Uzus a praktyka leksykograficzna (na przykładzie czasownika dedykować we współczesnej polszczyźnie)
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the contemporary usage of the Polish verb dedykować (to dedicate) and its participle dedykowany (dedicated). During last few years under the influence of English semantics and pragmatics this verb became one of the most popular words in the Polish marketing and IT jargon. The data provided by the National Corpus of Polish enables to state that the contemporary usage of the verb differs significantly from the semantic description published in the dictionaries of Polish. Therefore the scope of this paper is to promote the corpus driven approach to the lexicography. Since the new meaning of the analyzed verb is an English borrowing the paper deals also with the problem of adjusting English morphological patterns to the rules of Slavic verbal inflexion. As it can be observed in the text this grammatical divergence leads in the case of new borrowings to the widely diversified and unstable language usage.