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Participatory social work raises anew the issues of credibility of knowledge, processes of its creation and use, the purpose of social work, and its relationship to politics. It has given the impetus to the emergence of participatory research teams or, in the more radical viewpoints, to the gradual de-academization of both the empirical and theoretical aspects of social work.In this book we focus on raising controversial issues to encourage debate, reflection and discussion concerning participatory social work with a special attention given to participatory research. As a collective monograph prepared by an international team of researchers, it should help social workers, social pedagogues, politicians, sociologists, policy makers, social activists, etc. from different geographic and socio-cultural contexts to develop critical reflection on implications and consequences of doing their research, practice and teaching in participatory ways.“The book is the result of a longer discussion about Participatory Action Research (PAR) in different contexts. This book focuses on methodological and practical experiences of PAR in a more radical perspective. Not only opportunities but also pitfalls and challenges are worked out.”Prof. Dr. Gunther Graßhoff (the book reviewer)
The reflections contained in the volume fall between the two shores of the stream of life: the socio-cultural and the individual experiencing of old age. The publication deals with migration processes that increasingly affect older people and place old age in the context of global interactions; local, environmental and institutional activities undertaken for the benefit of seniors; issues related to attitudes towards seniors, discrimination based on age; health, quality of life and ecotherapy; an individualized experience of old age in the context of learning and in difficult life situations such as illness or domestic violence. The book’s target audience are educators, sociologists, psychologists, students and doctoral students dealing with gerontological issues, as well as representatives of institutions supporting seniors.
Monografia pt. Sztuka – Edukacja – Kultura. Z teorii i praktyki edukacji artystycznej prezentuje różnorodne rozważania, zarówno od strony teoretycznej, technologii warsztatu artystycznego, dydaktyki sztuki i innowacyjnych rozwiązań w edukacji artystycznej. Publikacja zmusza czytelnika do refleksji nad miejscem i rolą sztuki w edukacji i wychowaniu we współczesnej rzeczywistości edukacyjnej bardzo szeroko pojętej. Na ile edukacja artystyczna zmienia się, a na ile jest osadzona w tradycji kształcenia artystycznego, takie pytania formułują Autorzy tekstów.Publikacja jest adresowana do szerokiej rzeszy teoretyków sztuki, badaczy, dydaktyków sztuki którzy zastanawiają się nad kształtem rozumienia sztuki i jej walorów edukacyjnych we współczesnym kształceniu artystycznym na wszystkich szczeblach nauczania.
Polish experience to date in planning comprehensive functional and spatial transformations and urban regeneration of cities is already considerable, however due to the fact that those processes require large financial outlays and integrated activities in many spheres of city functioning, their implementation is slow. The process of systemic transformation caused great degradation of urban space, especially industrial space, and resulted in significant negative changes in the economic structure. Local authorities have at their disposal a wide range of instruments in the field of urban regeneration policy and can actively shape the urban regeneration process. Local authorities try to. The theory of the economic base, which is connected with the definition of the role of the so-called exogenous and endogenous factors of city development, is helpful in explaining functional and economic changes in cities. The main subject of this book is the urban regeneration processes in post-industrial cities and the resulting transformations in the economic structure and the economic base. The main objective of the monograph was to identify the impact of urban regeneration processes in post-industrial cities on the transformation of their economic base. The specific objectives were:• to identify the effects of urban regeneration activities,• to assess the range and scale of instruments used in the urban regeneration process• to capture the processes of transformation of the functional structure of cities during the transformation period • identification of the influence of the urban regeneration process on the transformation of the economic base of the city. The monograph consists of four chapters. The first chapter discusses the development and transformation of industrial cities, the issue of urban regeneration and its links with the urban economy. The chapter closes with a consideration of the links between urban regeneration processes and the transformation of the economic base of cities, and ways of measuring it. The next three chapters are case studies of selected cities. The chapters present empirically obtained characteristics of the examined cities (including characteristics of the socio-economic transformation process and urban regeneration needs, the urban regeneration policy and its effects, the planning process of the urban regeneration process, the implementation and the instruments used). The chapters present the changes in the economic structure of individual cities as a result of the urban regeneration process and the transformation of their economic base. In conclusion, an attempt is made to synthesise and evaluate the effectiveness of the urban regeneration processes in the economic transformation of the examined cities.
Where does Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s resilience derive from? Why did he, and the AKP, win the double May 2023 elections again? How did the opposition perform? What were the opposition’s mistakes? How will domestic and foreign policy issues unfold after the elections?These are just a few of the questions the present collection tries to answer. Demonstrating how Turkey’s politics have developed the present volume brings together approaches from politics, sociology, and history, and sheds much-needed light on these crucial questions. They offer scholars and non-specialists alike a comprehensive overview of the implications of the recent elections in almost every aspect of Turkish society. Finally, the chapters that are hosted here provide informed deliberations about Turkey’s future."This collective volume sheds new light on the durability of the Erdoğan regime despite the heavy crises Turkey is going through, and more importantly, shows the limits of an opposition that is unable to propose a democratic transformation of the country, to become a credible alternative to it." - Prof. Hamit Bozarslan, EHESS, ParisThis timely collection features some of the sharpest voices in and on Turkey today, packaged in short, digestible chapters. Coverage includes the role of ideology, incumbent and opposition alliances, the economy, devastating earthquakes, minorities, youth, and relations with external actors like Greece and the European Union. The book will help students and experts alike to make sense of the multi-faceted causes and consequences of a milestone in Turkey's trajectory: 2023 elections and their implications for the country, its region, and the world. - Assoc. Prof. Nora Fisher Onar, University of San Francisco
The monograph entitled Difficult Events in the Contemporary World. The Different Experiences and Perspectives of Female and Male Educators is a collection of insights from educational practitioners on the contemporary world and the difficult and dramatic events we are involved in and are witness to. It is an attempt to reflect the current experiences of European society in the form of various, sometimes very personal, narratives. It is a document of the first phase of the war in Ukraine and the reflections and experiences of people during the war and in connection with it. It brings together contributions from people representing various academic and educational centres in Europe. Each text presents a different perspective and takes up a slightly different theme. The individual texts provide a distinct narrative by the author(s) on the difficult reality in which the European and global society functions today. Together, these contributions form a common story about the dramatic changes in the modern world, ways of resolving difficulties, overcoming obstacles and attempts aimed at creating a better life, a better living.
The university as a community of thinking and free people has always been of interest to researchers. A discussion of the open spaces of university discourse can provide a starting point for a debate about styles of scientific thinking and action. In the space of the university, we can certainly see scientific discourse, scientific and research discourse, but also increasingly popular science discourse or 'absent discourses'. This book is a generational transmission of knowledge, a kind of transfer between knowledge and experience and what is just entering the world of science. It is a kind of encouragement to use the scientific achievements combining the interpenetrating disciplines of academic knowledge. Texts by prominent figures from the world of science presenting various fields of science are gathered in one place. We dedicate the book to both scholars and students wishing to learn about the intersecting areas of the architecture of academic knowledge.
Jednym z klasycznych problemów demokratycznej polityki jest pytanie o to, w jakim stopniu można pogodzić wolę ludu ze wskazaniami ekspertów. Tak zarysowany dylemat jest jednak bardzo mylący. Sugeruje, że obywatele nie mają do zaoferowania żadnej rzeczowej wiedzy w danej kwestii. Dodatkowo insynuuje się w nim jakąś znaczną odporność elity ekspertów na ignorancję, egoizm czy zwykłe porywy emocji. Lepiej postawić pytanie: do jakiego stopnia w ogóle możliwa jest polityka publiczna oparta na wiedzy eksperckiej? Jeszcze ważniejsze będzie jednak inne pytanie. Czy polityka publiczna oparta wyłącznie na dowodach naukowych i interesie wspólnym nie jest jakiegoś rodzaju widzeniem tunelowym? Czy tradycyjny ideał wykluczania egoizmu i pasji jest wzorcem słusznym? Teza naczelna książki głosi, że dobra polityka zdrowotna i polityki publiczne w ogóle wymagają właściwego zestawienia i wyważenia trzech najważniejszych wkładów polityki: wiedzy eksperckiej, interesów własnych i emocji. Sprawiedliwe ich rozważenie potrzebuje wyjścia poza typowe debaty publiczne, targi interesów, a nawet poza panele eksperckie. Obliguje do publicznej deliberacji, w której te trzy wkłady mogłyby wejść ze sobą w konstruktywny dialog. W demokracji nie powinniśmy bowiem ograniczać się do nauki oczyszczonej z materialnych potrzeb i porywów serca. Nie może być naszym celem bezduszna, proceduralna bezinteresowność. Powinniśmy raczej zmierzać w stronę rozumnej, solidarnej wszechstronniczości. Publication available under license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Scientific Collection of the Specialty “Communication Management” at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
The problems faced by individuals responsible for conducting social consultations are quite common, regardless of the consultation's subject, the type of institution or the locality organizing it. This publication describes these problems and proposes solutions. The authors are sociologists specializing in the methodology of social research, with experience in planning and conducting consultations and analyzing their results in collaboration with local governments, state institutions, non-governmental organizations, universities, cultural institutions, and informal groups.Readers interested in the issues of social consultations will receive not only practical guidance on specific consultation tools, but also an explanation of why certain actions are better performed in a particular way. An additional advantage is a meta-analysis of consultation methods and techniques, as well as a review of examples of innovative and common practices. All of this is filtered through methodological rules. The authors do not only present various consultation techniques and tools, but also propose a new classification of these techniques, grouping them based on several essential dimensions: the way consultation participants' statements are recorded and the nature of the conclusions drawn, standardization of procedures, requirements for organizers and participants, relations between them, or consultation procedures.Although practitioners of consultations can benefit from this book, it still maintains a scientific character. The discussed issues are approached systematically, methodically, critically and comprehensively, serving as an impetus for scientific reflections, in-depth studies, or research projects.
The aim of the study, presented in the monograph was reconstruction of the interaction rituals disclosed by family probation officers in relationships with supervisees at their homes. Whilst working during supervised families’ everyday activities. The theoretical inspirations were determined by the assumptions of symbolic interactionism. The guiding principle were Erving Goffman’s dramaturgy and theory of interaction rituals. My analysis also included the concept of “dirty work”, assuming certain professions face physical, social, moral, and emotional burdens. The focus of my research was the family probation officer’s activities with supervisees in their natural living environment to accomplish professional goals. The primary research strategy was ethnography and grounded methodology procedures was a matrix for analysing and interpreting empirical material. I used in the research open participant observation and ethnographic, informal (conversational) and unstructured interviews. In the results of my own research, I considered the characteristics of the probation officer’s working area and coping mechanisms for the area-specific workload. I also emerged strategies for probatory supervision management which revealed a specific duality of the professional role of a family probation officer. Moreover, I illustrated talking strategies as the dominating component of the professional relationship.
Are Estonia, Germany and Poland successful in their handling of digital transformation of healthcare? What challenges are they faced with while developing e-prescriptions, electronic health records, patient portals, among other systems? Why has the potential of digital tools and AI not been properly harnessed in combatting SARS-CoV-2? The author answers these and many other questions, as she describes what is one of the most important tasks ahead of states following the global pandemic – implementing new technologies to foster societal health and security.
This volume “Media and Communication: Transformations and Development in the Digital Age” collects the reports of the 4th International Scientific Conference on Media and Mass Communication held on October 26 and 27, 2023 in Sofia under the same title and organized by the Faculty of Journalism and mass communication at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. It was a great pleasure for us, the hosts, to welcome a large number of participants to this forum, which emphasized the challenges and perspectives in front of communication, media, and journalism in a digital environment. The conference took part 93 researchers and colleagues from 14 countries: USA, India, the Republic of Korea, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Kosovo, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Norway and Ukraine. Bulgarian participants came from the leading universities and departments, institutions, organizations, and media. Academic partners of the International Conference are prestigious foreign universities: Eastern Kentucky University, USA, Vilnius University, Lithuania, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania, the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, Portugal, Batumi Shota Rustaveli University, Georgia, University of Bucharest, Romania
The publication focuses on the realms of social and educational work within the local community, highlighting the accomplishments of American social activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Jane Addams. The central figure in the book, who lived from 1860 to 1935, for over forty years helped the immigrants in Chicago, USA, and advocated for women's rights and global peace. Her legacy continues to inspire numerous generations of American activists and welfare professionals. The author, presenting the activist's biography, particularly underscores the importance of disseminating social values through education and action, stressing the necessity for critical reflection on educational practices within social contexts.
Issues regarding the future of the European Union have become very important, especially in the context of political and social changes across Europe, including in Poland and Austria. The study of pro- and anti-European attitudes is becoming a key area of analysis to understand the dynamics of European societies in the face of political, economic and cultural challenges. The considerations contained in this publication focus on the period from 2015 to 2021. I focus my attention on two important countries: Poland and Austria, which, despite their different histories and experiences, have many common features. By analyzing articles published in the influential weekly magazines "Polityka" in Poland and "Der Spiegel" in Austria, I try to interpret the diverse attitudes of citizens towards the idea of a common Europe. The time caesura I have designated for the purposes of this analysis is not accidental. The year 2015 was a time of change in the Polish government, where Law and Justice gained the largest parliamentary club in the history of the Third Polish Republic. In Austria, in 2017, the Christian Democrat ÖVP won the elections. The key aim of my research is to identify pro- and anti-European trends and to understand the main factors shaping these attitudes. What political, social and economic events influence the perception of the European Union? What are the main narratives in the Polish and Austrian media in the context of European events? I made the answers to these questions the content of the book. Based on C. Gerbner's method of content analysis of media messages, the research focuses on identifying differences and similarities in the approach of political actors to European issues. I also analyze the role of the media in shaping pro- or anti-European attitudes. In the results of the content analysis of the analyzed weekly magazines, I try to show the complexity of citizens' attitudes and their evolution in the period under study. This book is an attempt to answer the question about the shape of the official discourse of parliamentary parties on topics related to European integration and the European Union itself. The analysis is carried out through the prism of two levels: the idea of Europe and the organization of Europe (understood as the organizational structure of the EU and the way it will function in the future).
Scientific collection of Doctoral students from the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication
The book Behind the ward door. Ethnographic research in the hospital is the result of several months of ethnographic research conducted in three hospital wards. It discusses the realities of work, showing the difficulties faced by hospital employees, which are often imperceptible to patients and their families. It shows the backstage of a medical institution, in which during the process of interaction meanings and contexts of work are negotiated. It introduces the organizational everyday life, seen through the eyes of medical staff. From the organizational ethnography perspective, by giving voice to their respondents, the authors analyzed the specifics of the ward as an organization, socially constructed space, management styles, the process of communication between representatives of medical staff, as well as the uncertainty and emotions experienced by medical professionals. The book is one of the few ethnographic Polish studies of conditions and contexts of work in hospital wards. The reading is recommended in particular to managers of health care institutions, but also to practitioners of communication in medicine, supporting and training health care workers in particular in the field of working with emotions and managing a medical team.