M. Arcta słownik frazeologiczny jako źródło do badań frazeologii polskiej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego
The article presents the achievements of Henryk Galle (1872–1948) in the field of lexicography and phraseology. The researcher, along with the publisher, Michał Arct (1840–1916), edited M. Arct's Illustrated Dictionary of the Polish language (1916) and introduced numerous supplements to M. Arct's Phraseological Dictionary (1928). H. Galle developed the third edition (1928) of the first Polish phraseological dictionary, written by Antoni Krasnowolski (1855–1911). H. Galle understood phraseology as a collection of idiomatic expressions and phrases, characteristic of the native language. The dictionaries presented in the article have been recognized as a valuable source for the study of changes in the phraseological resources of the Polish language.