstawy teoretyczne. Jest pomocny w podejmowaniu świadomych decyzji badawczych i interpretowaniu wyników badań. Autorzy polecają go osobom zajmującym się socjologią, naukami politycznymi i pedagogiką – studentom, wykładowcom oraz praktykom; będzie on przydatny również dla psychologów i ekonomistów, a także dla wszystkich zainteresowanych teorią i praktyką stosowania metod statystycznych w naukach społecznych. Książka uwzględnia zagadnienia pomijane w standardowych podręcznikach, na przykład ujęcie opisu statystycznego jako problemu podejmowania decyzji. Wyraźnie rozdzielono w niej metody opisu i wnioskowania statystycznego, co ułatwia ich zrozumienie. Obecne wydanie składa się z trzech tomów: Opis statystyczny (t. 1), Zależności statystyczne (t. 2) i Wnioskowanie statystyczne (t. 3).Tom pierwszy obejmuje opis struktury badania statystycznego, sposoby prezentacji jego wyników w postaci rozkładów statystycznych, parametry różnych własności rozkładu zmiennej statystycznej: poziomu wartości, rozproszenia, asymetrii, koncentracji itp. Parametry statystyczne opisujące różne własności rozkładu są ze sobą powiązane za pomocą sposobu oceny błędu opisu.
During the development of the women’s movement and the institutionalization of women’s rights and gender equality, one very important aspect has been the recognition and growth of women’s leadership within institutions, social and family structures. Leadership of women can be even considered as one of the key issues for gender equality, since leadership and transformative communication process has great potential to reshape the structure of dominance. Examination of the experiences of women leaders at all levels in business, science, government, politics, civil society, the countryside, the city, etc. provides insight and illuminates the creation and operation of new space for the empowerment of women. Women’s leadership is long-term transformative not only for the leaders, but for their environment and the wider community as well, influencing changes in the lives of other women too. To this end, this book aims to illuminate the personal experiences of women leaders, so they can become part of the scientific empirical material and thus contribute to the development of women’s leadership in the context of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with all its specificities. Social context of Bosnia and Herzegovina is an integral part of the context of the Balkan as a European semi-periphery, space loaded with politics, poverty, interethnic conflicts and wars. In terms of theme of this book, it is particularly important to bear in mind the patriarchal society in BiH (which is a common feature of the Balkan countries in general), in which gender regimes, as structured relations between men and women, masculinity and femininity, in the institutional and non-institutional environment, at the level of discourse and at the level of practices, which restrict individual freedom and opportunities of women and men, become one of the dominant determinant of social characteristics and everyday life of women and men. In contrast, the legacy of socialism are the participation of women in the public sphere, legal personality and personal autonomy of women, resulting in relatively high participation of women in the labor force and a large percentage of population covered by education, which is essential for the acquisition of cultural and social capital and greater chance for real equality. The transition to neo-liberal market conditions of work and life began in 1989 and resulted in increased poverty and collapsed and nearly destroyed development potential of society, exacerbated by the war 1992-1995, with devastating consequences which Bosnia and Herzegovina still bears. In such context, the unfavorable conditions, poverty and social problems, women’s leadership is seen as a way to influence social change. Consideration of gender and leadership is more recent, and this aspect of the theory and research is becoming increasingly important. There was a shift in attitudes, from the view that women are inferior to men leaders from the 70’s to highlight the superiority of women leaders than men from the 90s onwards. An increasing number of women in leadership positions necessarily affected the increased interest of scientists to study women leaders. The researchers first dealt with the differences between women and men in leadership styles and management, claiming on one hand that there is a link between gender and leadership styles, and on the other that this link is not relevant. In addition to research styles of leadership, scientists have studied the assessment of the relative efficacy of men and women leaders, concluding that the differences are small, but still exist in the styles of leadership and level of efficiency, depending on the expected men’s and women’s social roles. In addition to these most commonly used theoretical and practical considerations of leadership and its aspects, for this book it was important to consider feminist theories of leadership and feminist criticism of leadership. Feminism has an ambivalent attitude towards power and leadership - on the one hand leadership is important to achieve the objectives of improving the status of women, but on the other hand it involves essentially “male” concept of leadership that often do not favor women. Feminist theorists have developed their theories in relation to the problems considered in the works of men predecessors and on that basis they have created their own approaches, mostly dealing with theories of power, authority and the issue of representation. In addition to clarifying the key issues of gender and leadership, the current theoretical approaches are insufficient in some respects as they hardly create positions for a broader resistance movement and a change in the direction of improving gender equality in leadership. Theoretical considerations of leadership and gender issues, as well as feminist theory and feminist criticism of leadership, found that there is ample room for further studies of complex gender aspects of leadership and that feminist perspective can give a very important contribution to better understanding of gender inequality in the hierarchies of social power. Detection of deep causes of these inequalities through empirical research can be the first step in the action for change. Research of gender aspects of leadership at different levels show gender imbalance in leadership positions and women face a number of obstacles to become leaders and to survive as leaders. In order to see what are the characteristics and perspectives of women’s leadership in Bosnia and Herzegovina, I examined different aspects of life and work of 20 women leaders. Their stories are important for illuminating their leadership experience and identification of common characteristics and models, regardless of their different life situations. One of the theoretical assumptions for this research has been Norbert Elias’s model “The Established and the Outsiders”. Although Elias’s study was not focused on gender relations, later analysis and the application of its findings to the men and women leaders show that women are outsiders and men are established, and it is much more difficult for women as outsiders to enter and survive in the world of leadership. However, the undeniable fact is that nowadays women can get a better education and the possibility of careers so they can be and are actors in world of leadership. Women have already begun the process of joining the established group and the goal was to examine how it happens in our context. The basic premise that women need greater professional potential and cultural capital than men to gain access to the leading position is empirically confirmed by this research. It was also found that, in addition to education as strategy for the development of cultural capital, the support of micro-environment, family and community is of crucial importance. Although individual situations are different, there is an important similarity between them, confirmed by research, that it is more difficult for women leaders than men to come to the leadership positions, to successfully survive as leaders, as well as to progress in the hierarchies of power. This proves the second premise that women have to overcome more barriers to reach such positions. The research empirically confirmed that in general women leaders are in the outsider position in relation to the established male leaders. Bearing in mind that Bosnia and Herzegovina is predominantly patriarchal society, with strong gender inequalities, the study found that leadership practices of women have certain peculiarities, stemming from their “outsider” position in which they move as women in a predominantly men’s world of leadership. These practices help them to establish their positions and they start and set up innovative ways of work, support and building cultural capital, which allows them to survive in leadership positions. Also, there was an assumption that the leadership of women has a long-term transformative potential for the empowerment of women in all aspects, personal and social. It was empirically confirmed that leadership allows women to permanently transform and emancipate themselves, their environment and future generations. Their transformation starts from their personality, gaining self-confidence and competence, social recognition and realization of their aspirations. In that process they are gradually changing their environment and their families. Their children grow up and are taught the values of knowledge, individuality, incentives to individual development. It can be reasonably assumed that the next generation of offspring of women leaders will lean more towards gender equality. Also, the long-term emancipatory potential of women’s leadership is found in their social engagement and efforts to be a part of social change. Respondents emphasize the importance of paving the way to a new generation of women, who should have better conditions for advancement. They are ready to personally operate, support, and promote the achievement of this goal, which leads to the conclusion that women’s leadership has permanent emancipatory and development potential, both for women and for society as a whole.All these research findings are accompanied by a rich empirical material in the form of statements of the respondents, in order to show all the nuances and specificities of their individual situations. On the findings of this research I proposed the form of a typology of women leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina based on the model “The Established and The Outsiders”. This research shows that the relationship between the established and the outsiders is not completely fixed, nor are these categories completely fixed. Not all the established have the same access to power and status and not all the outsiders are equally marginalized. On the basis of this research it can be concluded that the key impact for the status of established and outsider as a leader or leaders have (1) a cultural capital, and (2) support the family, the environment and the public. The typology of leaders recognizes the following types: 1. Completely or predominantly established leaders who have cultural capital and support of the environment, with the easiest way to enter the leading position and survive in the leadership arena; 2 Partially established leaders, with strong cultural capital, but lack of support - their education and competence allow entry into the leadership position, but they have more to do to build support to sustain and survive as leaders; 3. Partial outsiders, who have support of the family and the environment, but do not have enough cultural capital that would allow them easier access to leadership positions – their task is to build cultural capital, which would provide survival in leadership positions; 4. Complete or predominant outsiders, who do not have sufficient cultural capital, nor support, but have leadership qualities - they are the most difficult to affirm as leaders, but not impossible. Their chance is to work on two fronts: the acquisition of cultural capital and the creation of support networks to sustain and survive in leadership positions. It is important to emphasize that nothing is impossible and that the particular combination of work on the creation, maintenance and expansion of cultural capital and support can result in a long-term survival in the leading position. It is also important to connect women leaders of all of these types, since they can be role models to each other, support each other and help to overcome obstacles more easily. In these processes, it is crucial to support leadership programs which would include all of these different components, along with pro-active and strong participation of women in their own leadership capacity building.
W książce skupiono się na zagadnieniach koncepcyjnych odnoszących się do kwestii konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstwa i delokalizacji modułów łańcucha wartości. W związku z tym książka ma charakter interdyscyplinarny. Do istotnych subdyscyplin naukowych zajmujących się omawianym obszarem badawczym należy zaliczyć m.in. teorie przedsiębiorstwa, ekonomię branży, zarządzanie strategiczne, internacjonalizację przedsiębiorstw, biznes międzynarodowy, międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze oraz zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw. W szczególności w książce kompleksowo przedstawiono autorski schemat analityczny wpływu delokalizacji modułów łańcucha wartości na konkurencyjność relokującego przedsiębiorstwa.
Uniwersalna koncepcja marketingu znajduje zastosowanie nieomal w każdej dziedzinie życia gospodarczego i społecznego. Czerpanie z zasobów wiedzy marketingowej stało się faktem i jednocześnie koniecznością również w przypadku terytoriów. Wyodrębniony w ten sposób marketing terytorialny przybiera w praktyce różne formy: od aplikacji najprostszych narzędzi promocji po skomplikowany proces kreowania marki terytorium. Ich skuteczne i efektywne wykorzystanie do osiągania celów terytoriów wymaga jednak solidnych podstaw teoretycznych i kompleksowego ujęcia. Podręcznik przedstawia, systematyzuje i jednocześnie poszerza podstawową wiedzę z zakresu marketingu terytorialnego, objaśniając pojęcia, zależności, metody, techniki i uwarunkowania z nim związane.
Książka ma charakter teoretyczno-empiryczny i trzy główne cele. Pierwszy z nich to wyjaśnienie i systematyzacja pojęć związanych z zaufaniem w relacjach business-to-business (B2B). W warstwie metodycznej celem było rozwinięcie metody pomiaru zaufania w ujęciu dynamicznym oraz konceptualizacja i operacjonalizacja kluczowych pojęć. Jako trzeci (poznawczy) cel wybrano określenie charakteru zmian zaufania z uwzględnieniem perspektywy nabywcy i dostawcy oraz identyfikację wpływu dynamiki zaufania na funkcjonowanie relacji business-to-business i osiąganych efektów. Część teoretyczna powstała na podstawie krytycznego, pogłębionego i interdyscyplinarnego przeglądu literatury. Większość materiału źródłowego stanowiły artykuły publikowane w anglojęzycznych czasopismach naukowych. Na potrzeby monografii zaprojektowano i przeprowadzono badania z wykorzystaniem zróżnicowanych metod badawczych: eseju, indywidualnych wywiadów pogłębionych oraz kontekstowo osadzonych w środowisku projektowym badań ankietowych (CATI). Oryginalny wkład monografii do badań nad zaufaniem można szczególnie odnieść do pogłębionego rozpoznania zmienności zaufania w czasie w relacjach B2B, zwłaszcza w kontekście relacji budowanych wokół projektów, jako obszaru zarządzania. Dowiedziono, że w badaniach nad zaufaniem istotne jest uwzględnienie czasu i etapu cyklu życia relacji. Ważne teoretycznie, a także praktycznie jest dowiedzenie poprzez badania empiryczne wpływu zmienności zaufania na efekty ekonomiczne i pozaekonomiczne relacji biznesowych, a jednocześnie powiązanie zmienności zaufania z innymi mechanizmami budującymi relacje B2B. Ujęcie zaufania w monografii wpisuje się w nurt relacyjnego badania zaufania jako jednego ze zjawisk pozostających w zainteresowaniu nauk społecznych.
This monograph touches upon the relatively under-researched subject of the process and degree of industry internationalisation. Situated between the micro- and macroeconomic perspectives, the book deals with economic subsystems which are rarely discussed in the international business literature but which constitute a vital pillar of national economics. As Prof. Krzysztof Wach from the Cracow University of Economics emphasises, the book fills a gap in the Polish publishing market not only regarding the idea itself, but also by applying innovative and up-to-date research methods. Additionally, the monograph not only concerns contemporary issues developed within new institutional economics and internationalisation theory, but has a pragmatic, applicative character aimed at expanding the Polish economy. As Prof. Bogusława Drelich-Skulska from the Wrocław University of Economics stresses, the issues discussed have a significant meaning for both developed and developing economies.
Monografia prezentuje przygotowanie zarówno samego systemu zarządzania w opiece zdrowotnej, jak i podmiotów do zagrożenia, jakim jest pandemia. W pracy dokonano rozpoznania i oceny polskiego systemu na tle wybranych krajów Unii Europejskiej. Krytycznej ocenie poddano wpływ pandemii na politykę zdrowotną oraz działania podejmowane przez poszczególne rządy w celu łagodzenia skutków COVID-19 zwłaszcza w trakcie pierwszej fali. Próba zebrania danych statystycznych w odniesieniu do ogólnej pojemności zakładów, szacowanej zdolności intensywnej opieki do radzenia sobie ze wzrostem liczby pacjentów oraz wskazanie wydatków w zakresie dodatkowych środków przeznaczonych na służbę zdrowia w czasie pandemii to tylko przykładowe obszary objęte obserwacją statystyczną, umożliwiającą wysunięcie pierwszych wniosków. Ze względu na wielość poruszanych zagadnień i zróżnicowanie poziomu szczegółowości wywód jest prowadzony na dwóch zasadniczych poziomach – regulacji prawnych wprowadzonych w okresie pandemii i realnych problemów zarządczych w obszarze ambulatoryjnej opieki i lecznictwa zamkniętego. Wielość problemów pojawiających się na poszczególnych etapach analizy spowodowała, że pracę ograniczono jedynie do zarysowania zagadnień, ukazując konieczność zmian.
Problematyka prawa bilansowego i jego interpretacji jest przedmiotem szerokiego zainteresowania środowiska naukowego. Monografia również mierzy się z tą tematyką, jednak odmiennie niż dotychczasowe publikacje cechuje się innowacyjnym podejściem do prawa bilansowego – nie ze strony jego interpretacji, a z punktu widzenia jego jakości i efektywności. Celem regulacji prawa bilansowego winno być bowiem dostarczanie użytecznych informacji do podejmowania decyzji gospodarczych przy jednoczesnym zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa obrotu gospodarczego. Autor, posługując się ekonomiczną analizą prawa, przedstawia narzędzie możliwe do zastosowania przez badaczy i praktyków. Opisane podejście do badania problemów oceny skutków regulacji rachunkowości to nowa droga w poszukiwaniu metody doskonalenia prawa bilansowego, która dotychczas nie była przedmiotem tak szerokiego opracowania. Interdyscyplinarne walory książki sprawiają, że może być ona przydatna nie tylko dla badaczy z zakresu rachunkowości, ale również dla szerokiego grona osób, które na co dzień mierzą się z problemami prawa bilansowego: księgowych, prawników, pracowników sektora finansowego, legislatorów. Wydanie dofinansowane ze środków Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki w ramach programu Doskonała nauka.
Książka podejmuje zagadnienie współczesnego downsizingu. Opiera się na założeniu, że zmiany w gospodarce wpłynęły na ewolucję downsizingu, a to wygenerowało potrzebę redefinicji pojęcia i roli tego procesu oraz określenia nowego modelu wykorzystania go w przedsiębiorstwie. Kompleksowość zagadnienia i wykazana szerokość jego znaczenia wymusiły postawienie pytania o przebieg procesu podjęcia decyzji o downsizingu i jej realizacji, w tym o definicję jego skali, efektów i uwarunkowań stosowania. Głównym efektem pracy jest sformułowanie koncepcyjnego modelu przedstawiającego podejmowanie decyzji o downsizingu i jej realizacji. W książce dokonano redefinicji i systematyki współczesnego procesu downsizingu oraz umiejscowiono go wśród innych metod i narzędzi zarządzania. W sferze poznawczej określono skalę występowania downsizingu w Polsce i efekty jego wdrażania, rozpoznając również czynniki i uwarunkowania wpływające na jego realizację. Ważnym efektem aplikacyjnym była identyfikacja i uporządkowanie narzędzi stosowanych w procesie realizacji downsizingu oraz barier i zagrożeń w ich stosowaniu, a także zdefiniowanie pojęcia potencjału downsizingowego. Istotnym wkładem autora w badania nad współczesnym downsizingiem jest wyciągnięcie wniosków zarówno z badań danych finansowych, jak i badań jakościowych, czego efektem jest rekomendacja polimetodycznego podejścia do procesu poznania downsizingu, a także wskazanie kierunków przyszłych badań.
The book is a collection of studies aimed at a wide scope of support for learning in Norwegian and Czech schools. The authors present data of selected surveys on this matter as carried out in recent years. The results are a synthesis of research knowledge as well as a resource for comparison of Czech and Norwegian conditions and support mechanisms for the development of learning and improvement of quality in schools.
Support for learning in schools is a subject based on efforts to develop schools towards openness and quality. It is a topic that reacts to the changing appearance of Europe and is becoming a focus of attention in various European and national documents of educational policy and strategy. Evoking a number of co-subjects such as organizational learning, peer support, school counselling, mentoring and reflection of practice, the processes of learning in schools apply to both children and adults. The efforts of education politicians, researchers and, obviously, people working in schools are interwoven in these themes. An interest in this subject has brought Norwegian and Czech authors together in order to create this publication and offer it to readers involved in education and schooling. Supported financially by the Norway Grants, this book is a collection of analytical studies in a variety of forms of support for the processes of learning in Norwegian and Czech schools. The aim of the publication is to present an image of how these processes are supported at the level of education policy as well as in everyday practice. Its purpose is not to present fully comparable data, however; instead, the content of particular chapters presents what is characteristic of Norwegian and Czech education in the opinions of their authors. Their articles are based on both specialist national references and results of their own research. The initiatives for the support of learning processes in schools and the resulting experience are discussed in the framework of the European trends outlined in the opening chapter. The publication starts with a brief description of the term ‘school development’, paying particular attention to the relation between theories of learning and education and practice. An important role in this connection is played by reflection on learning and teaching, i.e. reflection on practice, which is one of the most important concepts addressed throughout this publication. The book is divided into four parts. Part One, entitled Norwegian and Czech schools: Policy and practice, is devoted to selected issues of Norwegian and Czech education (Chapters 2 and 3) and the European trends mentioned above (Chapter 1). The Norwegian authors emphasize several historic milestones in the development of Norwegian education, comment on the internationalization of Norwegian schools and highlight some current topics: debates on the professionalization of teaching and its image in the media, stress on care for pupils with special education needs and an increasing demand for counselling and guidance of teachers. These topics, typical of the current needs of Norwegian education, resemble to a certain extent the situation in Czech education. As for the current issues of Czech education, the book pays attention to pupils’ results, inclusive education and the career order of teachers. The opening part is concluded with a list of selected systemic support measures and initiatives implemented by various subjects supporting school development and the quality of learning processes in schools. The Norwegian authors refer to the National system of quality assessment which comprises control mechanisms and methodological support, and they emphasize a deficiency in the abilities of schools to analyse data. Another topic in this part of the book is support in health, counselling and social matters, as provided to families and schools by various subjects (Chapter 4). The Czech counterpart mentions initiatives focusing more narrowly on the development of the quality of teaching. Major legislation and strategic documents are presented together with selected support programmes and projects managed at the levels of the state (Ministry of Education), non-profit organizations and other subjects active on the nationwide and local scales (Chapter 5). Part Two of the book, Support of teachers in theories, focuses in more detail on professional development of teachers and schools as a necessary condition for ‘better learning’. This part presents selected theories on which many efforts to support teachers and whole schools are based. The theory of organizational learning, emphasizing the reflectionbased concept of justified practice, is presented first (Chapter 6). Chapter 7 is devoted to mentoring and other kinds of counselling in schools as important processes that can support learning (and reflection) on individual and organizational levels. In this respect, mentors and school consultants are regarded as agents of change. The aim of the last chapter in this part (Chapter 8) is to present selected theories about reflective processes, reflective practice and reflection with reflecting teams devised by the Norwegian psychiatrist Tom Andersen. This chapter highlights the transfer of a systemic approach used in psychotherapeutic practice and social work to the context of schools and accentuates its benefits for teachers’ reflective practice. Part Three of the publication, Learning teachers as seen through research, presents selected results of recent research surveys that the authors carried out with the focus on the processes of learning and peer support in schools. The data produced by these studies reflect the professional specialization of authors, illustrate specific forms their efforts take and evidence impact on school practice. The Norwegian authors (Chapter 9) present the results of a research and development project called Learning and Assessment, which has enabled many schools to test measures for the development of learning focus and awareness. The Czech author (Chapter 10) presents data of evaluation surveys carried out in schools that can draw on long-term support from mentors and consultants within the project Helping Schools Succeed. She points out the potential of mentoring and counselling in the course of deepening, dissemination and anchoring (after Verbiest) of learning processes in particular learning communities. In the last chapter in this part (Chapter 11), one of the Norwegian contributors summarizes the results of three projects (KARIB, Låby, Berg) with development and research objectives, aimed at the development of reflection practice with the use of reflecting teams in schools. The last part, Concluding remarks, contains one chapter as a recapitulation of the whole book. It stresses the importance of a sustainable support system for teachers and schools that would include reflection on practice. This publication offers inspiration for how a learning support system can be built, and on which foundations.
The book is a collection of studies aimed at a wide scope of support for learning in Norwegian and Czech schools. The authors present data of selected surveys on this matter as carried out in recent years. The results are a synthesis of research knowledge as well as a resource for comparison of Czech and Norwegian conditions and support mechanisms for the development of learning and improvement of quality in schools.
In conditions of enhancing globalization and multicultural business environment the successful management of project teams seems to be a significant factor for increasing the effectiveness of the projects executed at local, national, and international level. This thesis facilitates the formulation of the main goal of the study, namely, to identify and justify the factors, characteristics, and perspectives of the management pf project teams in multicultural environment in Bulgarian organizations. On this basis, a competence model for effective operation in such an environment of project managers and project team members is developed. The object of this study is the management of project teams operating in a multicultural environment. The subject of the study are the major factors, characteristics, and perspectives of the management of project teams performed in specific multicultural conditions. On the basis of executed research activities, results have been achieved in the following main areas: (1) Cultural aspects impact, including the national cultural environment, on project management and project teams management has been explored. Different models, study approaches, and measures have been assessed in respect of the cultural influences on project management of the formation of project culture. (2) Research approaches and methods implemented in the international scientific literature for empirical studies of various aspects of project teams management operating in multicultural environment are systemized. (3) Empirical research instruments are developed and a questionnaire survey is conducted, focused on the effectiveness of project teams operating in specific conditions of multicultural environment. Utilizing the empirical data from the survey, practices of formation and operation of project teams in such conditions have been explored. On the basis of the survey results practical directions are outlined towards the enhancement of the management of project teams in a multicultural environment.
The turbulent development of the economic and social phenomena, objects and relationships that took place during the last decade of the twentieth and first two decades of the twenty-first century outlined several problem areas in the management of the prosperous companies all over the world. The array of the most famous problem areas includes the use of quantitative methods, management by objectives, total quality management, the idea of "the perfect company", the implementation of strategic management, anti-crisis management, and corporate culture, in which basic assumptions and shared values of personnel members are the foundation of corporate existence and the key to establishing and maintaining a healthy balance of interests among the various stakeholders. Over the same period, these overlapping areas became a kind of "growth catalysts" for successful business organizations, and they were passing through the world as waves of managerial fashion, the movements of which varied from west to east and from north to south, although the contributions of the East and the South (Japan, "the Asian Tigers" and "the World Factory" - China) cannot be underestimated either. For many reasons and for great regret these waves reached to Bulgaria with a long delay and weakened power. The research question about design and disclosure of professed firm culture in the virtual realm within the member companies of eight local employers' organizations is posed in this monography, especially given the widespread penetration of information technologies in the business world and the presence of foreign "players" on Bulgarian market in various forms due to globalization. In this way, the current trends in description and presentation of the specific official firm culture are delineated by the founders of the respective business (and/or later changed by the organizational leaders of the existing company) in the context of cultural diversity in the implementation of the strategic management at organizational level, the functioning of the relationship "culture - strategy", the peculiarities of organizational realizations at different cultural levels and other factors. At the same time, the main approaches and challenges to the creation and disclosure of the most widely used elements of professed firm culture are presented, and reasonable advice is given to managers in business organizations. The monograph can be useful not only for university students, but also for managers and practitioners regardless of the economic sector, where they contribute or the life cycle of the respective companies in a case that cultural interventions are aimed at solving (resolving, absolving) business-related organizational problems.
Monografia dotyczy ważnej problematyki znaczenia komunikacji marketingowej w kształtowaniu wizerunku instytucji kultury na przykładzie muzeów narodowych. Infrastruktura muzeów w Polsce systematycznie się rozwija, jednocześnie zmieniają się rola oraz funkcje muzeów. Zmiany te dotyczą m.in. zarządzania, marketingu, a także objawiają się w nowym podejściu do tworzenia wartości kulturowej. Współczesne instytucje kultury powinny być nie tylko otwarte i dostępne, powinny również komunikować się z otoczeniem społecznym, a szczególnym ich zadaniem jest zainteresowanie młodych dorosłych odbiorców (generacji Z). Muzea i galerie narodowe o profilu artystycznym, udostępniające najważniejsze narodowe kolekcje, mierzą się z podobnymi problemami w większości krajów Europy. Są to wielooddziałowe instytucje, najczęściej niedofinansowane, które stają w obliczu niespotykanej dotychczas konkurencji związanej z dostępnością wielu innych form spędzania wolnego czasu. Na podstawie studiów literaturowych oraz badań empirycznych autorka podjęła się identyfikacji i oceny znaczenia działań z zakresu komunikacji marketingowej muzeów narodowych w kształtowaniu wizerunku tych instytucji kultury wśród młodych dorosłych odbiorców. Projekt dofinansowany ze środków budżetu państwa, przyznanych przez Ministra Edukacji i Nauki w ramach Programu "Doskonała nauka II. Moduł: Wsparcie monografii”.
The challenges, confronting companies that operate in Bulgaria in the second and third decades of the twenty-first century require their managers to constantly make efforts to attract, retain, engage and energize the people contributing to the successful long-lasting existence of the respective businesses in their role as the only source of sustainable competitive advantage, not subject to timely copying by competitors, even under the conditions of disruptive innovations. That is why managers often have to go outside their comfort zone by experimenting in specific organizational contexts, deliberately pursuing enrichment in the systematization of implemented human resource management methods. For this reason, the special position of organizational leadership, the creation of a specific corporate (firm, company) culture and the nature of realizing effective interaction between them as a driver for the successful development of companies in the modern dynamic business environment is substantiated in this collective monograph. Based on an in-depth and critical literature analysis, the contributions of selected postmodern theories and management approaches, as well as targeted new characteristics of business organizations to achieving organizational leadership, are grounded. This allows the formulation of a useful and modern definition of the concept of "organizational leadership". From this starting point, the role of corporate culture for the creation, maintenance and development of organizational leadership is started to be substantiated through the mandatory clarification of the important for scientific research and management practice relationships such as "innovation – culture", "organizational leadership – corporate culture" and "organizational leadership – formal corporate culture", the study of which would assist managers in dealing with the problems that confront the business, due to undertaking social innovation, unlearning old practices, adopting and embedding in consciousness new ways of thinking and acting, especially through appropriate formulation and public disclosure to stakeholders of their strategic business intentions. In connection with the latter, on the basis of the results of the theoretical and empirical research, the essential characteristics of the elements of the proclaimed organizational culture, comprising its structure, are derived and an updated definition of the concept of "proclaimed firm culture" is proposed. Specific recommendations are provided to senior managers to gain leadership positions through their companies in terms of uncovering the proclaimed organizational culture with a view to achieving sustainable competitive advantage. This monograph represents a significant step in the development of management theory related to organizational leadership and its cultural dimensions
The purpose of the report is to present a method for exploring an actor’s possibilities for countermeasures and capabilities against information influence operations (IIO). Using specific scenario conditions, the method assists in creating a discussion on what capabilities are needed and how organisations can develop these capabilities based on available resources. The method involves conducting workshops using a red team versus blue team exercise which has been adapted to generate a gap analysis for countermeasures in countering IIO. The report provides guidance on preparing for a workshop aimed at identifying vulnerabilities in an organisation’s information environment and developing effective strategies to mitigate the consequences of IIO. The workshops create a common problem understanding from a scenario and challenges chosen beforehand. The end result is an analysis that includes existing capabilities in the organisation, a reflection on how to develop capability activities and functions further, and prioritising between these. The report concludes that the workshop method is a useful tool for risk assessment and preparedness planning, and can be used for decision-making and operational development. While countering IIO is often a national-level responsibility, we argue that all parts of society can be affected by IIO and should develop capabilities to counter disinformation. Therefore, the selected workshop method can be adapted to work on a local, regional, or national level.