Потопено наследство, изгубени места и пейзажи на паметта
The text introduces in the problem of a collective research on the settlements obliterated during the construction of dams in Bulgaria, making an attempt at a terminological discussion. Based on the examples of the cultural practices of village commemorations, of the narrative patterns of fellow rural communities, and of the intimate gestures of connecting family memory and public spaces, different kinds of optics to the phenomenology of loss are proposed. The submerged as a particular case of lost heritage is in opposition to the heritage of loss, which is valorised as a value in the intergenerational discourse. Efforts are made to interpret the submerged and obliterated village not only as a lost place, but also as an irretrievably lost world. The cultural landscape is correlated with the landscape of memory – all this on the example of one of the most popular dams and the submerged village of the same name – Zhrebchevo.