The human factor is the main value-creating resource of an army. The presentation aims to highlight the overall influence of the demographic decline in recent years on the process of generating military structures. By analysing the approach to policies adopted to ensure national security and defence, the causal links between demographic indicators and the evolution of economic development, the trend in population size and the characteristics of age generations, the article highlights the creation of a new perspective on attracting human capital to the military profession. Focusing on the study of the evolution of demographic indicators, trends and forecasts, it also reveals the creation of premises in the development of the employer brand of the military institution on the labour market. With more than 12 years of experience in the field of human resources management in the Romanian Army up to their strategic level, both in the field of recruiting personnel for the military profession and in the field of personnel management, I have observed different behaviours of individuals depending on their origin, professional training, financial motivation, age generations, behaviours that I believe are directly influenced by the evolution of demographic indicators on society in general. The article concludes that it needs to be developed in detail in order to draw up guidelines for promoting the military profession, recruiting human resources and building a predictable and stable military personnel management system.