Predicting Job Strain with Psychological Hardiness, Organizational Support, Job Control and Work Overload: An Evaluation of Karasek’s DCS Model
This study focused on the investigation of how personal and situational factors and work related outcomes are associated. the study was built on "Karasek's Model of Job Strain" called as DCS Model (Demand-Control-Support). It is aimed to assess haw psychological hardiness, organizational support, job control and work overload are related with perceived job strain. in order to test the propositions of the study, an empirical study was performed in Turkey among the employees working in banking & finance organizations. According to the findings, psychological hardiness had moderate negative relationship with job strain, organizational support had strong negative relationship with job strain, job Control had strong negative relationship and work overload had strong positive relationship with job strain. The research findings were evaluated with their conceptual and practical implications.