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The aim of the article is primarily to present the etymology of the names and surnames of the Jubilarian as well as the way these onimas function both historically and today. The source material for analysis was excerpted from dictionaries of the Polish language: etymological, general (explanatory: historical and contemporary dictionaries), phraseological, and onomastic.
The article presents the results of the research of Danuta Bieńkowska, a linguist from Łódź, on the issue of Polish biblical style. For this purpose the author recalled the main results and findings made by Bieńkowska in the monograph Polish Biblical Style (2002) published 20 years ago, which was the first attempt at a synthetic approach to this issue in the Polish language. The author of the study drew attention to three dimensions of this work, which, from the contemporary perspective, have the following character: 1. permanent, 2. constituting a field for discussion and 3. opening perspectives for further research in this field.
The meaning of the Greek lexeme φύραμα (or Latin massa) in Rom 11:16, 1 Cor 5:6 and Gal 5:9 - ‘any substance mixed with water and kneaded; a mass, lump’ – only generally indicates the referent. Therefore, in Polish biblical Renaissance translations, it has several synonymous equivalents: ciasto – przymieszanie – rozczyna – rozmieszenie – zaczynienie – zadziałanie – zamies – zamieszanie.In the New Testament of Jakub Wujek from 1593 (Wuj93) there are three of them: ciasto, zaczynienie, zadziałanie. Textual distribution of equivalents of Greek φύραμα or Latin massa in Wuj93 is a result of a philological translation strategy, which consits in revealing the meaning of the Latin translation text basis also by confronting it with the Greek New Testament text. The equivalent ciasto is attested in earlier Catholic renderings of 1556 and 1561. The other two equivalents are attested in Protestant New Testament renderings –zaczynienie in the Anti-Trinitarian one from 1577, zadziałanie in the Calvinist one from 1563. The textual provenance of these equivalents are less relevant to their semantic adequacy in specific biblical contexts.However, in the New Testament in the Bible of Jakub Wujek from 1599 (Wuj99) in all biblical contexts only one equivalent was used: ciasto, attested in the earlier Catholic renderings. The Jesuit censorship commission led by Stanisław Grodzicki, which revised Jakub Wujek's translation, chose a literal translation strategy. The rendering should be strictly in line with the Latin Clementine Vulgate (1592). As a result, the contextual synonymous equivalents of Latin massa (i.e. ciasto, zaczynie, zadziałanie) were replaced with one lexeme only (i.e. ciasto).
In his “Słownik języka polskiego” (vols 1-6, Warsaw 1807-1814) S. B. Linde included a large number of quotations from Polish 16th and 17th century Bible translations. They illustrate the semantic meaning of numerous words of the Polish language but also show alternative translation choices thanks to quoting parallel extracts from two or more Bible versions. Linde not only rendered great services for Polish and Slavic lexicography, but also pioneered philological research on Polish Bible translations. In addition, the lexicographer was interested in the translations of Luther and Skoryna, Lithuanian bibles and the Gothic New Testament of Ulfilas.
One hundred and twenty-nine diary entries made by Ludwig Wittgenstein in the years 1930–1932, 1936–1937, and published for the first time in 1997 were the subjects of linguistic and linguistic theoretical analysis. The history of the diary as well as its structure and semantics were discussed. The most important fragments of the entries in the diary have been subjected to onomasiological analysis, as a result of which they are assigned to the names of concepts expressing their semantics globally and creating a conceptual structure.
This paper zeroes in on current English borrowings in the Slovak language sourced from the areas of politics and economics. The paper elucidates the philosophy of mutual language contact and gives reasons as well as consequences for the borrowing of English lexemes in the present-day globalised world. English borrowings from the Slovak news on the STV1 channel are analysed both from a quantitative and qualitative angle, leaning primarily on Haugen’s approach consisting of loanwords, loanblends and loanshifts. With respect to a qualitative analysis, heed is paid to the analysis of orthographic, morphological and lexical levels. The overall aim of the present paper is to identify current patterns of English borrowings in Slovak in the selected semantic fi elds. The paper aspires to answer the question to what extent English as a lingua franca has infl uenced the Slovak speech community and how this is refl ected in the assembled word-lore, having either a positive or negative impact. A picture of English lexical borrowings as a critical route of cultural diffusion is given.
The coexistence of Russian and Belarusian languages on the territory of Belarus leads to an active mixture of the systems of these languages, which is reflected, among other things, in the mistakes that Belarusians allow in both oral and written language. Particularly important is the problem of such superimposition of systems in official and business writing.
Phraseological units occupy a special role in the language as well as in the speech of each person. Due to the fact it is possible to distinguish the cultural component in the semantics of almost any set expression, which manifests the mentality of the nation, it is necessary to study idioms systematically and to include them in daily communication, which will contribute to a more effective development of communicative and linguistic-cultural competence of foreign students. The article discusses the selection problem of a certain group of phraseological units for the purpose of studying them among the Slovak students, as well as the issues of working out a presentation and semantisation of phraseological units in various university classes.
The article presents the comparative analysis of the basic syntax Prague linguistic positions and of G. A. Zolotova’s communicative-functional grammar. The main ideas that characterize the Prague theory include attention to the function of language units, to the speaker, to the situation of utterance, recognition of the sentence as the main object of functional syntax. G. A. Zolotova’s grammar distinguishes the anthropocentricity, the unity of the form, the meaning and the function in language units and also the textcentricity. G. A. Zolotova repeatedly turned to the ideas of the PLC, in particular to the functional perspective statement, but they have not been a starting point for herself and her followers to date, so it can be argued that these theories, developed at different times and independently of each other, approach the question of the dependence of statements on the situation and the position of the speaker, the necessity of taking these parameters into account in the analysis from different sides. This same idea is developed in M. A. K. Halliday’s systemic-functional grammar. If V. Mathesius find the sentence as the main object of the functional grammar, nevertheless G. A. Zolotova (although she emphasizes the theory of sentences models and its modifications) find the text as the main object of the communicative grammar because the text is the language unit of highest level in which the speaker realizes his ideas and in which is interpreted the meaning of other linguistic units. The analysis of the theoretical positions in the article is accompanied by examples from Russian and Czech non-functional texts.
The paper is devoted to Russian and Czech verbal nouns with a word-formation meaning „person“. The author bases her study on Russian Grammar 1980, according to which she identifies and gives a detailed description of a group of Russian suffixes which are used to form a masculine gender of verbal nouns (e.g. the suffixes -тель, -ник, -чик/-щик, -ун/-юн). The paper also provides a list of Russian-Czech suffixal equivalents (or non-equivalent suffixes) and indicates if these suffixes are productive or non-productive. The Czech suffixes are chosen from The Dictionary of Affixes Used in Czech (Slovník afixů používaných v češtině). Special attention is paid to the formation of feminine nouns from nouns of masculine gender, to the derivational models of the Russian and Czech languages, and to the sequential/non-sequential formation of feminine nouns in Russian and Czech.
This paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of zoomorphic figurative comparisons of the Bulgarian and Russian languages, reflecting human behavior and the ability to behave in society. Similarities and differences in pattern images in the two linguocultures has been considered. Similarities and coincidences of the pattern images in the Bulgarian and Russian languages are the reflection of the similarity of thinking, observation and rethinking of reality by the representatives of the Bulgarian and Russian linguocultures. Zoomorphic images, found only in one of the two languages, are the result of historical, geographical, cultural and other features of the native speakers. Zoomorphic images that differ in national specifics, embodied in the minds of the native speakers in the form of patterns and reflecting the national perceptions of the surrounding world, are represented in the pattern (right) parts of zoomorphic figurative comparisons. They form the ethnocultural originality of the comparative construction.
In modern linguistics the category of the subject is primarily connected with the syntactic plan of the language and serves to identify the producer of the action or the carrier of the feature. It should be borne in mind that in the structure of the sentence, depending on the logical and grammatical features, semantic content, communicative prerequisites, we can distinguish a grammatical and semantic subject. At a new level of grammatical abstraction, the grammatical subject is usually the subject, the active producer of the action, which in the sentence is a syntactically independent component. While the semantic subject, which is an agent, though expresses the producer of the action, but in the context of the sentence is opposed to the patient and does not always perform the function of the subject. This discrepancy between the grammatical and semantic subject is due to the asymmetry of semantics and form, since the grammatical subject is the category of the expression plane, and the semantic subject is the category of the content plan. Thus, the category of the subject is represented by a multidimensional syntactic concept integrating different subtypes of the subject, conditioned by a certain asymmetry of meaning and function. The article will focus the attention to the semantic subject and the ways of its implementation in Russian and Czech languages. First of all, we will consider cases of violation of the parallelism of the content plan and the expression plan, that is, those constructions in which the semantic subject and the grammatical subject do not coincide or in which the subject as part of sentence is structurally absent. Examples will be used as an illustrative material from the National Corpus of the Russian language and the Czech National Corpus.
The article presents a stage of the creation of a database with language material for the state predicative constructions in Bulgarian and Russian. The selection of the language material is based on a typology of the formal component structure made in a previous stage of the research. The presented observations on the frequency, distribution and correspondences of status predicates in Bulgarian and Russian are preliminary and were made on the basis of language material from related Bulgarian-Russian and Russian-Bulgarian texts within the Russian National Corpus.
This paper focuses on the adverbial participles in the Greek language and their functional equivalents in Bulgarian translations. At the outset, we should clarify that adverbial participles exist in both languages and perform similar functions – they have adverbial use. However, there is a significant difference in the frequency of use of the participles in the two languages, and in particular – in the Greek language they are used much more widely than in the Bulgarian language. This necessitated a more in-depth study of the issue in order to establish the functional equivalents of the Greek adverbial participles in the Bulgarian language, using a translation corpus for this purpose.
The article focuses on the qualitative and quantitative findings from a comparative corpus-based research into the epistemic modality of clauses and sentences with English and Bulgarian alternative interrogative structures. The study has shown that in both languages the clauses and sentences are either genuine inquiries expecting the addressee to provide the right answer or selfaddressed questions signaling the speaker’s lack of knowledge, unhelpful memory, wondering and uncertainty, assumption, or concern and worry.
The article investigates the adverbial means of expression as a component of the functional-semantic field (abbreviated in the article as FSF) of locativity in contemporary Bulgarian and Russian. One of the ways to signal spatial relations is by using locative adverbs. In this study we take into consideration the symmetries and asymmetries in the system of locative adverbs in the two languages.
The aim of this paper is to trace the functional-semantic parallels between the English -able/-ible adjectives and the Bulgarian deverbatives ending in the suffix -м/-ем (-m/-em). It provides a comparison between the two groups based on examples from Bulgarian and English translations and illustrates their similarities and differences. The study attempts to answer the question to what extent the English -able/-ible adjectives and the Bulgarian present passive participles can be considered as functional-semantic equivalents.
The object of the present article is the verb form hube cantado in modern Spanish. The main goal is, through the method of comparative analysis, to present the systemic meaning of this “archaic” verb form, to discuss its place in the temporal system, to reveal which is its functional equivalents in Bulgarian and to expand the horizons of reflection on the issue.
The current article deals with the problem of transcription, and more precisely – with the transcription of Norwegian proper names in Bulgarian, and features comments on the incorrect, in this writer’s opinion, adaptation of some of them. For this purpose excerpted material from book XV of the series „World Maritime Novellas“ – „Northern Maritime Novellas“ under the editorship of Georgi Valchev is being used, dealing with the Norwegian part, translated by Elena Kisimova and Stoyan Ikonomov respectively. In addition, certain features of the host language are mentioned, as well as the existence of traditionally established forms that deviate from today's rules of transcription.