Емпирично изследване на удовлетвореността на студентите от проведения държавен изпит на специалност „Счетоводство“, ОКС бакалавър, 2020 г.
The results and conclusions from the empirical satisfaction of students from the state exam in the specialty „Accounting“, Bachelor‘s degree, 2020 are presented in the report. The object of research is the regular state exam of the specialty „Accounting“, Bachelor‘s degree, held in July 2020. The subject of this report is focused on student satisfaction with the preparation and conduct of the state exam in „Accounting“. The aim of the research is through the opinions, recommendations and attitudes received by the students regarding the state exam to achieve the feedback from the students to the teachers and to assess the degree of compliance „de jure“ and „de facto“ of the taught material, its assimilation by students and the actual results achieved.