The Self-Critical Lion
Der selbstkritische Löwe
Keywords: Self-Criticism in Communist Societies;
originally published in NEUER WEG, Bucarest, Sept. 7, 1954 ("Kritik aus den Massen") by Nina Cassian
More...Keywords: Self-Criticism in Communist Societies;
originally published in NEUER WEG, Bucarest, Sept. 7, 1954 ("Kritik aus den Massen") by Nina Cassian
More...Keywords: Book review
М. Radojević, Lj. Dimić Srbija u Velikom ratu 1914–1918 [Serbia in the Great War 1914–1918], Belgrade, Srpska književna zadruga, Beogradski forum za svet ravnopravnih, special editions, Belgrade 2014, 300 p.
More...Keywords: oligopoly; strategic interaction; firm concentration; entry barriers; collusion; Nash equilibrium; social welfare; market regulation; corporate statistics
The paper considers impact of entry barriers on the social welfare. Despite the common opinion that entry barriers are always bad, the excessive number of firms’ means, all pros aside, duplicated fixed costs. It is shown that the socially effective number of firms is smaller than the equilibrium one for the wide specter of demand and cost functions, and also for different strategies of companies’ behavior. This proposition is satisfied for the homogeneous product markets where output of each company decreases when the number of firms increases, and competition gets stronger. But there is the considerable danger of the increasing probability of collusion in a situation of number of firms’ limitation. We show that collusion is less dangerous than duplicated fixed costs if the gap between the choke price and marginal costs is less than a certain critical value connected with the ratio of fixed and variable costs. We back up our findings by the empirical research on the base of the financial statistics of the biggest world corporations.
More...Keywords: Highlander folklore; Żywiec highlanders; traditional folk music; song; values
Music has accompanied a man from the beginnings of his existence. Especially with the word it has significantly extended the human possibilities of the communication, being an endless means of expression. Traditional highland-style music illustrates the elements which formed its contents, so there are traces of both certain culture arising due to an aboriginally shepherd’s way of life, as well as the specific historical and social conditions. Besides, it gives vent to emotions or inward states, articulating the everyday reality – a work, entertainments and worries. Folk songs can show how a certain highland community was living and perceiving itself and its own “smallest world”. Using the paraphrase of the conception of linguistic view of the world, the main purpose of this article is to recapture some meanings and values essential for a former, but currently resurgent culture of the highlanders. This analysis is based on an example of the Żywiec highlanders.
More...Keywords: Laryngeal Realism; Laryngeal Relativism; sonorant voicing; post-phonological spell-out; substance-free primes; Polish
The article discusses the theory of laryngeal phonology exposed in Cyran (2014), Laryngeal Relativism. The basic assumption of this approach is that sonorants and vowels never bear phonological specifications for voicing: their voicing is only ever phonetic in nature. Therefore phonetic interpretation, i.e. spell-out of the output of phonology into phonetic categories, is central: this is where phonetic voicing leaks into neighbouring segments. In the first part of the article, the generative power of Laryngeal Relativism is evaluated, and its workings are compared with previous analyses. The impact of substance-free primes is also discussed.
More...Keywords: Translation Studies discourse; translation methodology; communist and postcommunist Romania; Romanian translation (studies); ideology
This paper purports to account for the methodology required by translation and its discipline, namely Translation Studies (TS) in our country. For this purpose, we will have in view works published by translation theorists and practitioners from the communist period when the first considerations on translation (studies) started to enjoy book length treatment due to Leon Levițchiřs Îndrumar pentru traducătorii din limba engleză în limba română/ Guidelines for Translators from English into Romanian (1975) or the proceedings of the First Colloquium on Literature and Translation (1981), to present day. Thus, as far as the post-communist period is concerned, we will discuss Translation (Studies) considerations on methodology as tackled by Andrei Bantaș and Elena Croitoru (1998), Ioana Adriana Bălăcescu (2008) or Rodica Dimitriu (2002, 2006) in their works. Our purpose is to distinguish original elements of the Romanian Translation Studies discourse on methodology during communism and post-communism and see whether the totalitarian regime and its instruments (ideology, censorship) had any say in the works published during the former period.
More...Keywords: installation;the extended field of sculpture;open work;apropriation; redymade;mobility;interaction;mechanical reproduction;externalisation;
Changes that had taken place in art during the second half of the 20th century pointed to the change of paradigm in art. The most observable consequence of this change was relativizing the categories of sculpture and painting that had a universal and indisputable importance and whose dominant position came into question by the appearance of various hybrid forms. One of these phenomena is installation that became a landmark of art in the second half of the 20th century. Changes that have effected a new perception of art are being observed in three problematic wholes.
More...Keywords: translation; game theory; game; play; author; reader; translator
The article discusses the concepts of game and play in different languages. Applications of game theory to linguistic issues are shown. A game-theoretic model is proposed as a way to represent translation, defined as both written and oral discourse intended to render a message expressed in one language into another language
More...Keywords: traductologie; intenționalitate; skopos; coerență; (in)traductibilitate; sintaxă; poetică
Pornind de la o tulburătoare interpretare a lui Jacques Derrida, studiul de față își propune să investigheze și încearcă să explice blocajul ce intervine în versiunile englezești, franceze și românești (semnate de Antoine Berman, Alexis Nouss, Steven Rendall, Catrinel Pleșu etc.) ale celebrului text al lui Walter Benjamin, Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers, atunci cînd traducătorii transpun în cele trei limbi țintă cele două citate cuprinse în acesta: un citat din Mallarmé, lăsat netradus de Benjamin însuși, și un altul, din Pannwitz. Într-un fel sau altul, ambele citate au o formă discursivă ce lasă să se întrevadă o sintaxă ce se abate deliberat de la normă, ca și cum ar fi deja niște „traduceri”. Analiza mai pune în evidență și comportamentul (cumva o dominantă a psihologiei traducătorilor?) celor ce au transpus textul benjaminian, comportament marcat de obsesia lizibilității văzută ca o trăsătură congenitală a oricărei traduceri, chiar și atunci cînd textul original nu tinde spre aceasta. De unde și dilema, dureroasă, legată de spinoasa chestiune a intenționalității textului (nu doar de tradus)...
More...Keywords: translation; intentional fallacy; skopos; (un)translatability; coherence; syntax; text poetics
Starting from a disconcerting interpretation of Jacques Derrida, our analysis aims at investigating and also tries to explain the blockage which appears in the English, French and Romanian translations (signed by Maurice de Gandillac, Antoine Berman, Laurent Lamy, Alexis Nouss, Harry Zohn, Steven Rendall, Martine Broda, Catrinel Pleșu etc.) of a well-known text of Walter Benjamin, Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers, when translators transpose in their target languages the two quotations given by Benjamin: one of Mallarmé, left untranslated in the source text, and another, signed by Pannwitz. The fact is that both quotations have something in common: a discoursive form which results from an unusual syntax, as if they were already, in a certain sense, „translations”. As if the translators feared—a feature of the translator’s psychology?—not to render their text sufficiently accessible, even when the source text is not intended to be accessible. Hence the painful dilemma of the intentional fallacy (not only of the text to be translated).
More...Keywords: Agriculture; erosion; management of archaeological landscapes; middle saxon loess hill region archaeological monuments at risk; precision farming; ploughing
Nowhere else is there a creeping and slow destruction of archaeological monuments as in intensively used agricultural landscapes. Sites are still degraded by erosion, cultivation and pollutant inputs to the soil. But the implementation of concrete measures needs more than sensitive archaeological institutions. Without the cooperation with farmers, agricultural administrations, nature conservation agencies and organisations as well as the mobilisation of agro-environmental funds archaeologists will never achieve an efficient heritage management on intensively cultivated areas. In order to protect the rural archaeological heritage in Saxony, various strategies have been developed since 2000. The paper presents best-practice models of managing monuments in intensively used agricultural landscapes. The conversion of ploughed sites into grassland alongside with the application of precision farming systems are especially effective approaches to a better conservation of archaeological remains at risk.
More...Keywords: militsiya; novel; Alexandra Marinin; translation; lexical and vocabulary problems; professional dialect
Professional dialect as a source of lexical and cultural problems of the interpreter is consideredin the article. The author of the article analyses two groups of professional dialects: vocabularyconnected with the militsiya rank structure and militsiya procedures in the best-selling Russian writerof criminal novels – Alexandra Marinina. Her first novel Confluence of Circumstances publishedin 1996 was material of the present analysis.
More...Keywords: rozpoznawanie emocji; wzmacnianie umiejętności; niepełnosprawność intelektualna
Osoby z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną często wykazują deficyty związane z właściwym rozumieniem emocji innych osób. W artykule zaprezentowany został przypadek Daniela, młodego mężczyzny z umiarkowanym stopniem niepełnosprawności intelektualnej, u którego deficyty tego rodzaju w znaczący sposób wpływają na funkcjonowanie w sytuacjach społecznych. Przedstawione zostały informacje na temat osoby badanej uzyskane w wywiadzie z matką oraz na podstawie analizy dokumentacji medycznej i psychologicznej. Zaprezentowano opis treningu związanego z rozpoznawaniem i interpretacją emocji przeznaczony dla osób z obniżonym poziomem sprawności intelektualnej. Ocena skuteczności podjętych oddziaływań wskazała na pozytywne efekty treningu. Uzyskane w pracy z osobą badaną wyniki dają podstawy by sądzić, że przygotowane zadania mogą być stosowane w pracy z osobami z głębszą niepełnosprawnością intelektualną przejawiającymi podobne deficyty w zakresie kompetencji emocjonalnych.
More...Keywords: R&D&I; Romania; management; analysis; concentration;
Research, development and innovation can represent the foundation of economic development and a way to increase economic competitiveness. The paper proposes an analysis of the national research system, highlighting the factors that lead to a reduced success rate of Romanian research. Information on system development has been collected from national and international statistical bases. The data were processed, statistically interpreted and represented graphically. The assessment of the degree of market concentration of the innovative companies in Romania was achieved through the Gini Struck and Herfindahl-Hirschman methods. The results of the study have led to a high concentration of the market. The development of private research is at an early stage in Romania, compared to Europe. Although strategic tools to promote research results have been proposed at national level, the low allocation of funds to the sector, a domestic fund dominated by foreign capital and inadequate legislation still lead to a lack of attractiveness of the sector and modest results.
More...Keywords: Władysław Żeleński; Goplana; lyric opera; opera in Poland;
In November 2016, the National Theatre in Warsaw staged Goplana by Władysław Żeleński for the first time after its long absence from the stage. The opera was received with great acclaim by the critics worldwide, and in May 2017 it was granted an award at International Opera Awards in London in the category “rediscovered work.” This surprised not only Polish music lovers but also musicians, as the belief that Żeleński was a conservative composer whose works are a remnant of a bygone era had become widespread. This view had been shared by several generations and could not be verified since the composer’s pieces were very rarely performed, perhaps with the exception of his early works – the concert overture W Tatrach [In the Tatra Mountains] and a few songs. It was only recently that research on his oeuvre has been undertaken. The present article is aimed at providing additional information concerning the composing technique of Władysław Żeleński.
More...Keywords: realia and cultureme; standardized; parallel versions or synonyms; Transylvanian apple varieties; Romanian; Hungarian;
In this study, our purpose is to establish a link between the concept of cultureme and a very intriguing type of specialized discourse: scientific texts belonging to the field of pomology (horticultural sciences). At least a segment of apple (and other fruit) varietal or cultivar names (especially those restricted to a certain geographical and cultural area or region) can be considered from a linguistic and translational viewpoint lexemes which carry cultural meaning. In our research, we focus on the apple varietal names which are specific to the region of Transylvania. We intend to see the way Romanian specialized literature observes or flouts the mentioning of Hungarian terms related to pomology (i.e. apple varietal names which are culturemes) as synonyms of the currently promoted Romanian versions. We also examine whether Hungarian specialists tend to mention the Romanian versions of Hungarian apple varietal names in their works. In fact, this research is, to a certain degree, an analysis of the attitude specialists display with regard to the scientific terminology and the long-established terms of the proximal culture.
More...Keywords: understanding concepts; family; creative activity; early education
The article presents the results of the research carried out in the school year 2018/2019 in selected primary schools. The research was compliant with the assumptions of constructivism. The aim of the study was to diagnose the ways of understanding the abstract concept of a family in a group of younger schoolchildren from a large city (Lodz). It was assumed that an effective way of extracting meanings given by children is to trigger their creative activity. Typical psychodidactic techniques were used: asking questions, drafting cognitive maps and creating analogies. The material obtained in the course of observation and analysis of children’s creations has been studied. The strategy used made it possible to reconstruct the children’s process of understanding the concept of a family, and to show the possibilities inherent in the psychodidactics of creativity. Such possibilities enable teachers to activate children’s way of interpreting the world and eliciting its personal and original representations.
More...Keywords: social support; anxiety; family support; undergraduate students; COVID-19
The first social support survey during COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey, this study investigated the effect of perceived social support on the levels of anxiety in undergraduate students. Gender, educational status of the parents, place of residence, level of income, chronic disease status, and having a relative or acquaintance with COVID-19 were included in the statistical model as control variables. The population consisted of 27379 undergraduate students and the selected sample was of 583 students. The data were collected through the adapted forms of Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support and Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item (GAD-7). The data analysis was performed using univariate analysis, ordinal logistic regression model, and Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) analysis. Gender, level of income, chronic disease status, and the dimensions of social support have statistically significant effects on anxiety. The study found that 29.1% of the students with a low level of family support had ‘severe’ anxiety, while 19.9% of the students reported not having anxiety at all, and that percentage increased up to 30.8% for students with a high level of family support. The results of the current study suggest social support from family has a reducing effect on the levels of anxiety of undergraduate students.