Rightsizing of the Public Administration in Macedonia – A Reform Postponed to an Uncertain Time
The rightsizing process has been initiated as a result of the inefficiency of pubic organizations in fulfilling their responsibilities effectively. Organizations across the world including public ones, perceive rightsizing as a catalyst of organizational reforms. In addition, due to government’s employments of large numbers of population, the human resources dimension of any public sector restructuring has become a very important national activity and a difficult and complex task to be fulfilled. This automatically derives the fact that rightsizing has become a major reform endeavor in all countries pretending to be in service of citizens. Organizational structure represents a vital component of the public administration system. Giving an exact definition related to organizational structure of the public administration, is not as simple as it looks, this mainly is because it does not include only the number of the people employed but also the number of positions and jobs. Starting from this point, the main idea for tackling rightsizing issues, has been to develop a study over the employed staff’s structure, jobs and positions and thus to define the points where layoff or recruitment actions should be taken.