Strategie kształtowania postaw wobec uchodźcy we współczesnym polskim dyskursie katolickim
For several months the public discourse has been centered around the category of the refugee/immigrant. For global societies, migration is by no means a new phenomenon; however, the mass influx of culturally foreign people and the dangers of that foreignness results in the emergence of new discourse distinguished on the basis of a thematic criterion. In humanist discourse, a newcomer arriving from a place which remains remote not only geographically but also culturally is designated as the Other. In the context of communication and its social outcomes, it is possible to differentiate between two mutually exclusive communication practices visible in the public sphere with regard to the Other: exclusion and tolerance. Subjects participating in the discourse (re)produce opinions and attitudes responsible for the shaping of the image of a visitor from the Middle East and their relationship with the Europeans. The subjects of the conservative discourse position the Other as a disruptive force destabilizing the moral and cultural way of life in Europe, bringing a promise of threat. However, in the discourse of “Tygodnik Powszechny,” those immigrants are perceived as equal to the Self. Both perceptions of reality and the attitudes of the subjects are connected by the fact that those perceptions and attitudes are created on the ideological level.