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I have found new records in the local archives to reconstruct the evolution of a Szekler private property to becoming an intermediate space at the end of the 19th century. This is the Sólyomtár Mountains, whose troubled history reflected the life of its Szekler inhabitants. In 1886, there was a borderline revision between Austria-Hungary and Romania to solve the former conflicts regarding the ownership of the nearby mountains. The commission decided that Sólyomtár [in Romanian: Solintaru] should belong to Romania. This decision led to a new legal and economic conflict between the neighbours. The mountain has become an intermedial space as it formerly belonged to the so-called Szekler Private Properties and not directly to the Hungarian state. The Hungarian leaders confirmed that it still should belong to the Szekler Private Properties. In the vision of the Romanian leaders, it had to belong to Romania. The clarification of this situation was becoming more important for the local leaders of Csík County for it caused an international diplomatic incident, too. They decided to pledge the cattle of Romanian farmers who refused to pay rent for the pasture. This incident finally elucidated the chaotic situation, and so the intermediate space disappeared.
Scientific prose means giving voice to silent national history with modern texts, based on reviewed and rethought history. Our reviewed historiography is framed by an attempt at synthetizing a problem centred on chronological historical narrative. History and narrative are no more, but at the same time not less, than science, fiction, and art. Regarding the history of Hungary during the Second World War, it is of outstanding importance that national history should be interpreted in an international context, creating a series of complex and high-quality historical works with many aspects.We should eliminate the empty, unilateral, and harmful method of post-Marxism and give space to understanding and understandable historiography written from a national perspective. The task of the Hungarian historian regarding the Horthy era and the Hungarian national history in the Second World War is to be the advocate and not the prosecutor. The historical figures of Miklós Horthy, Pál Teleki, László Bárdossy, and Miklós Kállay should be given their rightful place in history; the hidden correspondence between historical figures and the era they lived in should be identified. It is also necessary to harmonize facts and subjective heroism. We suggest that a new historical philosophy should be outlined, whose main aim is to restore the whole Hungarian nation’s self-esteem.Pathos and irony are the emotions evoked by these texts, related with objectivity, prioritizing correct decision-making. There is a new trend today: the days of research solely based on unexplored sources are gone by; bibliographies should also be considered as scientific sources.
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Сравнительно недавно была найдена неизданная боспорская монета. Речь идет о статере боспорского царя Рескупорида II с дифферентом "меч" на аверсе. Но на ее реверсе эмиссионных обозначений нет. Полагаю, что эта монета была выпущена в период времени, когда провинция, эмблемой которой был знак "меч" не была подчинена какой-либо иной территориально-административной единице.
монеты чекана этого государя были введены в научный оборот еще на заре становления нумизматики. Однако обнаружение их новых типов все еще вполне вероятно. Так, сравнительно недавно близ г. Старый Крым был найден статер этого правителя. Эта монета стала объектом моего исследования. Учитывая результаты изучения дифферентов на боспорских монетах, проведенного М. М. Чорефом, был сделан вывод о расширении зоны влияния этого государя, отразившегося в поступлении в обращение изучаемой монеты.
Объектом исследования стала литая реплика византийской золотой монеты, найденная в Севастополе. Был сделан вывод, что сам факт ее выпуска свидетельствует об отсутствии имперского контроля в регионе.
«Пещерные города» являются одними из самых известных и часто посещаемых памятников Крыма. Однако они все еще не изучены в полной мере. Дело в том, что на их территориях, как правило, не образуется мощный культурный слой. Дело в том, что поверхность этих поселений регулярно подчищалась самими жителями, сбрасывающими мусор со склона. Это вполне объяснимо. Дело в том, что скальная поверхность использовалась для сбора воды. Сложнее всего изучать пещерные культовые комплексы. Дело в том, что в них практически не накапливаются отложения. Объектами изучения могут стать только остатки планировки и знаки на стенах. Объектом нашего изучения стал один из таких пещерных комплексов, расположенный на склоне гор. Чуфут-Кале
Обилие доступных материалов по истории Крымского ханства позволяют нам пересмотреть некоторые сложившиеся стереотипы. К примеру, мы считаем необходимым уточнить общепринятые на данный момент представления о Мухаммеде Гирае IV как о правителе. В предлагаемой статье мы приводим некоторые сведения из его биографии, сопровождая их необходимыми, с нашей точки зрения, комментариями.
It has never ceased to amaze me how a historical text comes into existence. In the beginning, there is nothing, or almost nothing. Only a thought, an idea. We might even call this a dream or a desire. The desire to know what was previously unknown, to reveal the undiscovered, to bring to light what had previously been shrouded in darkness. Georges Duby, the famous French historian from the Annales School, had good reason to say that the historian had to dream – to dream seriously, but dream nevertheless. Because without these dreams, without fantasy, imagination, it would be difficult to conjure up an original historical publication.
If I look at my own motives for something which the editors of this collection have called the Adventure of Historical Interpretation, then I can find four sources of inspiration. The first is the increasing tendency to create works which are, according to the current Czech methodology for evaluating science, ‘socially relevant’. In other words, works which meet the social demands that exist today. Although the methodology defines these demands as coming mainly from the commercial sector or public institutions, I see them as a link to the current discourse reflected in, for example, films and political debate. I would never intentionally write a book that no-one would be interested in and which I would defend on academic grounds as being basic research, while simultaneously being well aware of the limits of its impact. The second impulse comes from the tradition of historiography and the simple need to tell a story – in my case, mainly about people, institutions and relationships. I believe that such an approach is expected from historians, it is rewarding to meet this expectation as it is a reader-friendly approach, it gives the work order and I also happen to enjoy it. It is exciting to follow the twists and turns of the story’s journey in the detective-like investigation of the sources. And then the third impulse: it already feels like a slightly conservative attitude but the informative value of the source is of great importance to me. The source has the right of veto.
Unlike the majority of the authors in this book, I am only an occasional historian. After studying history and political science at Masaryk University, my interest in the 20th century and contemporary politics led me closer to the latter discipline. In spite of this, since my student days I’ve wanted to link these two disciplines, which I believe could lead to a fruitful symbiosis for a number of good reasons. I will attempt to present some of them in this essay. I have much in common with Timothy Garton Ash and his ‘history of the present’ approach.1 Although this does not fit in with mainstream ideas about the social sciences today, I try to reflect on and write about this kind of history of the present in my teaching and research.
The aim of the article is to analyze and interpret the performance of Poczet Królów Polskich directed by Krzysztof Garbaczewski. The premiere of the production took place on March 31, 2013 at the Stary Teatr im. Helena Modrzejewska in Krakow. Four authors were responsible for the drama of the performance: Agnieszka Jakimiak, Marcin Cecko, Sigismund Mrex (Sebastian Majewski) and Szczepan Orłowski. Despite this, the script was ready only before the premiere, which clearly shows the characteristics of Garbaczewski's work. The play is based on actors' improvisations, and the artist does not come to the institution with a ready-made project. This type of creative work is still under criticism. It is not surprising then that in 2013 many actors were outraged by the form of work imposed by Garbaczewski. Apart from the media dominating the spectacle - displaying a lively (Auslander 1999) action on a screen that obscured the stage, the content was also controversial for viewers. The cultural text produced by the director plays out Polish myths. The main axis of the action is the microhistory (Domańska 2006) of the last "king" who resided at Wawel. Hans Frank and his wife Maria Brigitte are considered other characters to be included in the King's Mail according to Jan Matejko. The spectacular Hans Frank will try to steal the tapestries and validate his position in the castle by commanding the Nordic roots of the Piasts. It will be hindered by Polish kings who, like in Wyspiański's (Miodońska-Brooks 1985), will come to life to protect Wawel. The artist provokes questions about Polishness and thought patterns about Poland, demands that history be demythised, a change in thinking about national mythology, and encourages reflection on collective memory. By adding the counter-history (Foucault 1998) of the king of the Nordic race, the director unmasks the tracing paper and historical memory that only functions as a dead archive (Taylor 2003).
Person and work of Atanas Iliev are subject to various historical research on the development of education and textbook literature in Stara Zagora at the end of the nineteenth century. His contributions as a researcher’s past Stara Zagora and initiated the creation of a local museum remains underrated.. The purpose of this notice is to outline research interests related to the history of his native town on the basis of a series of publications “From the history of the city of Stara Zagora“, printed on the pages of the newspaper “St.- Zagorskiy glas“ (1912).
This study explores the manifestation of Yugonostalgia among people of Bitola, Macedonia. Over two decades after Yugoslavia broke up, a feeling of nostalgia towards the former nation has surfaced. In the countries that emerged out of socialist Yugoslavia, it is called “Yugonostalgia” and is a very wide spread cultural phenomenon in all age groups. Has the dramatic transition into a post-socialist country fostered Yugonostalgic feelings among these people? If not, what in perceptions of citizens their country today is better than Yugoslavia? What in the memories about Yugoslavia is better than nowadays experiences? If so, what are these people nostalgic for? What about Yugoslavia seems so much better than present-day Macedonia? Which are the real personal memories and which of them have become part of the collective myth about the past that people present like their own narratives? The study is based on fieldwork conducted in the summer of 2015 in the city of Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, and some nearby villages. Multiple ethnological and historical methods are used, including: method of oral history, participant observation, method of life story, semi-structured interviews, photo and video documentation, archive materials gathered in the museums around the city.
The paper deals with economic thought of almost forgotten Christian conservatives after the World War Two. Despite the all-embracing socialist ideas, these people were proposing non-socialistic post-war order based on private property, free enterprise and competition. Their proposals were in the sharp contrast to the leading idea of “socializing” or “economic” democracy and comprehensive economic planning. Their economic thought had elements of both classical liberalism and ordoliberalism. Despite their relatively good public recognition, political development of post-war Czechoslovakia did not allow them to change public opinion. One way or another, the proper interpretation of their work is still missing in the history of economic thought textbooks so we attempt to provide at least the overview of their ideas and thus also provide the basis for future research agenda.
The paper aims to identify several major approaches used by various important schools toward the concept of ownership. And to find how they differ from each other and what benefits (and shortcomings) offer those differences to the analysis of the ownership/property. These comparisons are in order to launch an alternative approach toward the concept. The point is not to “improve” or to criticize, but to attempt to look on the category from an “outside” viewpoint.
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The article discusses the preparations for the defence of Galicia in the second half of the nineteenth - early twentieth century using the example of the construction and use of the Mykolaiv fortress on the Dniester River. The plans of the defensive structure are presented, as well as its fundamental transformations during the period in question. The article also discusses the creation of new infrastructure around the fortress, i.e. the construction of a railway line and paved roads. The redevelopment works were considerably affected by the changes in political conditions, especially Austro-Russian relations, the activities of Russian intelligence, etc. Particular attention was paid to the events that took place around the fortress during the hostilities in Galicia in 1914 and the Polish-Ukrainian war in 1918-1919 and the commanders that operated in the area, including generals Frantz Konrad von Götcendorf, Edward Böhm-Ermolli, Alexei Brusilov, and Anton Denikin. The paper also presents the circumstances of the capturing of the fortress by the Russian army and the course of the military actions in the Mykolaiv area. The discussed fortress is one of the best-preserved monuments of WWI fortifications on the territory of Ukraine.
The article discusses the problem of results of and lessons from the Spanish-American war of 1898 through the «sea power» concept. American captain Alfred Thayer Mahan, who was the author of this concept, believed that the guarantee of the power and prosperity of any great political power was a powerful navy. In this view, the United States, which Mahan also counted among the mightiest world powers, should build its navy more actively. Not only did the war with Spain confirm Mahan’s ideas, but also allowed him to expand his concept, leading to the publication of his book Lessons of the war with Spain and other articles. Although Mahan noticed the successful ending of the war on land and at sea, he also pointed out some serious miscalculations that should be corrected as soon as possible. In particular, the US government had to take care of improving its coastal fortifications. If Spain had chosen the tactics of raiding coastal cities, the US would have suffered colossal damage. Other issues postulated by Mahan included increasing the number of warships and army units. In his opinion, it was necessary to allocate additional funds for that purpose and launch a publicity campaign to win the people’s support. While analysing the composition of the US Navy, Captain Mahan recommended focusing on the construction of two types of warships: battleships, to play the main role in sea battles and cruisers that, stripped of armour, were to serve as support for the battleships. Mahan also argued that the construction of older types of ships, such as monitors, should be abandoned.