„Nie odtrącaj mnie w starości”. O potrzebie profilowanego przepowiadania dla seniorów
The elderly in the Church are assured of being under pastoral care. Nevertheless everyday experiences demonstrate that this part of pastoral care to seniors is usually mentioned in the first place, namely the preaching of the gospel of God is quite underdeveloped, if not neglected or even ignored. Indeed, do they not feel that in this respect as being cast away? The current article presents the problem of a special or profiled parochial gospel proclamation for people who are advanced in years. It is performed in three steps: firstly by substantiation, the need of such a proclamation on the grounds of homiletics and pastoral theology; secondly by discussion of its situation, forms and content; thirdly by defining and describing its basic theme that is life. The ‘profiled’ proclamation to seniors is understood here as special, regarding its forms, language and content, preaching of the gospel of God to people who are along in years. Preaching that is directed at them and having an impact on them.