КОМУНИКАЦИОНЕН МЕНИДЖМЪНТ. Стратегическо създаване на комуникационни мениджъри
COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT. Strategic Creation of Communications Managers
Contributor(s): Vesselina Valkanova (Editor), Maya Vasileva (Editor), Milena Tsvetkova (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
Published by: Факултет по журналистика и масова комуникация, Софийски университет „Св. Кл. Охридски”
Keywords: communication; management; creativity; science; specialty; faculty
Summary/Abstract: Scientific Collection of the Specialty “Communication Management” at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
- E-ISBN-13: 978-619-7567-22-9
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-7567-21-2
- Page Count: 252
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: Bulgarian
Новата перспектива на комуникациите и на обучението по комуникационен мениджмънт
Новата перспектива на комуникациите и на обучението по комуникационен мениджмънт
(The New Perspective on Communications and Communication Management Training)
- Author(s):Vesselina Valkanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:7-13
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:communication; management; training; perspective
- Summary/Abstract:A key area in contemporary social and business structures, communication management is a complex, difficult to control professional activity requiring high skills, involving a multifaceted methodological toolkit, a wide range of practices and approaches.
Практически приложения на комуникационния мениджмънт в комуникационните професии
Практически приложения на комуникационния мениджмънт в комуникационните професии
(Communication Management Practical Implementations in Professions in the Communication Field)
- Author(s):Teodora Petrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:14-18
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:communication; management; practice
- Summary/Abstract:The Communication Management curriculum provides knowledge about the different types of communication, as well as an overview of the impact of communication on strategic planning in organizations and the achievement of organization-wide goals. Courses focus on outlining the role of communication in organizational management, the methods and tools used for effective communication and communication skills. One of the most important outcomes is that the lecture courses cover the key principles of managing communication processes in media and organizations as well as media content management.
Медийната динамика на комуникационния процес
Медийната динамика на комуникационния процес
(The Media Dynamics of the Communication Process)
- Author(s):Simeon Vasilev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:21-31
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:media; dynamics; communication process; media transformation, communication process; media; digitalization; mediatization; media ecosystem
- Summary/Abstract:This article examines the media dynamics of the communication process. Its purpose is to describe the development and impact of all factors on the structures of the media ecosystem and their influence on other societal systems. Media transformation presents a significant challenge for researchers seeking an evidence-based scientific 21explanation for the impact of communication speed, digitalization, and changing political processes on media dynamics. The media ecosystem is impacted by globalization and digitalization, which are reinforced by the dynamics of the network society. Further scholarly attention to media transformation is necessary. It necessitates entirely new models of thinking and research, as well as comprehensive, collaborative, and comparative efforts across multiple disciplines.
Делиберативната комуникация в българската медийна среда
Делиберативната комуникация в българската медийна среда
(Deliberative Communication in the Bulgarian Media Scape)
- Author(s):Lilia Raycheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:32-42
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:media scape; deliberative communication; risks; opportunities
- Summary/Abstract:Using the methodology applied by the 14 participating countries in this international project, the risks and opportunities for deliberative communication that arose in the process of media transformation during the period 2000–2020 are assessed. A holistic approach to diagnosing the dynamics of the processes would help the more active participation of the population in the communication process and in social cohesion. In the present study, the implications of the changes in political, economic, and technological terms are indicated. Based on the results of the work of the Bulgarian team from the St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University in four areas: legal and regulatory framework; journalism; media consumption and media competencies, the risks and opportunities for the development of the Bulgarian media environment are outlined. The findings are important for politicians, institutions, regulators, teachers, experts, and journalists, but above all for citizens – users and creators of media content.
Теории и подходи за създаване на успешна комуникационна кампания
Теории и подходи за създаване на успешна комуникационна кампания
(Theories and Approaches to Creating a Successful Campaign)
- Author(s):Svetlana Stankova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:43-56
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:communication campaigns; mass media; audiences; message; persuasion
- Summary/Abstract:Very often communication campaigns fail because campaign designers are too much optimistic, assuming that audiences would automatically receive and enthusiastically accept their messages. Inundating audiences with messages that were not properly targeted is more likely to be ignored or misinterpreted. That’s why some researchers consider mass media campaigns initially powerless, while others – that mass media campaigns tend to reinforce existing opinions but rarely change someone’s mind. Neither view is absolutely précised. This research focuses on systematizing the theories and approaches on which successful communication campaigns in the mass media depend and the nuances that give them the most professional correspondence to the process of communication, persuasion, and communication management.
Промененото потребление и промени в маркетинговите комуникации
Промененото потребление и промени в маркетинговите комуникации
(The Changed Consumption and Changes in Marketing Communications)
- Author(s):Alexander Hristov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:57-64
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:consumption; marketing communications; online shopping; communication strategies
- Summary/Abstract:The publication will review the main changes and developments in consumption, mainly of fast-moving consumer goods, that have occurred in recent years and were intensified by the crises. This review and analysis will serve as a basis on which outlines of the developments of marketing communications will be presented (some of them as a response and others as stand-alone trends) – that will provide opportunities more effectively to reach consumers.
Седемте смъртни гряха на бранда в комуникационния мениджмънт
Седемте смъртни гряха на бранда в комуникационния мениджмънт
(The Seven Deadly Sins of Brand in Communication Management)
- Author(s):Stefan Serezliev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:65-73
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:communication management; brand; brand management; integrated marketing communications (IMC)
- Summary/Abstract:In recent years, modern and successful communications management has been about building successful brands – organizational, sporting, national, urban, political, cultural, educational, and personal. In academic theory and good professional communication practice, the complex solution of branding problems naturally leads to real opportunities for maximizing communication management at different levels: tactical, strategic, creative, etc. On the other hand, in the absence of comprehensive brand building in its key areas and stages, various problems are observed. These problems create numerous obstacles to communications management and generate irreparable structural distortions in the brand-building process, leading to crises in relations with different audiences and stakeholders. The author aims to analyze the issues at an inter- and multidisciplinary level and to discover and propose relevant and applicable solutions that optimize communication management in its theoretical and practical dimensions.
Управление на медийните организации – трудният баланс на бизнес и журналистика
Управление на медийните организации – трудният баланс на бизнес и журналистика
(Managing Media Organizations – the Difficult Balance of Business and Journalism)
- Author(s):Aneta Milkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:74-86
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:media service provider; media organization; media service; media management; media pluralism
- Summary/Abstract:The topic of media organizations/enterprise management is directly related to media and journalism in so far as the media create content/products that they market to audiences and advertisers’ market. The successful positioning of the media market depends on the quality of the offered media product and the degree of satisfaction with the needs of individual audiences. These heterogeneous activities in the process of creating, distributing, advertising, and selling media content are within the competence of the management of the media organization. In the article, I will look at the peculiarities of the management of media organizations and will seek an answer to the question of whether the principles of management apply to them, as well as in which scientific field we can position media management – in the scientific field of economics, law, information science or journalism.
Медийно зелено съдържание за устойчиво развитие
Медийно зелено съдържание за устойчиво развитие
(Media Grееn Content for Sustainable Development)
- Author(s):Manuela Manliherova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:89-96
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:media; green content; sustainability
- Summary/Abstract:The media sector is evolving rapidly, as are the social and environmental challenges we face. Green media content, in all its forms, touches the daily lives of almost every human being on our planet. Its footprint may be modest, but its „brain“footprint is huge. We see a unique contribution of the media sector in shaping the public debate, changing the behavior of many people, and promoting sustainable life habits. Concern for consumer behavior unites media and production companies. Initiatives such as Plan Albert and Ecoprod in France aim to understand the impact of carbon emissions. Albert is a partnership between 25 leading media companies to identify and take action on the social and environmental challenges facing the sector. Media has the opportunity to tell exciting new stories that reach audiences in a meaningful way and create content that exposes issues and inspires audiences. One of the main goals of the media companies united by the idea of the Albert Plan is to put the planet on the agenda of the newsrooms of media organizations. Media companies have to decide whether they are simply a reflection of current norms or movers of change.
Ефективни техники при медийно отразяване на политически и социални събития
Ефективни техники при медийно отразяване на политически и социални събития
(Effective Techniques in Media Coverage of Political and Social Events,)
- Author(s):Milko Petrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:97-105
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:communication; mystification; media; fear; anxiety; panic; media image; refugees; migrants; saviors
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with genealogy, phenomenology, and forms of fear and media-produced anxiety and panic and with the most typical techniques of their building, provoking, and using during the coverage of political and social events in the world and Bulgarian media practice.
Медийно въздействие при отразяването на кризи
Медийно въздействие при отразяването на кризи
(Media Impact on Crisis Coverage)
- Author(s):Bogomila Koleva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:106-118
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:crisis; reputation crisis; institutional crisis; crisis management; media; media influence
- Summary/Abstract:The COVID-19 pandemic is hurting how businesses and economies worldwide operate. In these difficult crisis times, businesses depend on legislative, health, and regulatory changes introduced by authorities. In this regard, it is necessary to study the interaction between the media, businesses, and institutions in dealing with the negative consequences of the crisis. The main goal is to study the protests in these branches as an atypical communication tactic for Bulgaria, often applied in times of crisis, as a form of communication with the government and local authorities.
Дигиталната реклама чрез инфлуенсъри – модел за сътрудничество
Дигиталната реклама чрез инфлуенсъри – модел за сътрудничество
(Digital Advertising Through Influencers – A Model for Cooperation)
- Author(s):Nikola Vangelov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:119-130
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:advertising; digital advertising; influencers; social networks; Instagram
- Summary/Abstract:The challenges for business organizations in communicating their products to the target audience on the internet are indeed huge. The digital ocean of information, the various communication channels, business websites, social networks, blogs, vlogs, and even virtual worlds offer opportunities for reaching the desired audience but threats, as well, if businesses are not familiar with the specifics of these channels. The text aims to shed some light on how influencers are an effective channel in promoting various goods and services. Through qualitative content analysis of influencers, as well as the channels they use, a model for collaboration is proposed. Influencers are the object and advertising communication is the subject of analysis. The study would be beneficial to various organizations that aim to communicate effectively with their consumers, as well as when trying to attract new ones.
Употреби на изкуствен интелект за създаване и разпространение на новинарско съдържание
Употреби на изкуствен интелект за създаване и разпространение на новинарско съдържание
(Uses of Artificial Intelligence for the Creation and Distribution of News Content)
- Author(s):Nikolai Kolev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:131-141
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:media; journalism; news content; algorithms; artificial intelligence
- Summary/Abstract:For years, global news agencies and several media outlets have been using automation based on natural language processing algorithms and other forms of artificial intelligence to optimize workflows for the creation and distribution of news content. At the end of 2022, such technologies became available to a wide range of Inter132net users with the resulting opportunities and challenges. The paper traces the evolution of the technologies used by media enterprises to create content, from early algorithms based on structured information and simple rules to the latest ones based on large language models.
Комуникиране на научни публикации: Нови отговорности пред абстракта
Комуникиране на научни публикации: Нови отговорности пред абстракта
(Communicating Scientific Publications: New Responsibilities to the Abstract)
- Author(s):Milena Tsvetkova, Denka Dancheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:142-177
- No. of Pages:35
- Keywords:abstracting; abstractor; compression of scientific content; extraction of scientific content; promotion of publication; scientific communication
- Summary/Abstract:The abstract is one of the oldest forms of informing in publishing, the functions of early disclosure and promotion of new publications which are becoming increasingly important in a digital context. The object of this research is the communication role of the scientific abstract, and the subject of direct research interest is the impact of digitization, multimedia, open access, and neural networks on the abstract as a communication of a scientific text. The purpose of the research is to prove an increase in responsibility for the scientific abstract as a multi-format tool for global online communication of scientific publications. There are two tasks: to verify the current standard of abstracting at the international level to ensure higher quality guarantees and wider accessibility of scientific news, and to outline the latest problems of the creation and functioning of scientific abstracts. The main research methods are comparative analysis of normative documents and desktop studies. The first hypothesis of the research is that the virtual publishing environment needs to unify the standards of abstracting. The second hypothesis is the need for authors, editorial teams, and communication managers in the field of scientific publishing to acquire more competencies in redesigning and creating scientific content and metadata in a form appropriate to the virtual environment. As a result of the research, the need for a training course on the communication role of abstracts called “Abstracts for Global Dispersion and Influence” is justified. The findings can be useful for scientific and business communicators and communication managers.
Изявления на Европейския съюз в Организацията на обединените нации
Изявления на Европейския съюз в Организацията на обединените нации
(Statements by the European Union at the United Nations)
- Author(s):Marieta Rabohchiyska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Media studies, Communication studies, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:178-191
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:UN; European Union; representation; statements
- Summary/Abstract:The European Union received an “enhanced observer“ status at the United Nations General Assembly in 2011. This reflects the new legal situation after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon and the fact that the cooperation between the UN and the EU is beneficial and covers all policy areas. The EU’s representation in international organizations is performed by various stakeholders. The day-to-day relations with the UN are coordinated by the Union’s delegation in New York. The most serious instrument of the Union in its capacity as an observer is the statements whereby the EU declares its foreign policy presence and seeks influence on the global stage of the UN. The Union is the political entity and one of the regional groups in the UN which, except the Security Council reform, makes statements on all topics on the UN agenda. Statements on its behalf are made in different ways and different forms depending on the nature of the issue at stake and on the level, but, regardless of the way and the number of possible “speakers“, the European Union has begun to express itself within the framework of the global forum of the United Nations with a coherent and recognizable voice. This study is based on a review and systematization of the latest oral and written statements at the UN with the main purpose of highlighting trends and analyzing their significance for the EU representation at the UN and for the Union’s foreign policy.
Преговори за мир между Украйна и Русия: Научноизследователски и образователни подходи за комуникационен мениджмънт на факти и данни
Преговори за мир между Украйна и Русия: Научноизследователски и образователни подходи за комуникационен мениджмънт на факти и данни
(Ukraine-Russia Pace Negotiations: Research and Educational Approaches to Facts and Data Communication Management)
- Author(s):Maya Vasileva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:195-210
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Ukraine; Russia; peace; factuality; datafication; communication management
- Summary/Abstract:This article presents research and educational approaches for the Washington Post fact-checker methodology of the famous literary character “Pinocchio“to be applied by communication specialists in creating a communication unit in the genre of “verification“, tracing the stages of impossible peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. The research aspects are in time limits up to 100 days from the beginning of the military situation outlined, covering the chronology of events, positions, demands, and mediation for negotiation stages, diplomatic statements and policy decisions, course of military actions impact on peace negotiations, and economic sanctions. The educational approaches pose models for structuring a communication unit with the obligatory element of fact-checking – selecting claims and facts’ tracing, verification through official documents and media publications, data analytics predictions and illustration, evaluation, and verdict processes. The paper also presents a comparison of publications of false facts on the war situation and justification of the products and techniques of propaganda warfare. Based on selected and verified facts, the trainee communication specialists draw a “verdict“ on a statement about a forecast for negotiations and military actions.
Обучението по комуникационен дизайн – новите предизвикателства
Обучението по комуникационен дизайн – новите предизвикателства
(Communication Design Education – The New Challenges)
- Author(s):Maya Stoyanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:211-223
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:communication design; visual communication; higher education; media; technology
- Summary/Abstract:The text examines and presents new approaches and models for the effective integration of design principles in communication design education in the field of public communications. Emphasis is placed on various aspects of training in the discipline of higher education, taking into account the inevitable and imperative modern transformations based on the rapid evolution of new technologies for information visualization.
Практикум по компютърни технологии за специалност „Комуникационен мениджмънт“
Практикум по компютърни технологии за специалност „Комуникационен мениджмънт“
(Practicum in Computer Technologies for Communication Management Speciality)
- Author(s):Angel Angelov, Philip Petrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:224-230
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:practicum; computer technology; communication management; technological organization; educational content; formative assessment
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the organizational technology and the contents of the course “Computer Technologies” (workshop). The authors share their experience their work with students during the first years of the establishment of the Communication specialty at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Мултимедийните проекти като част от креативната индустрия
Мултимедийните проекти като част от креативната индустрия
(Multimedia Projects as Part of the Creative Industry)
- Author(s):Oleg Konstantinov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:231-241
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:multimedia projects; interactivity; design; creative industry
- Summary/Abstract:The creative industry today is varied, but when it comes to digital culture and products, especially given the mass adoption of mobile devices and technology, multimedia interactive projects occupy an increasingly fundamental position. In the context of modern information and communication technologies, multimedia products have different forms and applications. In this regard, the educational content in the “MultimediaProjects“ discipline included in the Master’s program “Production and Creative Industry “ of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communications is mainly oriented toward practice. Below are described the key theoretical and technological knowledge, skills, and attitudes that provide a good basis for the implementation of multimedia projects in various sectors of the public sphere. The complex nature of technology requires knowledge in areas such as graphic design (for building user interfaces (UI) and overall design of visual materials), copyright (legal basis, mechanisms for the protection of authorship, and various types of licenses), sound processing (basic operations and working with effects in audio-oriented software products), video processing (basic knowledge, upgraded with knowledge of creating effective digital messages), modern approaches In Design (e.g. Design Thinking and User Experience (UX) Design) and, of course, a toolkit for creating multimedia interactive products of the most diverse types and application environments (web-based solutions, applications for mobile devices, desktop products, cross-platform aspects, etc.). Undoubtedly, in addition to the technological side of things, the purely creative aspect is also on the agenda, assigning a leading place to multimedia projects in the sphere of the creative industry.
Класически и електронен подбор на кадри в съпоставителен план
Класически и електронен подбор на кадри в съпоставителен план
(Classical and Electronic Recruitment in Comparison)
- Author(s):Ivailo Tsolov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:242-251
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:work; talent acquisition; recruitment; electronic environment; print media; Web 3.0
- Summary/Abstract:The article takes an in-depth look at classical and electronic personnel selection methods comparatively. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the two selection methods are explained in detail – comparable in terms of financial factors, the factor of speed, geographical reachability of job advertisements, and the possibility of immediate feedback in case of rejection or in case of questions arising from any part of the process. Through the methodological framework of a qualitative study of the advantages and disadvantages of the two conventionally divided within the framework of scientific development methods of personnel selection – classic and electronic selection, the comparative analysis from a financial, time, and geographical point of view, as well as in terms of the possibility of giving feedback, it is concluded that e-recruitment is the modern method that gives advantages to both the candidates and the companies or recruitment agencies. We can unequivocally determine in almost all parameters the selection in an electronic environment is the more effective of the two approaches.