Прагматизмът и литературата: навик, норма, матафора
In this text I will present the topic of my doctoral thesis Pragmatism and literature: habit, norm, metaphor. I will examine the philosophical tradition of pragmatism through the works of its founder Charles S. Peirce. The core of every pragmatic doctrine lies in the pragmatic maxim, which was originally presented by Peirce in 1878 in his paper How to Make Our Ideas Clear. Pragmatism is a new theory of sorting out the effects of concepts in the process of signification. The sum of these effects then forms the whole of the meaning. The process is based on the semiotic doctrine, according to which the sign lies in the core of the meaning. The key concepts for development and sustainability of knowledge are those of habit, norm and metaphor. Employing thеse concepts, I argue that the pragmatic approach is essential for a dynamic conception of the literary field. Habits are models of behavior, which aim at representing universal norms. Innovative metaphors allow discursive flexibility and establish new interpretative threads in the development of cognition.