Функціональна асиметрія нервової системи безхребетних на прикладі просторової орієнтації твердокрилих триби tentyriini
The functional asymmetry of the nervous system of insects was studied on an example of two taxonomically and ecologically closed darkling beetles: Anatolica eremita (Steven, 1829) and Tentiria nomas taurica (Pallas, 1781). Species-specificity of motor-spatial asymmetry is revealed for imago of these species. Spatial differentiation of specimens’ movement for “right-handers”, “left-handers” and “ambidexters” with different degree of the sign display was investigated. Fluctuations and distributing of values of the asymmetry ratio for both species of the darkling beetles were determined. Influence of the first priority of the locomotion direction on further orientational manifestations was analysed.