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Cybersecurity is one of the new dimensions of security, the one responsible for ensuring a secure online space, a space which can be used safely in all areas of people’s lives - from finance to social media, education, economy, politics, information, debate and even military. Because over 50% of the population is connected in 2020 to the internet, both for work and personal purposes, as numerous transactions are being registered in the cyberspace every second, government and private sector alike need to work together to secure this space to develop early-warning systems and protect the IT infrastructure of any kind of attacks. There are tools for measuring and monitoring cyber-attacks, which need to be explored and constantly improved. But this is not enough as the use of these tools needs to be completed by the joint efforts in raising the users’ awareness in protecting against any attacks. Additionally, exploring and taking advantage of the benefits a digital economy and society can offer should be supported by investments in education and training while maintaining an updated and secure infrastructure.
The report outlines: the current situation in the Red Sea and the Somali Basin, examining its impact on international maritime transport. Discussed are key principles of international law and organizations involved in combating piracy and armed robbery, detailing incidents occurring from 2019 to 2023. The mission and tasks of Operation “Atalanta”, which is one of the primary anti-piracy operations in the Somali Basin, are described along with the current situation in the Area of Operation (AOO). The report briefly narrates the situation with M/V Ruen. It outlines conditions under which the use of Bulgarian Naval Forces in countering piracy is feasible. The paper proposes some directions for addressing piracy and armed robbery issues.
The publishing business in Bulgaria is of great importance for the cultural and educational development of the country, but it is also a significant sector of the national economy with considerable social impact. In recent years, it has faced serious challenges and is undergoing a period of transformation driven by the rapid introduction of new technologies and accelerated digital transformation. The digital transformation in the publishing business in Bulgaria is gradually progressing, but the pace of development varies among different publishers. Assessing the extent of its development for the sector as a whole is complicated due to the lack of sufficient statistical data. At the same time, this assessment is necessary not only to compare the development of this business in our country with that in other countries but, most importantly, to identify its weaknesses and the challenges it faces. It is also useful for outlining government policies regarding the publishing sector. In this regard, the aim of this publication is to assess the level of digital transformation achieved in the publishing business in Bulgaria and to draw conclusions about its achievements and weaknesses. These conclusions will be useful for determining the directions for accelerating this process.
The text covers issues related to copyright in the context of artificial intelligence (AI). It emphasizes the need for clear legal frameworks to regulate works created by AI, especially in cases involving Strong and Generative AI. The idea is that such programs generate works that don't entirely match the characteristics of human creators. It discusses questions of authorship and rights, proposing various alternatives to resolve conflicts, including granting rights to the programmer or the program itself. The text expresses the need for swift and appropriate legislation capable of justifying and protecting the rights of all participants in the process of creating works through artificial intelligence.
The evolution of the cyberspace domain and its accompanying management tools has ushered in a era characterized by the emergence of new forms of confrontation: cyber blockades and cyber sanctions. This development has paved the ways for enhanced capabilities in economic management, the expansion of diplomatic and trade relationships, and ultimately, the safeguarding of national interests at an unprecedented level. This paper presents the results of an analysis of these new categories, elucidating their interconnectedness, and highlighting the evolution and continued development of these two domains, particularly within cyberspace. The authors draw attention to the new dimensions of confrontation within the cyberspace realm, encompassing explicit and hidden threats to individuals, society, and the state.
The objective of this paper is to analyze the perception of university students towards fake news by assessing the relationship between the incidence of fake news shared by themselves within their social networks and the risk assumed by students when sharing news they do not fully trust. Quantitative study through the application of a survey using a Likert scale applied to 313 students from different careers of the Faculties of Administration and Pedagogy of the Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico. Processing was carried out with descriptive and inferential statistics. The results point out the correlation between the risk assumed and the cases of false news shared indicating the existence of cases in university students with little predisposition to inquire into the reliability of the information, and who in turn, risk sharing it anyway. The variables of sex, age, semester, and educational program do not influence the risk that students assume when sharing news. However, students who claim not to share news they distrust also share fake news they do believe in on their social networks.
This paper draws attention on the ethical behaviour in the contemporary cyber environment. It does not address all aspects of ethical behaviour. The focus is on the ethical behaviour of employees in a given organization in cybersecurity context. The principles of ethical behaviour that employees must be guided by in order to perform their duties correctly and professionally, thereby contributing to ensuring the cybersecurity of the employer organization, are analysed.
The present study is devoted to the problems related to the selection and implementation of digital educational platforms. The process is complex and difficult and very much depends on benchmarking. In order for this analysis to be effective, it is necessary to define the requirements for the software tools in advance. In conclusion, conclusions from the empirical analysis are formulated.
This paper explores the roles of data management and open science in enhancing digital technologies at universities. It examines how these practices support the integration of advanced tools like big data analytics, machine learning, and immersive technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Effective data management ensures data accuracy, security, and accessibility, facilitating robust research and efficient operations. Open science promotes transparency, collaboration, and the democratization of knowledge, accelerating innovation and enhancing research reproducibility. The paper reviews current practices, challenges, and benefits, highlighting the synergies and conflicts between data management and open science. Despite challenges such as funding constraints, cultural resistance, technical barriers, and data privacy concerns, adopting robust data management and open science practices is essential for leveraging digital technologies in higher education. Recommendations for universities include investing in infrastructure, fostering a culture of openness, developing clear policies, and promoting collaboration. These strategies are crucial for advancing research capabilities and educational outcomes in the digital age. This work underscores the importance of continuous adaptation to keep pace with technological advancements and ensure effective support for digital transformation at universities.
The relevance of the topic is associated with the increasing popularization of alternative sources of financing of entrepreneurial activity. Under the current conditions, the search for means to finance entrepreneurial activity is a priority task for both entrepreneurs and state institutions, oriented towards supporting existing and potential businesses. The purpose of the article is to describe the application of crowdfunding as one of the tools for alternative financing of projects in the current realities of building a digital economy in Moldova. The article describes the legal aspects of crowdfunding regulation as a new for Moldova legal institute of non-banking lending using the possibilities of online platforms. The paper considers the economic and legal essence of crowdfunding, the model of functioning of this institution, the opinion on the main advantages and disadvantages of this alternative type of lending, as well as outlines the prospects of development and possibilities of application of the new financial technology in our country.
Digital transformation is a strategic process where various digital tools and technologies are used, such as scanning, computer networks, internet, satellite, social media, etc. This enables the processing, storage and transfer of information to users, irrespective of their location. Digitalisation gives enterprises the opportunity to create new and to build-up on existing processes.Nowadays, digitalisation becomes a key priority for many enterprises, since by digitalizing the business processes in the course of their operations, enterprises have the objective opportunity to overcome the dependence on their physical location, the remoteness of suppliers, customers and markets, the existence of appropriate infrastructure, and a number of other factors that affect their business. Thus, enterprises may implement timely and adequate measures upon the occurrence of any adverse trends in the development of the dynamic and competitive market, which is characterized by a certain level of entropy. The main body of this publication explains the nature of digitalisation, the advantages of its introduction and the requirements in the process of enterprises’ digitalisation. Based on this, opportunities for digitalisation of activities in the field of accounting and financial and business analysis of the enterprises are offered. The object of this study refers to the opportunities for digitalisation of the financial and business analysis of the enterprises’ operations, and its subject matter covers the digitalisation of the analysis of the capital structure of non-financial enterprises in the economy of our country based on the data of their financial statements. The publication highlights the opportunities to link the information contained in the enterprise’s balance sheet to the methodology and the methods for analysis of the enterprise’s capital structure. The aim is to achieve connectedness – within a single system, among information provision, methodology and methods for analysis of the enterprise’s capital structure, the analysis results and the adoption of justified and good decisions for its management. Within this system, data from the business analysis of development, the condition and the trends in the capital structure, with view of, and in relation to, the financial and investment policy of the enterprise, could be successfully integrated and used.
Verbal communication (WOM-Word of Mouth) is a current marketing tool, the main purpose of which is communication and socialization, followed by the promotion and sale of products that takes place face to face between sellers and buyers. With the advent of the Internet, WOM turns into eWOM, that is, electronic word-of-mouth communication that takes place between online sellers and online buyers through social networks and online store pages. Buyers can exchange online messages, experiences, reviews and leave rated reviews for products they have already purchased online. This new mode of eWOM communication has great potential to influence online purchase intentions. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to analyze and investigate the impact of eWOM communication on online shopping intentions. As determinants of online messages, which are transmitted through social networks and websites of online stores, the following are analyzed: quality of messages, credibility of messages, needs and attitudes of buyers to messages, usefulness of messages. messages and acquisition of messages by online shoppers. In this research, the determinants of online messages are derived from the Consumer Attitudes and Needs Acquisition Model (IACM), which is also the research model of this paper, on the basis of which the impact of messages is investigated. on online shopping intentions. Finally, by applying adequate statistical methods, an analysis of two online eWOM communication platforms was made, to determine whether messages transmitted through online stores' Facebook pages have a greater impact on online purchase intentions than broadcast messages. through the means of communication of the websites of the online stores or vice versa. The research results provide useful conclusions for marketers, in terms of adapting their online marketing strategies for successful promotion and sales of products on Facebook and online store websites.
The aim of the current paper is to examine theoretically the possibility robots to be treated as subjects under Bulgarian tax law. For this purpose, the author will outline the main hypotheses following the tax specifics of the legal personality. Taking into account the relevant provisions of the Bulgarian tax law acts, he will draw conclusion on the future tax treatment of robots.
Bulgarian agriculture has gone through many transformations in the last two decades. The concentration of production and the difficult access of smaller farms to forms of public support led to their unequal competitive position. Some owners of such small farms began to seek support and advice from other producers, exchange experiences and organize joint actions. Social networks are also used for these new forms of cooperation, as a popular tool for building groups and communication between their members. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the models for the application of social networks as a tool for the cooperation of agricultural producers in Bulgaria. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to assess the need for producers to cooperate; to analyze the implemented traditional forms of cooperation in the country, revealing their deficiencies; to consider specific examples of the application of social networks, as a tool for cooperation of producers from the agriculture sector in Bulgaria. Social networks, or social media platforms have been a focus of analysis since their launch and in later years some meta studies and literature reviews have attempted to organize and structure most of the previously done research on the topic (Ali, et al. 2023; Ibrahim, 2022). In these studies, the five main topics of discussion have been: social media, social collaboration, social marketing, social media and crowdfunding, and social media and crowdsourcing. Social media as a tool for crowdsourcing can be used by different stakeholders to share crucial information (Clark, et al., 2023) and in those cases a cooperation among social actors can be built. The negative effects of social media on traditional network-building have also been explored by some authors, that put forward concerns about the differentiation of goals between social media platforms and their userbase, that can lead to degradation of social cohesion (González‐Bailón, et al., 2023). Although being critical, those researchers can’t deny that social media platforms are granting opportunities that would be absent without them. Furthermore, if academics have access to social media analytics tools a more in-depth analysis of information sharing and social impact can be developed (Horng, et al., 2023). The lack of access to such tools for the current research has led to the selection of included observation for the analysis of the application of social networks as a tool for the cooperation of agricultural producers in Bulgaria. Social media interactions remain an understudied topic in the country and its relevance as a cooperation building tool remains to be proven.
This report examines the concept of „digital narrative“, with a focus on clarifying the nature and application of digital narrative in election campaigns, with the aim of collecting and systematizing my currently available scientific information in the indicated direction. The concept of 125 „digital narrative“ is central to my dissertation research and the information referenced here will be used in it. In clarifying the essence of the digital narrative, the following methodological framework was used: who is the subject of the digital narrative, i.e. who is the digital storyteller, what is the digital story in terms of classical communication models, what are the possible applications of the digital story. This methodological framework predetermines the structure of the present exposition. The application of digital storytelling in campaign communications is explored in a one-day special.
This report outlines work and employment through online platforms in four member countries of the European Union – Bulgaria as part of Eastern Europe and Sweden, Spain and Portugal as part of Western Europe. It is based on a review of existing publications on the topic, as well as a small number of in-depth interviews with food delivery platform workers in Bulgaria. The report first explains the two main developments of technological transformation, then considers the meaning of online labor platforms, quality of labor, concludes by comparing the four countries in terms of status, payment, prevalent type of service provision, satisfaction, workers profile, representation and protection, and share of online platform workers.
The current study is focused towards the phenomenon „Digital divide“, as a new form of social divide and inequality in contemporary information (Toffler), networked (Castells), post-industrial (Bell) society. The study has a referential-analytical character insofar as it presents the results of a literature analysis of the main scientific studies of the problem of „digital divide“, looking for the characteristic definitional outlines of the phenomenon, on which to propose a working definitional basis of the concept. Based on the referential analysis, suggestions for indicators of digital divide are derived, analogous to Weber's classical indicators of social division in society – material status, power and authority.
The rapid transformation of the energy sector, driven by the adoption of renewable energy sources and the need for efficient management systems, has led to the emergence of smart energy grids. Blockchain technology, known for its decentralized and immutable characteristics, presents a promising solution for revolutionizing billing systems in energy communities. Focusing on what impetus blockchain can bring for increasing transparency, speeding up processes, and incepting trust among stakeholders, this paper explores the possible applications of blockchain to energy billing systems. The present paper does this by giving evidence from case studies – including but not limited to the Prosume project in Italy, LO3 Energy's Brooklyn Microgrid, and Power Ledger's xGrid platform – that clearly show the benefits of blockchain in enabling peer-to-peer energy trade automating billing processes, and improving data security. More importantly, it does so by inspiring the audience with the potential impact; blockchain technology contributes significantly to promoting sustainable energy practices. Equipping energy billing systems with blockchain technology will promote sustainability and improve productivity with only concerns related to scalability and some regulations. To help foster a wider adoption of blockchain solutions within smart energy grids – this study closes with recommendations for future research, standard development and regulatory framework.