Ролята на съвременните техники на рисуване в практическото обучение на студентите от педагогическите специалности за бъдещата им реализация в процеса на преподаване на изобразителни изкуства
Contemporary art techniques have a significant role in the practical education of students from the pedagogical specialties. The need to activate children’s art activity obligates future teachers to broaden their knowledge about art techniques used in contemporary art. The aim of this research is to present contemporary art techniques and to track the development of art activities when using them. The main tasks are connected to introducing students to different contemporary art techniques, applicable in art education, enriching their knowledge about the different materials and techniques and perfecting the skills to use them. The conclusions that can be made are related to enhancing the interest towards art, developing creative potential and art literacy when using non-traditional contemporary techniques and materials for drawing in the art classes with students from pedagogical specialties. Knowing the potential of contemporary drawing techniques enriches the methodical tools, needed for the practical classes of the students and their successful future realisation as teachers. In consequence of the made experiment, we can establish that students, using the variety of contemporary and non-traditional drawing materials and techniques, obtain more abilities for their practical use and achieve modern aesthetics of their drawings. They acquire more confidence in their own abilities and are able to use them in their practical classes.