Изграждане на творческата личност, като цел на възпитанието, и форми на принуда при нормативното възпитателно-образователно общуване
The present text proceeds from the concept of creative personality, which is defined by the creative talent intrinsic to every child. It is not related to a particular (artistic) activity, but to the primal capacity of every person to re-create themselves. From a pedagogical standpoint, such an assumption accepts that the upbringing of a person as a goal of instruction is conditioned by the nurturing of the creative gifts of the child. In school, group work requiers a group-appropriate approach, as well as the appropriation of regulative mechanisms by the system. The article describes some of them as functioning forms of compulsion, which disable the child to unfold its creative potential and contradict basic assumptions about education, which have remained unchanged from Antiquity to this day.