Globalizacja, amerykanizacja i procesy (glo)kalizacji. Konteksty i kontrowersje
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The article is aimed at synthetic presenting the problems and issues connected with mutual relations between processes of globalization, americanization and (glo) calization THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The main research problem can be formulated in the following way: what kind of dynamics we can find regarding to relationship to the processes of globalization, americanization and (glo)calization in contemporary multicultural world? In this context one can take into account more detailed problems: what kind of instruments of monocultural imposition of Western or American values on the world we can find today?; in which way local cultures reconstruct Western cultural practices to adopt them to their own traditions and habits? To answer these questions the representative literature of the research filed has been analyzed, especially in English language. The qualitative methods have been used. They are a part of constructivist approach. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The process of argumentation consists of several phases: introduction, rekonstruction of selected contexts of dynamics of relationships between globalization, americanization and (glo)calization (ilustrated by adequate examples); summary and conclusions. Inhis narrative and ways of argumentation the author avoids universal or values oriented statements; the articles is definitely diagnostic in its essence. RESEARCH RESULTS: Despite of many predictions processes of globalization do not lead to westernization or americanization of the world. They are saturated by ambivalence and inner contradictions. They can bring about both marginalization and emancipation of local cultures. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Processes of globalization, americanization and (glo)calization create great opportunities of analysis and interpretations of cultural tendencies and practices which emerge in contemporary world. Understanding their mechanisms can be treated as a starting point of educational activity aimed at conscious and critical participation of young generation in contemporary culture.