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In 1911 the Academy of Skills sent their expedition represented by Eugeniusz Barwiński,Ludwik Birkenmajer and Jan Łoś. They examined the collections in Skokloster with relatively little attention to detail. It has not been until recently that the polonica were thoroughly investigated and analyzed. The academic study of those literary texts was performed by a group of scholars under the supervision of professor Alina Nowicka-Jeżowa, forming a part of a Literary Studies Research Group of the Section of Old Polish Literature and Culture. They have published a catalogue of antique books and a few volumes of inedita (unpublished literary works).
Book and press relationship is important element of cultural phenomenon. Its particular dynamism appeared in 19th and first half of 20th century. Book was promoted mainly in social-cultural periodicals which existed since thirtieth years of 20th century. The catholic papers between 1918 and 1939, 1945 and 1953 were the another group of them. Author wrote in the article about most popular of them like „Kultura” (1936-1939), „Tęcza”(1927-1939), „Verbum” (1927-1939), „Tygodnik Powszechny” (1945-1953), „Tygodnik Warszawski” (1945-1948), „Głos Katolicki” (1945-1948). Frequently form of encourage mentto read books were advertisements of publishing companies and book stores. After them were books reviews, information of the latest publications, notes of book events, articles about books and reading.
The aim of this article is to present the process of organising the book system in Lodz in 1945-1950. In this period many different kinds of book institutions were created (libraries, publishing houses, printing-houses, professional organisations, didactic, scientific and research institutions connected with books), which was presented in context of,both local and outside, cultural, scientific, educational and social-political conditions. In this study the author also took into consideration the historical aspect of the analysed issue – the relations of the presented system (or their scarceness) to the world of books of the pre-war Lodz.
Tıp biliminden gelen bu terim “canlılarda, kendisi normal olan anatomik öğelerin aslında normal olarak bulunmaması gereken yerlerde ortaya çıkması” olarak genel bir biçimde tanımlanabilir. Michel Foucault’nun 1996’da, felsefede yeniden oluşturduğu bu sözcük, önce dilbilimde, sonra da yazınbilimde kullanılmıştır. Terim bir süre unutulmuş gibi görünse de son yıllarda güçlü bir biçimde yeniden, yeni bakış açıları ile kullanılmaktadır. Bilindiği gibi “hétéro” öneki “farklı”, “başka”, “karmaşık” anlamlarına gelir; “topie” ise “yer”, “düzlem” gibi anlamları içerir. Bu çerçevede “hétérotopie” birbirine benzemeyen ama bir arada bulunan başka yer, ya da düzlemler” olarak tanımlanabilir. Foucault bu terimi şöyle açımlıyor: “Zamansız ve çelişkili, devinimli ve durağan, ulaşılabilir ve kapalı, kalıcı ve tartışmalı, özgürleştirici ve baskıcı düzlemler” . Philippe Sabot’nun anlatımıyla başkadüzlem “kendi içinde tutarlı olanı yırtan, bozan” düzlemlerdir . Başkadüzlemsel yerler ya rastlantısal ya da çizgisel olarak karşıt, birbirine benzemeyen uzamlardır. Başka uzamlar bir gücün de, bir bireyin imgelemini de yansıtabilirler . Bu anlamda yaşadığımız gerçek ve imgelemsel düzlemleri tartışmaya açarlar.
Her toplumsal olay gibi yurtdışına işçi göçü ve devamında yaşananlar da yaşadığı dünyaya ve topluma tanıklık etmeyi yazarlık sorumluluğu içinde gören yazarlara anlatma görevi yüklemiş; onlar da romanlar, oyunlar, şiir ve öyküler yazarak bunu yerine getirmişlerdir. Almanya’nın en çok Türkiye’den göç alan ülke oluşu, edebiyat ürünlerinde de etkisini göstermiş; ekonomik-siyasal nedenlerle ya da gözlem amacıyla Almanya’ya giden ve Almanya gerçeğini Türkiye’den izleyen birçok yazar, bu konuya eğilen yapıtlar vermiştir. Aysel Özakın, bu olguyu yerinde, doğrudan gözleyerek, bir oranda yaşayarak yansıtan yazarlardan biridir.
Cengiz Dağcı (1919-1998); Sovyet Ordusu’nda II. Dünya Savaşı’na asker olarak katılmış, Ukrayna’da Almanlara karşı savaşmış ve esir düşmüş bir Kırım Türkü’dür. Savaşın sonunda, bulunduğu esir kampından kaçarak müttefikler tarafına geçmiş, mülteci olarak Londra’ya yerleşmiş ve bir daha yurduna dönme imkânı bulamamıştır. 1956-2001 yılları arasında yazdığı toplam 25 eser bırakmıştır. Bunların 17’si roman, biri hikâye ve mektup, diğerleri ise hatıra ve günlük tarzındadır (Kocakaplan 2010, s.76-77).
Mavi Sürgün, Halikarnas Balıkçısı adıyla anılan Cevat Şakir’in Bodrum’a sürülüş öyküsüdür. Bu öyküde yazar yalnız kendisiyle değil, her sınıftan, herkesle bütünleşerek, bireyselden toplumsala evrilen bir çizgide, bir kaleydoskopun prizmalarından yansıyan renkli fotoğraflarla okurun karşısına canlı ve hareketli olarak çıkıyor. Öyle olunca da göç olgusunun özellikle yazınsal ve estetik açıdan irdelenmesi ayrıcalıklı bir önem kazanıyor. O kadar ki, Mavi Sürgün bütünüyle durağanlıktan hareketliliğe, tutsaklıktan özgürlüğe, çirkinlikten güzelliğe, mutsuzluktan mutluluğa doğru radikal bir dönüşün epik bir öyküsü haline geliyor. Burada sürgün olgusu, teklikten çokluğa, olumsuzdan olumluya evriliş öyküsünün beli, omurgasıdır. Bu olgunun dört bir yanı hayal, sevinç, tasarım ve mutluluk düşünceleriyle çevrili. Yazar, göç olgusunu, sürgün öncesi, sürgün süreci ve sürgün sonrası olarak üç dengeli aşamada ve fantastik denilebilecek bir biçimde öykülüyor. Göçe ilişkin farklı alanlarda yapılan değerlendirmelerin uzağında ben, anlatıcıyı nasıl bir sürgün olarak gördüğümü ve onu değerli ve anlamlı kılan göç olgusunun nasıl bir anlam taşıdığı konusunda, şiirselliğin sınırlarında düşünmeye çalışacağım.
The study presents in the first part various forms of work (from physical to mental) done in the countrywide and in the city, as well as the motivation accompanying it (satisfying hunger and gaining foods ensuring existence), characterizes the term of ethos, especially the work ethos, provides a review of issues related to work in Polish literature from the time of the Enlightenment to the end of the 20th century. The second part of the study presents a review of the proverbs about work and the genesis of the book presented to the reader, preceded by a scientific conference. The part constituting a review of work depictions in Polish literature treats about the employment of people belonging to different groups and social classes (nobles, burghers, clergy, peasantry), the effort of a farmer, a worker working in a factory or at the building site, a craftsman (weaver, carpenter), a driver, an engineer (builder supervising the production process), a wandering lamplighter, a teacher, an artist or a writer. It also concerns slavish labor of prisoners. The study presents literary images of work created under the influence of organic work, the cult of power stemming from Nietzscheanism and the slogans of the reconstruction of the socialist homeland. Writers are accompanied with the idea of presenting the psyche transformation of a man burdened with work. Proverbs show work as a necessity providing food and maintenance and leading to enrichment Chile diligence as a virtue, which is opposed by laziness leading to hunger and poverty. Work according to proverbs is associated with effort and prudence.
The purpose of the study is to capture the richness of work forms described in literature from antiquity to the end of the 17th century. The dominant feature is the presentation of a work image in selected Old Polish works. Significant for the deliberations is the division verbalized by Sebastian Fabian Klonowic, who, following the ancient authorities, defined what activities can the nobility deal with and which of them did not belong to its state ethos. The study was divided into three parts. The first presents selected works constituting the state of researches on the issue. Second part presents chosen examples of descriptions and opinions about the topic of work derived from the Bible, mythology and the Classical Literature (especially works od Hesiod, Virgil and Horace). Third part brings closer the images of work portrayed in Polish literature of the Renaissance and the Baroque. Especially there are works connected with a life of nobleman-landowner (landlord), diplomat, peasant and shepherd, slave, soldier, rafter, sailor, miner, steelworker as well as a writer. The study brings closer also chosen examples of theoretical considerations about the topic of work by mainly Renaissance thinkers. The topic of work is present in the Old Polish writings representing various literary forms, as well as literary genres, were created often under the influence of the authority of the ancient literature. Writers once show strict division of performers and activities motivated by their state affiliation, elsewhere the cooperation of the representatives of various states in a realization of common objective. The study also perceives the work of a slave functioning in the Osman Empire in conjunction with the position and difficulty of the serf peasant.
Growth of the Soil — a book wrote by Knut Hamsun in 1917 is a novel from Norwegian New Realism, glorifying rural life in harmony with nature and praising work as one of the most import ant occupations of man. This is a novel of two cultures, former represented by Izak — a main hero, and the new symbolized by the robbery exploitation of mountainous mineral deposits and the mesmerizing innovations of the traditional rural community, which ends with the triumph of the former. Eternal human instincts and hundreds of years of proven solutions win with the new usurpations and trends. Hamsun seems to say that, despite the fact that the decay factor seems to be overwhelming, power, stubbornness and fidelity with a much longer pedigree of value are capable of making the instantaneous modern ethos victory turn soon into its spectacular defeat.
The recent cognitive research into spatial prepositions have shed light on the rich semantic structures spatial prepositions usually encode. Prepositional semantics is typically conceived of as a conceptual category with a prototype at the center and extended senses at various distances away from it. The extended senses may encode spatial scenes other than the one encoded by the prototype, or they may be metaphorical in nature. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that most, if not all, spatial prepositions have metaphorical meaning components in their semantic networks. The proposed study investigates the figurative senses of the spatial preposition at encoding the concept of coincidence. It aims to demonstrate that the cognitive mechanisms of conceptual metaphor account for its figurative sense extensions. The question of Polish equivalence is also taken into consideration. The senses of the Polish spatial prepositions w, na, przy, and o are discussed to determine to what extent they are motivated by the same metaphorical processes.