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We live in a dialogical world, where models – either active or latent – establish the configuration of our identity constructs and of our intellectual framework. It is hence impossible to clarify, within the limits of one colloquium, the entire spectrum of issues entailed by this complex topic, which already gathers together a myriad of interpretations under its umbrella. While excluding the mythicizing attitude on the French cultural model, we can clearly state that its spirit, along with the Greek and Roman ones, is immanent to the European and universal cultural landscape, thus contributing to the coherence of their forms. The three volumes of scientific research in the series of Identity constructions. Echoes of the French cultural model in a European and universal context are illustrative of this fact. At its first edition, this colloquium hopefully inaugurates a wonderful and long-lasting tradition. The papers presented during this event will reach the interested audience via these volumes that have benefitted in time from new contributions, which directly or indirectly reflect the impact of the driving models. Our purpose was to provide plenty of exposure space to all the contributors who were interested in this topic. This publication aims to promote an interdisciplinary approach of certain issues that are in the contact zone between linguistics and literature, and beyond, via multiple perspectives in various national, multilingual and international contexts. Structured in three volumes, Literature, Literature & cultural Studies; Linguistics & Teaching Methodology, the series aims to be a means of cultural contact, academic dialogue, open to not necessarily convergent ideas.
Proceedings Volume 3rd Central & Eastern European LUMEN International Conference New Approaches in Social and Humanistic Sciences NASHS 2017, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, June 8-10, 2017
A monograph which is presented in two volumes, entitled “Innovativeness in pedagogical practice. Theory and practice”. Vol. 1 and “Innovativeness in pedagogical practice. Pedagogical reflections in theory and in practice”, Vol. 2, constitutes an original treatment in terms of broadly conceived innovativeness in pedagogical theory and practice. The publication contains considerations devoted to the role of a teacher-innovator in the creation of the didactic-educational process, of the care-related and organisational functioning of the kindergarten and the school, and hence to the necessity of the education of future teachers toward innovative thinking in the process of education. The publication also contains examples of innovation drawn from pedagogical practice in kindergarten, in 1-11 classes (of the elementary school), as well as of the education of future teachers of pre-school children and the teachers of early school education. The publication is intended for a broad group of teachers and researchers who are sensitive to the changing social and cultural environment, in which theoreticians and practitioners engaged in the creation of the process of education of children constantly find themselves. It constitutes a compendium of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of innovative activities in the work with a child. The monograph may constitute a source of inspiration for appealing didactic solutions associated with children for students, teachers and parents.
The book is devoted to the issue of alienation. The author argues that the linguistic and textual perspective in which a human perceives reality makes its numerous and various manifestations be recognized as inaccessible to man and excluded from the possibility of establishing the communication relation. He discusses the ways of expressing some extreme, often boundary experiences by means of the literary language used in the European and American 20th-century prose. In the analysis, cultural, anthropological, literary and psychoanalytical tools are used.
The book is based on a long-term participation study conducted in the homeless men trying "to take the matters into their own hands" and to form an organization to support them in their efforts. The study results in a reconstruction of their consociation process which entails the mechanisms of stigmatization.
The main purpose of this publication is to show disability as a socially construed phenomenon, emerging under influence of historical, cultural and political factors that exclude disabled individuals to a considerably greater extent than their physical and mental dysfunctions.
One of the books inspired by Robert Sternberg's ideas and achievements (teaching for wisdom). The work is based on author's innovative study conducted in older nursery school children. It involves a review of theoretical issues related to understanding the idea of wisdom as well as the results obtained by the author.
The book is published as a result of the national scientific conference “Protection against discrimination: legal regulation, problems and tendencies”, which took place at 8 June 2018 in the University of Economics – Varna. The scientific forum was organized by “Legal sciences” Department of University of Economics – Varna in partnership with the Institute for Legal Studies - unit of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Commission for Protection against Discrimination. The Conference was organized in the frame of Activity 7 Organization of national and international scientific forums for distribution of the scientific production of doctoral, post-doctoral students and lecturers” of Project “Investments in the education of students, doctoral, post-doctoral students and lecturers – guarantee for better future”. The Project is finances by the "Intelligent Growth Science and Education" Operational Program, supported by the European Union through the European Structural and Investment Funds.
The author presents the results of his own research concerned with a typology of social maladjustment among prisoners. The social maladjustment theory developed by Czesław Czapów constitutes the theoretical foundation of the author’s research. Applying factor analysis revealed that the types of social maladjustment distinguished by Czapów (nihilist-aggressive, nihilist-withdrawn, dogmatic-expansive and dogmatic-restrictive) are not homogenous and there are subtypes within each type. The analysis has also uncovered the group structure of prisoners determined by the intensity of the different types of social maladjustment.
An analysis of the role and meaning of objects in the post-war period of shortages. The book makes use of official documents, diaries and memoirs, fiction, films, photographs, posters, treated as sources of knowledge on the ways of functioning of objects and their perception. Three case studies organized around the category of "found", "guest" and "new" objects illustrate the relations between objects and subjects.
The aim of the present work was to present the problems associated with using cheat sheets in post-gimnazjum schools within a theoretical framework and on the basis of the results of research which has been heretofore conducted in this field. Moreover, the results of the research conducted by the author was presented.The work consists of two fundamental parts. The first part contains a theoretical introduction to the understanding of the phenomenon of using cheat sheets at school and the determinatives thereof. This part constitutes the basis for the results of the author’ personal research, conducted and discussed in the further part of the book. The first subchapter presents the school as the basic environment of the psychosocial development of the pupil and discusses the basic theories of motivation in education with special reference to the concept of the Self-Determination Theory, as well as the role of perception-related factors in the context of the behaviour of teachers, parents and the relations in the class.The second subchapter presents the school as the area of acquiring extranormative behaviour; it discusses the selected theories of deviation in reference to the phenomenon of using cheat sheets, including the theory of neutralisation. The second subchapter discusses the theoretical bases of the problem of cribbing, its origins and the motivation to crib among pupils. These aspects were related to the category of risk and of moral development. The second part presents the methodological concepts of the research which was conducted. The aim and the object of research, the problems and hypotheses, the methods of research, the selection of the research sample and the area of research were described in detail. The variables which were taken into account in the research and the detailed operationalisation of these variables in the form of a presentation of the tools which were constructed for the purposes of research were described. Moreover, the methods of the statistical analysis of the research were presented.The third part of the work constitutes a description of the results of research which was conducted. This part was divided into three subchapters. The first subchapter constitutes an attempt at describing and systematising the phenomenon of cribbing and the associated experiences in the perception of pupils. Here the opinions and declarations of pupils concerning the diffusion of the phenomenon and the ways and means of cribbing, the justifying and repelling motivation to crib or not to crib as well as the consequences of cribbing. Moreover, the problems of providing assistance in cribbing and the behaviour and emotions of pupils which appear in the situation of “extorting assistance” as well as the attitudes toward “squealing” are presented. Additionally, the experiences of pupils associated with items in the school reading lists and doing homework as elements of scholastic fraud as well as the voluntary remarks of pupils about the phenomenon of cribbing itself are presented. The second subchapter presents the problems of the mediatory role of motivation to study in the concept of the Self-Determination Theory (in the following planes: amotivation, external motivation, introjected motivation, motivation based on identification and internal motivation) in the relations between: the perception of the behaviour of parents and teachers (construed in two dimensions: control and fostering autonomy) and the perception of the relations in the class – competition as well as collaboration and support between pupils and cribbing which involves three factors: causative cribbing, being an accessory to cribbing and reluctance to provide assistance. The third subchapter constitutes a description of the results of a quasi-experiment involving the influence of the magnitude of risk, the appearance of the factor which neutralises norms, the purpose of cribbing, the proclivity to observe norms and the proclivity to break them to the proclivity to cribbing.The work features a conclusion, a general reflection upon the phenomenon of cribbing andthe interpretation of the results of research which were acquired in the context of their significanceto educational practice.
The volume is a continuation of deliberations put out in previous books in the series on verbal originality. The authors of the collected works assume that the internet is a kind of hypermedium – a compilation of traditional and completely new ways of communication. The publication looks at the language features of internet messages in terms of poetics (blogs, vlogs, memes, online forums), at the communicative properties of social media (Facebook), as well as at online marketing (brands on websites and in advertising messages).
This creative and ground-breaking dissertation confronts one of the main dilemmas of contemporary museology: the issue of ontological status of museum objects and their perception. It shows a disputable and unclear status of museums and different aspects of the relationship between the public and the exhibits, it explains current approaches to understanding culture and the cognitive dissonance among them. It also analyses a modern style of exhibiting museum objects, revealing numerous problems connected with their authenticity and encourages using museum education in pedagogy.
An integral element of social development is the aspiration of individual countries to reduce differences in health condition among individuals representing different social standings. Good health in the community is considered to be one of the basic conditions of a balanced development, it is also an indicator of inner integrity and social balance. Moreover, the state of human health is seen from the perspective of fundamental rights and value especially protected by individual members of the society, as it influences, among others, the process of fulfilling social roles. Health condition of the people of Poland, which is still worse than the average in other countries of the European Union, determines actions undertaken to improve the state of health of Polish society in such a way as to narrow the existing gap between Poland and the average level of health condition in the European Union. A significant challenge for public authorities is also the reduction of social and territorial differences in the state of health of the whole population. Implementing the actions connected with the improvement of health condition of the society and levelling existing inequalities requires, however, access to the results of empirical research. For this reason, it is well-grounded and valuable to conduct empirical and theoretical studies on health policies which also take into consideration economic inequalities. The present work, therefore, undertakes the problem of theoretical aspects of economic exclusion and health inequalities, but the main purpose is to present the results of empirical studies that can offer a better identification of social and economic conditionings of health inequalities on the example of postindustrial space. Thereby, the work is a contribution to an in-depth analysis of health inequalities occurring among individuals affected by economic exclusion and inhabiting a post-industrial space, which undoubtedly the city of Siemianowice Śląskie exemplifies. Social problems that this city faces may in fact be regarded as a conglomerate of problems of post-industrial areas – at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries a coal mine and ironworks in which most inhabitants of the city had been employed were closed down. In consequence, the rate of unemployment reached 30 per cent, and further social problems appeared, especially poverty as well as social and economic exclusion. The monograph consists of four chapters, in which the following issues have been characterised: in Chapter One – reflections on the meaning of the notion of space in social sciences, with emphasis on post-industrial space and its relations with social and economic exclusion; in Chapter Two – social and demographic problems that occur in Siemianowice Śląskie; in Chapter Three – theoretical discussion of the organization and implementation of the research process; in Chapter Four – the results of the empirical research covering the determinants of health state and social and economic inequalities in health among excluded inhabitants of Siemianowice Śląskie. Also, the problem of using health-care system has been discussed here. The publication is addressed at readers interested in the problem of health policy and economic exclusion, governing bodies, especially including the representatives of local authorities, as well as non-governmental institutions.
The first world encyclopaedic guidebook to the most important problems of the sociology of law. It contains nearly one hundred and fifty entries written by eminent Polish and foreign scholars. It is an excellent source of knowledge of the role and importance of law in social life. It sketches portraits of the most distinguished authors of legal sociology and presents their scientific achievements. It also discusses law subcultures, punitive justice, anthropology and atrophy of law, the destruction of norms, the iuridisation of social life, law nihilism, praxeology and feminist sociology of law.
The author examines the issue of constructing and reconstructing of biographies by women and men undergoing a career change. She considers the perspective of biography (re)construction in a wider context – not only on an individual level – connected to the biography of the people under analysis, but also of the subjective and socio-cultural determinants, using the method of narrative interviews.