Author(s): Amela Medar,Enisa Gološ / Language(s): Bosnian
Publication Year: 0
Digital competence is one of the most requested skills which includes, among other aspects, the use of technological, informational, multimedia, and/or communication skills and knowledge. Digital technologies have become an essential segment of life in the domain of 492learning, communication, business organization, and leisure. The ability to use them properly and to establish control over working with digital tools is one of the key competencies for the 21st century. The development of digital literacy is becoming an imperative of the time in which we live and work, along with the digitalization of society. Furthermore, it is a popular topic in academic and educational-political circles where the potential benefits of digital literacy for society and individuals are considered. In such circumstances, the importance of developing a competence that meets the requirements of a digital, networked and knowledgebased society is being pointed out, giving digital literacy the status of ‘life skill’, which along with reading and mathematical literacy, is becoming a “requirement but also a right”of all citizens ( OECD, 2001). In the context of education, the mentioned circumstances open several questions for educational policies and science, researchers and practitioners and lead to new knowledge and redefinition of the existing ones. Accordingly, this paper discusses what new skills and competencies are necessary for full participation in the digital society, what has led to redefining the concept of literacy, and how to develop new skills and competencies, i.e. digital literacy.