Kobiecy dyskurs podróżniczy na przykładzie "Mojej wyprawy na Pamiry w roku 1929" Jadwigi Toeplitz-Mrozowskiej
The article proposes a critical reading of the report from a journey to Russia by Jadwiga Toeplitz-Mrozowska "La Prima spedizione italiana attraverso i Pamiri 1929" (Società Georgafica Italiana: Roma 1930). The tools used to the analysis and interpretation of the text come from the instruments of gender and postcolonial studies. By means of them, the entanglement of the emancipation discourse into a patriarchal colonial discourse was presented, reflected in three areas of narration: the status of an emancipated European woman as an imperialist, a picture of a “Russian woman” as a “loner”, identification of the criteria of emancipation with the West-European civilization mission in the USSR.