Muzyka w dialogu z Bogiem. Kompozycje religijne Andrzeja Nikodemowicza
The aim of the article is to show the specifi city of the oeuvre of Andrzej Niko-demowicz (1925-2017) as being a result of his refl ection and relationship withGod, understanding the meaning of religious texts and bearing witness to theChristian attitude. Nikodemowicz’s creative path was shaped by the traditionof the Catholic Church. Religious music accompanied him from the beginningof his work, constituting one of its main sections. His religious compositionscomprise hymns and settings of contemporary religious poetry and are inspiredby Marian themes, eschatological issues, and the questions pertaining to thecondition of man as a fallen creature. A signifi cant number of works of this typetestifi es to the composer’s adherence to a specifi c set of values which defi nedhis artistic path. In this context, the last period in the composer’s creative activ-ity, covering the years 2010-2016, seems to be particularly important, focusedon faith and prayer. His deep faith in God allowed Nikodemowicz to endure themost diffi cult moments of his life, and his religious work invariably appears asa peculiar dialogue with God.