Author(s): Nadiya Babenko / Language(s): Ukrainian
Issue: 34/2015
The article deals with the theoretical-applied aspects of free time and leisure through prism of sociology of free time; defines the basic classification kinds of free time activity; researches the basic kinds of free time regulation (social and selfregulative), the levels of regulation and its perspective direction; investigates selfmanagement of free time and the types of selfregulation; studies the basic kinds budget planning for free time and the causes that influence its rational use; substantiates the basic trend and problems of free time and leisure. Time component of social time, released from industrial and domestic affairs, which covers the area of free activity. Leisure is part of free time, which includes a set of activities designed to meet the physical, spiritual and social needs of people in their free time. Recreational activity is carried out in their free time and in line with specific interests, goals that poses a personality. The amount of free time is now almost similar to the amount of professional work, and in some sociodemographic groups, including young people, and even exceeds it. Structure of free time the established habits and the possibility of it affecting the overall human development, both formed values and skills determine the choice of a way of entertainment. In turn, the spiritual identity formed by the possibilities at a certain stage of development to make their own cultural values and selection, learning them, convert to personal and valuable characteristics. A special place in the sociology of free time and leisure to the problem of classification (grouping) of activities in their free time. Its first implementation is possible, depending on the principle ways to use free time from productive human activities, tasks and functions otherness working and leisure time, the significance and value of various activities for human life and society. In the process of classification classes in his spare time should be considered that the two most important part – Leisure and more "elevated activity" is close to, but not equivalent. Leisure – this time sessions, during which people restore physical, mental and psychic powers spent at work, at home and in the concept of “leisure” is used as a synonym for free time. In particular, this culture is individual consumption (watching TV, reading, listening to music), communication, exercise, spectacular public consumption culture (concerts, performances, shows, sports competitions), exercise, entertainment, sports, passive rest (sleep walking without a purpose, peace) and others. By the time more sublime activities should include time on activities that contribute to the development of as many essential powers of the individual, his improvement, though they may also include a leisure and ushlyahetnyuvaty and enrich it. Compared to leisure time more elevated activity – is mainly creation, manifestation of social activity, increase focus, intensity of spiritual and physical strength, initiative and energy, the development of a single person / In the most general form of free time adjustment process starts with identifying issues and completed the achievement of the expected results. The general direction of the free time given by the social environment, and quality content it ultimately depends on the person. Key, which identifies a person in his spare time, can be of two types: 1) a significant and direct impact society, for example, training on the job, social and political activities, regular classes in technical, artistic collectives, groups, sports clubs; 2) self-education, individual creativity, physical training, communication, etc., which are less exposed to direct or influence the public is not exposed. It should be noted that the general direction of the free time given by the social environment, quality content and it ultimately depends on the person. Key, which identifies a person in his spare time, can be of two types: 1) a significant and direct impact society, for example, training on the job, social and political activities, regular classes in technical, artistic collectives, groups, sports clubs; 2) self-education, individual creativity, physical training, communication, etc., which are less exposed to direct or influence the public is not exposed. The study of trends and problems of leisure activities and more sublime in his spare time, ways to overcome the existing contradictions in this area promotes spiritual needs and interests of the people and thus - the growth of culture, they use their free time, humanization and democratization of the latter. The pace of change in our society, consciousness and lifestyle of people, the rejection of stereotypes in behavior and activities usezahalna reassessment of values require new studies in all areas of life, including in the sphere of research of free time.