Центровете за изнесени услуги като глобални „спасители“: краткосрочна перспектива, престижна алтернатива или социална принуда за младежите в България
The paper sets forth the task of continuing the tradition of Cultural Studies’ approach to contemporary youth cultures in Bulgaria. Based on fieldwork (a participant observation in two outsourcing companies and in-depth interviews), the analysis presents the new opportunity on the labor market, rapidly turning into a major option for youths in big cities – the outsourcing companies (Bulgaria is currently considered to be among top outsourcing destinations). The text is an effort to comprehend the unprecedented development of this sector in the last fifteen years and in particular the work of client service centers which are mainly outsourced in the country. This reveals some changes in the labor market, in youth alternatives for work, but also in the idea for successful career development and for an adequate professional biography. Specific media rhetoric meets the specific professional strategies of three groups of youths who consider such professional realization respectively as short-term perspective, as prestigious alternative or as social constraint, all this when “import” of corporative culture in Bulgaria does not take into consideration regional factors in relation with country specific context which produces different type of workforce in the sector, with different motivation and requiring different methods of loyalty building.