“Wine” Warfare at the Doorstep - Nothing New, just Business for Russia
In vino veritas, the old saying goes, but not complacent for Russia! The famous aphorism ‘In Vino Veritas’ is clearly not for Ghenadie Onischenko, Russian Chief Sanitary Inspector, whose precious indications about wine quality gained an inglorious reputation last years. The Agency is all known for its harsh protectionist policies, applied to the states that are tied up on Russian market with their low-cost wines, vegetables or milk. Earlier, the above-mentioned agency has ‘saved’ Russian consu¬mers from the ‘peril’ of Belarusian milk (June 2009), and then in January 2010, it also rescued Russians from the US ‘chicken and pork meat’, which was considered potentially maleficent for the population, but politically acceptable af¬ter a new ‘package deal’ on US-Russia trade agreements.