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The article discusses the history of Polish-Ottoman rivalry for influence in the Balkans and Ukraine during XVII century. After the peaceful government of the Jagiellonian dynasty this rivalry renewed at the end of the 16th century during the Ottoman-Habsburg war. Poland wanted to return positions in Moldavia, lost to Ottoman empire at the end of the XV and the beginning of XVI century. Thanks to the skillful Polish policy, Moldavian throne was occupied by the Movilă dynasty, friendly to both Poland and Ottoman empire. Unfortunately, in the first quarter of the XVII century the Ottomans established full control over Moldavia, after the Polish-Ottoman war of 1620 – 1621. The hostilities were resumed in 1672 – this time Ottomans sought to conquer Ukraine and partly got the chance (the truce with Poland in Żurawno of 1676 and the peace treaty of 1678). These losses gave Poland reason to engage in the war against Ottomans in 1683, as a result Podole and Ukraine were reclaimed. But the Polish attempts to conquer Moldavia remained unsuccessful. The Karlowitz Peace Treaty of 1699 put an end to the era of continuous rivalry.
Some basic ideas in the contemporary concept of technoscience are pointed out. Technoscience is considered as a new phenomenon based on the convergence of science and technology and their gradual hybridization, leading to the creation of an inseparable symbiotic link between them. It involves the emergence of a common target orientation, a strong convergence of scientific research and technological innovation, existence of similar objects of study and treatment, and the achievement of similar results and products. Another important feature of technoscience is the growing role of the social factor for its development. Some modern technological and organizational innovation infrastructures such as clusters, techno-parks, “smart cities”, “living labs”, etc., are presented, considering them as an essential prerequisite for the sustainable development of technoscience. Key policy initiatives and measures to support them are presented at both European and national level.
This paper discusses the possibilities for higher education (HE) policies to be strategically assured upon the triple helix between university, local authorities and businesses providing the proper social context as a resource for authentic educational content and learning environment. The study is based on the application of Action Re¬search methodology in the framework of the applied project of the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, on the example of ecopreneurship training, supported by the German Federal Environmental Foundation, as an experiment regarding our central research question: How is it possible to foster the transition toward sustainable economy through education, on the example of such trans¬disciplinary course in higher education? In particular, we involve different stakeholders (university teachers, students, university administration and green businesses) in order to improve educational outcomes, and especially, to increase the level of competence of academic staff and students to teach, learn, explore, and transfer new fields of knowl¬edge, experience, and attitude toward sustainable economy. We operationalize that through competencies (with their nuclei – knowledge, skills, and attitudes) as a didacti¬cal instrument. During the process our cases reveal the need of transdisciplinary learn¬ing through especially designed close to ‘real-world’ settings. Thus, creating free space for experimentation and mutual learning we plan on achievable and product-oriented outcomes, which gives confidence and motivation for further learning and involvement in the field of sustainable economy.
The article is devoted to the resources of Facilitated communication, which is widely used as one of the alternative strategies of communication and interaction in children with multiple disorders. The worldwide experience with the implemented alternative method by using the computer to develop intentional communication skills in children with atypical development gives reason for formulating conclusions about the benefits of the technics of written communication development. The main stages are presented in the development of the skills for self-operation with the keyboard of the computer for coding of written information. The suggested procedures and recommendations are addressed to specialists and parents of the children with special communicative needs.
The article reveals the problem of diagnosing teachers‘ professional qualities. The modern school, through the work of the professionals working in it, is called upon to fulfill a number of important functions aimed at optimal development of the student‘s personality. Teachers have a wide range of professional qualities and in the process of their work they have a large number of professional roles. The object of the study is the personality of the teacher. The subject of the study is the professional qualities that the teacher is the bearer of. The methodology of the study: content analysis, pedagogical study, test, correlation analysis, scaling. The results reveal a correlation between the professional qualities ranged in leading positions in the ranging scales of students and teachers.
The realization of the communicative process is impossible without the support of a sign system, which in the healthy child is the natural language. At the same time, people with severe disabilities, because of the intensity of their communicative, psychological, mental or emotional problems, have a real need to use sign systems that have codes other than those of the native language. This article is dedicated to code systems that provide other communication options for children with hearing imairments and children with intense and complex combinations of disturbances in overall functioning. Ways are presented which replace the natural language with other sign systems that provide communication and development of cognitive processes in children with deep hearing and speech disorders – Sign language. Descriptive analysis of widely used communication systems (pictogramideographic system, bliss system), based on symbolic images, with different levels of abstraction: from iconic presentations of specific objects to relation images and modal predicates. All these systems reflect the main trends in the search and the construction of adequate means to replace the natural language in the particular conditions of the special education
The study examines the problem of the modern approach to academic education. An approach that relates first and foremost to the teacher’s self-reflection and the autonomous, conscious learning of students. This approach 401 Приложение на изследователския подход при обучение... is called – research. Here is described its application to the subject “Modern aspects of civic education”. The main features of the research approach and its combinational reflexive nature are outlined. It describes the author’s research experience to construct such technology that reflects on the teaching process, learning process, and personally oriented towards the subjects in the process. This technology is constructed in several interpretive steps for self-reflection, learning and interactive application of knowledge and skills development. Its essence is the construction of case studies and the development of case-technology. The purpose of the case-technology is through personal reflection to learn a certain knowledge and skill related to the discipline, and the research technology aims to empirically trace, analyze and explore the overall process of modeling, learning and learning. Research technology has its own scientific tools for diagnostics. Partial verification of the technology is done through an empirical study on the thematic areas of the subject “Contemporary Aspects of Civil Education”. The presented study focuses only on one of the tools of the research technology. The following articles follow the results of other tools.
The text briefly presents the third edition of the Forum “Research Methods in Bulgarian Language and Education”, organised by the Institute for Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin” in 2018. The Forum is a part of the activities conducted under the project of the Institute for Bulgarian Language “The Written Word Remains. Write Correctly!”.
The article presents the current development of the Bulgarian language and reveils some negative phenomena in its use. There is a comprehensive program to curb these phenomena, which includes the activity of linguists, teachers, the public and media. The role of institutions such as the Institute for Bulgarian Language and the Ministry of Education and Science in the process of enhancing the linguistic culture and language competence of all Bulgarians is emphasized.
The confrontation of common sense and the complex deductive schemes of scientific knowledge often plays a retaining role, and creates in linguistics some methodological obstacles for understanding the essence of linguistic substance and its form. On the other hand, such confrontation stimulates all a priori created abstract models of the overall architectonics of the linguistic levels and provides conditions for the emergence of new ideas and methods in linguistics, thus paradoxically becoming a guarantor of the progressive movement towards constant refinement of the research methods
A methodology based on solid theoretical grounds has been applied in analyzing the rôle of terminology in the teaching. The article deals with: 1) meaning and content (matter) of the term; 2) conceptual and lexicosemantical relation in terminology. Special attention is paid to terminological synonyms.
The article includes aspects of the configurational syntactic analysis, which gives promising perspective for the school practice compared to the traditional approach. The idea for applying elements from the formal grammar while learning specific thematic units from the material for the 7th grade has been argued with new analytical practices. It turns out that students manage to understand the grammatical formalisms. Furthermore, the decoding of the formal notes and the work on the structurographical sentence outline, automatically discloses the function of the sentence elements without questions. The Structurography provides reliable techniques to make a fingerprint of the personal linguistic profile. If the teacher has this idea when helping students with the evolution of their language skills, the teacher would be able to measure in any moment the range and depth of the simple clause and complex sentence. This is actually a work for developing the individual language potential, which – for those who study syntax in 21st century, acquires visible priority compared to the absolutely hackneyed school practice.
The study presents the answers to three questions from a nationally representative sociological survey on the language attitudes of Bulgarians conducted in 2017. Respondents’ answers contain information on school and teachers role regarding literacy. Analysis of the data indicates that teachers are important factor in formation of language attitudes pride and awareness of the norm
The text poses the question about valid assessment of the results of Bulgarian language teaching in the light of changes in the contemporary educational context. We try to answer the familiar questions: what to assess, how to assess, why to assess on the base of data from the National external assessment, as well as from international literacy studies which Bulgaria participates in – PIRLS and PISA. We outline tendencies in assessment in Bulgarian language Teaching, which are determined by changes in scientific paradigms, institutional changes, and cooperation between stakeholders.
The gap between theory and practice has been recognized as a problem in the school education for a long time. Its gradual closure is possible exactly through the extracurricular activities. The picture of the not reading students in the “mass” Bulgarian schools is common and although it is a problematic topic, we have somehow accepted it as a norm and we have numbed our sensitivity towards the problem. And the argument is “We live in the age of technology.” What is more, we get annoyed every time when someone talks about the topic. The current paper aims to show how a student’s research on a few linguistic peculiarities of Tihonravov damascene was carried out, and what was the effect on the students in the high school through sharing of the results from the linguistic discoveries.
The loss of independence, and then the collapse of the national uprisings against Russia (1831, 1863) forced many Poles to emigrate. Many former military in emigration began working as engineers. A major center of the Polish immigration was the Ottoman Empire and the Polish engineers contributed to the modernization of the state. Some of them worked in Bulgarian lands, building telegraph lines, roads and railways. Several of them remained in Bulgaria after its liberation. Boleslav Anz served as Principal Engineer of Bulgarian railways and Sabin Halatkevich participated in the expansion and completion of the Bulgarian railway network until his death in 1935.
Digital games can address social problems, such as the integration of marginalized persons into the community at large. For example, six children in a thousand live with an ambulatory disability. Communities must learn to accept children in wheelchairs. This social rehabilitation is problematic. It requires that hostile social environments, particularly the classroom, become more supportive. Issue awareness among classmates without disabilities can be improved by education-based interventions but such interventions rarely change behaviour. Interactive personal contact between able children and disabled role models has been shown to be effective but it cannot be readily scaled. Digital games offer an appealing intervention vector, easily scalable and highly interactive. This pilot study investigates game design that may promote social esteem.
The presented paper offers a short general introduction to frustration followed by a discourse on frustration as an integral part of gaming experience with the core distinction between positive in-game frustration and negative at-game frustration. The potential of frustration to increase motivation to play, emotional engagement and immersion is outlined. The paper includes comprehensive research using the means of a questionnaire (n=159) and content analysis (n=327) identifying types of frustrating situations ingames, perceived sources of frustration, the behavioural impact of frustration and the relationship between locus of control and ascribed source of frustration. Results showed toxic behaviour as a leading cause of frustration. The most common declared behavioural output of frustration caused by the toxic behaviour of other players was quitting a game for a certain amount of time. Frustration showed the most motivational potential within the category of frustrating situations related to gamers e.g. being stuck in a part of the game, losing, not succeeding, etc. At-game frustration concerns mainly the category called the “game itself”. Most often the game was blamed for insufficiencies in game mechanics or game design, malfunctioning and technical issues within the game. The presented research did not show a statistically significant association between the source of frustration and a participant’s locus of control. The paper has potential in terms of game design and research of emotion, motivation or immersion.