Keywords: anthropology; animals; intelligence
The article is a fascinating attempt at understanding and assessing contemporary forms of anthropomorphism in reference to animals. The author is not concerned with unambiguous criticism or with a holistic rejection of the discussed stand. On the one hand, she is interested in comprehending the unfazed force of its attraction in our reflections and, on the other hand, with describing the methodological taboo which renders it undesirable in the world of science. The delineations of mediaeval angelologists and post-Darwinian comparative psychologists correspond to this double objective owing to the intentional ambivalence present in both cases: anthropomorphism was practiced by desperate men aware of its threats and limitations but, at the same time, convinced that such a cognitive strategy is meaningful.
More...Keywords: value, axiological crisis, postmodern epoch, model of pluralistic society, value of work, pedagogical society.
This article presents the value of work in the situation of visible modern axiological crisis. In the aspect of ideology of postmodern epoch and the model of pluralistic society the value of work appears as an antidote for visible universal values destruction. The last passages the article show the pedagogical society of young people engaged in the functioning of “Troska” Foundation as affirmation of universal values including the value of work.
More...Keywords: LGBT population; rights and freedoms;
Prva obuhvatnija analiza prava LGBT osoba u Bosni i Hercegovini rađena je 2006. godine kada je već postojao Zakon o ravnopravnosti spolova, te u određenim krivičnim zakonima seksualna orijentacija kao zabranjeni osnov diskriminacije. Prva studija sastojala se primarno od normativne analize, preporuka u pogledu izmjena, te problema u primjeni propisa. Od tog perioda desile su se bitne izmjene drugih propisa i usklađivanje sa Zakonom o ravnopravnosti spolova na državnom, entitetskom i kantonalnom nivou. Godine 2009. donesen je Zakon o zabrani diskriminacije u kojem je potvrđena zabrana diskriminacije na osnovu seksualne orijentacije, te je po prvi put uvedan i rodni identitet (Zakon koristi drugačije određenje: spolno izražavanje). Također, pred policijskim i sudskim organima u Bosni i Hercegovini pojavili su se prvi slučajevi u kojima su se kao oštećeni pojavili pripadnici/ce LGBT populacije. Neki od njih su uspješno procesuirani, a neki su ostali u fazi istrage. Medijski najeksponiraniji je slučaj neuspješnog održavanja Queer festivala, te prije i neposredno prije održavanja Festivala slučaj govora mržnje u printanim medijima. Upravo iz gore navedenih razloga krenulo sa ka izradi nove studije uključivanjem do sada evidentiranih slučajeva diskriminacije, napada ili govora mržnje a kako bi se barem djelimično stekao uvid koliko su bosanskohercegovački pravni sistem i društvo spremni da adekvatno djeluju na iste. Analiza je također zamišljena da bude izvor osnovnih propisa o zaštiti prava LGBT populacije koji bi se koristio kroz treninge i edukacije kako pripadnika/ca populacije, tako i medija i policije. Obrazovanje pripadnika/ca LGBT populacije o njihovim pravima je jedan od koraka ka oživljavanju propisa o zabrani diskriminacije, odnosno, kako bi se krenulo ka prijavljivanju slučajeva diskriminacije i njihovog procesuiranja koje se u najvećem broju i ne dešava. Edukacija policije, ali i ostalih koji su uključeni u sistem zaštite ljudskih prava potrebna je iz razloga što postoji nedovoljno poznavanje propisa o zabrani diskriminacije, te je neophodno njihovo senzibiliziranje za potrebe LGBT populacije. U tom smislu, analizirani propisi i slučajevi dat će potrebnu osnovu za bazičnu edukaciju. Zbog ograničenog prostora, pravna analiza ne može obuhvatiti sve propise, već je dat primat osnovnim, sistemskim i najbitnim propisima, odnosno određenim njihovim aspektima. Većim su dijelom obrađivani materijalni, a samo djelimično procesni propisi (podnošenje apelacije pred Komisijom za ljudska prava, ostvarivanje prava pred Evropskim sudom za ljudska prava i podnošenje apelacija pred Ustavnim sudom Bosne i Hercegovine). Prikaz pojedinih djelova analize dati su u daljem tekstu.
More...Keywords: crisis;EU;PISA
More...Keywords: Peter Sloterdijk; Heidegger; friendship; relations; humanism;
Knjige su, primetio je jednom pesnik Žan Paul, debela pisma (Briefe) prijateljima. Ovom rečenicom on je suštinu i funkciju humanizma jezgrovito i ljupko nazvao pravim imenom: humanizam je telekomunikacija u mediju pisma (Schrift), telekomunikacija koja stvara prijateljstva. Ono što se od Ciceronovog vremena naziva humanitas, i u najširem i u najužem smislu spada u posledice alfabetiziranja. Od kad postoji kao književni žanr, filozofija svoje pristalice regrutuje tako što na infektivan način piše o ljubavi i prijateljstvu. Ona je ne samo govor o ljubavi prema mudrosti - ona želi da tu ljubav probudi i kod drugih. […]
More...Keywords: children’s rights; protection of the rights of the child; UNICEF; Convention on the Rights of the Child; Committee on the Rights of the Child
The book comprehensively covers the issue of the international protection of children’s rights. It presents the rights and position of the child in history and analyses the process of institutionalization of the protection of children’s rights. Moreover, the subject of violence against children and the phenomenon of street children are examined. The author also discusses Convention on the Rights of the Child as well the work of the institutions acting for children and assesses the protection of the rights of the child in particular countries.
More...Keywords: cyber law; law and IT companies; law and smart society; artificial law and intelligence;
The virtual world and artificial intelligence are a daily "reality". The electronic environment defined as On-Line has taken over a large amount of commercial transactions from the classical environment. Classical trading allows you to meet your partners and negotiate directly. In the international trade from On-Line the partners are not often known and they act on a trust given by the community. Business guarantees no longer fall within the attribute of the state (community of states) that confirms the verifiable existence of the company by registering with the Trade Register and/or by fiscal registration. There is no guarantee in e-commerce! The reliable guarantee of the partner's creditworthinessis the system based on trust and the opinions of the other partners who have used transactions before. There are situations in which the provider does not exist in the form presented on the web page. There are situations in which the partner company only has an Internet domain and in reality, it does not exist. Our paper opens a number of issues that can be debated starting with the statute and the legal definition of companies that actexclusively on-line as "legal persons of private law in the online environment". We assistand participate in a new society that has no defined regulations. How, Who and When will it be able to regulate it?
More...Keywords: multilingualism; language and education policies; Austro-Hungarian Empire;
The paper presents preliminary results of research of primary sources (newspaper advertisements, postcards, official documents), which show the effects of language and education policies, economic conditions and social relations on language practices in Pula/Pola (Austria) and Rijeka/Fiume (Hungary) during the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In spite of different policies, Italian maintained its prestige in both cities, indicating the strong connection between language, culture, and social class.
More...Keywords: psyche;myth;soul;interpretations;representations;
Psyche seems to be a fairly well known mythological character, not only as Cupid’s wife, but especially as a symbol of the human soul. However, her origins remain obscure, and the interpretations attached to her are numerous and of a great variety. Through this literary, mythological, philosophical, ethnological and psychoanalytical study, Psyche is shown to have metamorphosed throughout the centuries to become an important figure of western culture.
More...Keywords: dignity; personality; morality; autonomy; sanctity
Trying to understand the foundation of human dignity, the author discusses the viewpoints of Pico della Mirandola, Kant and Christianity. According to the Renaissance thinker, the human dignity comes from the possibility that he, in contrast to other beings, only by himself can both make and form himself. Rejecting the Christian humility, Pico della Mirandola thinks that man, since he cannot accept to be the second in anything, only by himself can rise even above the angels. Although the modern idea of self-creation is partly present in Kant’s philosophy too, the German philosopher thinks that the foundation of human dignity lies in man’s personality, in fact that he is purpose by itself and moral being. Convinced that the dignity is connected with the sphere of morality, Kant claims that sanctity of moral law is transferred to man who as a rational being is the subject of the moral law. If the sanctity as the foundation of dignity is preserved even in Kant’s philosophy, it is quite expected that in religion human dignity lies in the measure he is like God. In contrast to Kant, who narrows religion to morality, Christianity claims that the human dignity comes from the fact that he is created in the image of God. Since man is both given as image of God and can be improved as likeness to God, he has the dignity in the measure he is like God.
More...Keywords: Anthropocene; anthropology; philosophy; ethics; ecology;
Post-(trans-, anti-) humanizmo, antropoceno ir biopolitikos (kritikos) eroje, kai universitetuose filosofijos profesoriai dėsto apie kiborgus ir chimerizaciją, kai filosofijos mokslo žurnaluose etika ir ekosofija vaikosi kūnus be organų ir genų inžinerijos sistemas, kai AI uždominavęs transcendentalinius klausimus, -tokiais laikais lietuviškai paleisti „aktualų“ tekstą apie filosofinę antropologiją galėtų reikšti intelektinę savinaiką. Bent moksline prasme. Kita vertus, tam tikra filosofine savinaika galima vadinti ir pastangas nuolat vaikytis naujausią gamtos (FBM) mokslų žodį apie žmogų. Mat kas yra žmogus, tie eksperimentiniai mokslai nebūtinai atsako, juk „mes, žmonės, nuolat esame labiau mūsų tradicijos nei mūsų eksperimentai“. Taip teigia čia skelbiamo teksto autorius, ilgametis (1965–1993) Gyseno universiteto ordinarinis profesorius Odo Marquardas (1928–2015). Taigi, minioms filosofų tebesivaikant naujausių mokslo žodžių, verta ir prasminga atsigręžti į laikiškai nepernelyg atitolusią, dalykiškai – vis dar aktualią, o stilistiškai – netgi ir potencialiai klasiką: pironiškojo skeptiko, uzualisto, transcendentalinio beletristo kūrybą, net klavišai nesispaudžia rašyti – „darbus“. Joachimo Ritterio (praktinės filosofijos mokykla; ambicingo projekto Historische Wörterbuch der Philosophie įkvėpėjas ir leidėjas)mokinys, filosofijos istorikas ir Žodžio meistras, stiliaus, takto ir skonio virtuozas, hermeneutikos praktikas par excellence. Tai, ką Marquardas atlikdavo akademiniuose ir kultūriniuose laukuose žodžiu ir raštu, visada būdavo ir aukščiausios klasės filosofija, ir tokia pat proza. Gal net ne visai tikslu sakyti „proza“, kartais plačiau – metrinė literatūra. Taktiškai atsikartojantys sakiniai ir ritmiškai persidengiančios frazės, ypatingas dėmesys teksto ir pastraipų, sakinių ir frazių struktūrai, nuotaikai ir galimai recepcijai. Rūpestingai apgalvotos ar žaismingai čia pat išvestos naujos sąvokos (diagnozė apie filosofijos vietą dabartiniame pasaulyje, Inkompetenzkompensationskompetenz, susilaukė neįtikėtinos recepcijos už filosofijos ribų -šio teksto vertėjas progiškai dėvi iš už užjūrio atsisiųstus marškinėlius su šiuo užrašu), elegantiškos, iškart visuotiniu sutarimu klasikinėmis pripažįstamos idiomos, topiniai, dažnai daugelio (net blizgių aforizmų knygelių) cituojami apibrėžimai (šiame tekste -apie žmones, protą kaip „atsisakymą pastangų išlikti kvailam“). Stebėtina ne tik jo morfologija, bet ir sintaksė: neįmanoma verčiant atsisakyti, racionalizuoti įterptinių sakinių, kiaurai naratyvinio dėstymo. Tiesą sakant, nelabai išverčiamas autorius.
More...Keywords: Protectorate; psychological prose; Jaroslav Havlíček; Václav Řezáč
The study deals with the problems of the Protectorate psychological prose, its form and changes in the period 1939–1945. It first characterizes general tendencies and backgrounds, then discusses individual authors. It describes the top works of the period, i.e. the novels of Václav Řezáč and Jan Drda. It then describes a group of works that focus on exceptional characters, artists and doctors. Among the best known are Karel Schulz‘s The Stone and the Pain, and among the lesser known are the works of K. J. Beneš, Čestmír Jeřábek, Helena Dvořáková and others. Another section is devoted to specific works by younger authors such as Bohuslav Březovský, Vladimír Pazourek or Miroslav Hanuš. They are united by the figure of a young man suffering for love, loneliness and the search for the meaning of life. A large part of the Protectorate‘s prose consisted of works dealing with interpersonal relationships, especially marital and lover‘s relationships (Václav Řezáč, Jarmila Glazarová, František Kožík, Olga Barényiová). Interpersonal relationships on the background of small-town life were the subject of several novels by Jaroslav Havlíček, and the work of Vladimír Neff also stands out from contemporary production.
More...Keywords: urban space; regeneration; architecture;
Tema propusã urmãrește modul de transformare și constituire a spaþiilor urbane, ca o consecinþã a constantelor evoluþii sociale, culturale și în modul de utilizare, încercând sã determine în ce mãsurã interrelaþionãrile dintre oraș și societate conduc la noi tipuri de experienþe și condiþionãri urbane și cerceteazã direcþiile spre care se îndreaptã soluþiile arhitecturale - rãspuns pentru re-evaluarea convenþiilor urbane. Arhitectura este expresia societãþii și a așteptãrilor sale. Relaþiile socio-spaþiale și experienþa urbanã sunt în continuã transformare; fiind totodata agent, dar și registru al schimbãrii și evoluţiei sociale, cadrul urban oferã, provoacã, însã pretinde adaptare.
More...Keywords: Angevin kings; cities; warfare; chivalry; charters
The period between 1301–1387 is known in Hungarian history as the age of the Angevin dynasty. The first part of this era can characterised by internal wars between royal power and feudal lords as a result of which King Charles I managed to stabilise his power, in which cities played an important role. From 1324 onwards internal peace enabled the king to focus on his foreign policy. Charles himself, too, but his son, Louis I led several campaigns abroad, some of which were important from the viewpoint of European power politics, especially the ones he led in the Kingdom of Naples. These wars displayed the differences, which can be observed between contemporary western European warfare and that of a central European army, the most important of them being the predominance of light cavalry and an almost total lack of infantry. Cities in Hungary and Dalmatia were crucial for providing the army with weapons and war materiel as well as serving as pools for recruiting soldiers.
More...Keywords: SME; strategic management; best practices; leadership; success;
The success in business is always a priority in every nation, because the companies are the basis of the economic life, the GDP producers. The fluctuation is very high, there are appearing and disappearing very frequently. However, there are some, who can function for a long time, producing profit and contributing to the local, regional or even national development. What is the ‘secret formula’, which makes them successful? What could be behind the numbers, tables, and diagrams? Our research tries to look behind the scene to find this formula, building on the human factor. We are asking Hungarian managers and entrepreneurs to show us how are they organizing the operational activities, how can they organize their times, which practices are working and what they would like to change. We ask them to formulate the idea of success and to describe the traits that characterizes the successful leaders. The results of the research will give us the opportunity to draw a “success thinking map”, which will contain those directives, managerial company philosophy describer thoughts, managerial habits and technics, which raise or could raise to the front line the most successful companies.
More...Keywords: human self-understanding; eusocial behavior; human-insect analogy; crowd; recycling
The discovery of the eusocial behavior of ants and bees in the 1960s fundamentally rewrote the decades of entomological research, biology, and ultimately human self-understanding. Understanding that these insect species organize themselves into social constellations similar to ours suggests that the sociability of homo sapiens sapiens will also be seen in a different light. But what made the insect world suitable for becoming a specific form of human self-understanding between the second half of the 19th century and the first third of the 20th century? My paper is limited to just a few situations when, in the course of my own literary studies, the early intersections of the insect world and human self-understanding flashed before me, drawing the possible contours of a pattern.
More...Keywords: capital markets interdependence; DCC-GARCH model; conditional variance; conditional correlation; confirmatory factor analysis;
The subject of the article concerns the identification of a common factor (latent variable) describing the interdependence system for selected capital markets. Within the study we conducted an analysis of the correlation between the capital market of Germany and the markets of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. The values of conditional correlations derived from the DCC-GARCH model were used to evaluate the interdependence between the capital markets. Then, based on the established interdependencies between the markets, a cointegration analysis was carried out. The degree of integration of conditional correlation series using the Phillips-Perron test was tested. Based on the Johansen procedure, a long-term system of linkages between the capital markets was determined. The identification of the cointegration process for the interdependence system was an argument for identifying a common factor on the basis of the affirmative factor analysis. The common factor reflects the leading direction of changes in the interdependence system between the German capital market and the markets of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. The estimation of the square trend parameters for the identified common factor allowed us to determine the direction of change in the interdependence system between the examined capital markets. The results obtained confirmed that the increase in the level of interdependence was due to the global financial crisis and the slow stabilization of the analyzed markets.