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The book you are holding attempts to represent the world of women in the times when life became extremely accelerated – ideologised, industrialised, psychoanalysed, technologised, mobilised, commercialised, relativised. Our book has many a limitation. Methodologically, its chapters are not fully harmonised; it lacks the analysis of the construction of woman in different ideologies. It was written quickly, but with passion, love and regret that not all archives, museums or libraries across Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad were visited (a lot of the relevant material is not located in BiH). The driving force behind this endeavour of a group of people was the exclusion of women from the main trends, loss of continuity and their deletion from the cultural, scientific and all other memories. Therefore, this book primarily serves as the activist response to the systematic neglect of the contribution of women to BiH culture and it is an attempt to provide a foundation to the study of the history of women in BiH.
Монографію присвячено малодослідженій у сучасній музичній науці проблемі західноєвропейських впливів у східнослов’янській (і, зокрема, українській) духовній пісенності. У центрі уваги автора – жанр духовної пісні, що розглядається у широкому контексті як явище художньої та церковної культури. Значну увагу приділено літургічному чиннику як одному з провідних у процесі створення східнослов’янського духовно-пісенного репертуару. Багато явищ церковної музичної культури набули нової інтерпретації. Вагому частку становить новий текстовий та музичний матеріал з історії східнослов’янської духовної пісенності. Як підсумок багаторічної роботи джерелознавчого та текстологічного характеру у монографії подано створений на основі українських, білоруських та російських рукописних пісенників XVII-XIX століть системний інципітний каталог західноєвропейських духовних пісень, що увійшли до східнослов’янського духовно-пісенного репертуару. Для музикознавців, культурологів, філологів – мовознавців та літературознавців, літургістів, а також для широкого кола читачів, що цікавляться українською культурою XVII–XIX століть.
The Faculty of Arts is one of the four founding faculties at Masaryk Universityin Brno, its creation linked to the act which established the university in 1919.Due to difficulties with furnishing and staffing, teaching did not commence until 1921 and throughout the remainder of the interwar period the school was dogged by serious material difficulties linked with the absence of suitable buildings for teaching, as a result of which the school almost fell victim to the government’s economic interventions into university education on two occasions. Despite numerous problems in the inter-war period the Faculty of Arts was able to gradually build a tradition of quality teaching and science renowned in Central Europe, which was supported on the one hand by the founding generation of professors, drawn partly from Prague’s Charles University and partly from the ranks of teachers from Brno’s Technical College, and on the other hand second-generation teachers already emerging from the ranks of graduates of what was then the only Moravian university. From the beginning, Masaryk University’s position as the “second” Czech university, standing in the shadow of both Prague’s metropolitan university and the politically important sole Slovakian university in Bratislava, fundamentally affected its development in specific ways. In the Faculty ofArts in particular some special characteristics, both negative and positive, sharply manifested themselves. The negative doubtless included the long‑term underestimation of the school’s material needs, so that, especially in the critically overburdened campus of the Arts Faculty, where the rector’s office was also located for a long time, the conditions for teaching were quite miserable and unfit for pedagogical and scientific work.
Elections constitute a central component of all democratic political systems. Conventionally, the institute of elections is seen is an instrument of conferring and renewing political legitimacy of state officials, as well as a vehicle for expressing citizens’ preferences regarding the future of their country or some other territorial entity. Their particular shape is specified by electoral systems which translate the voters’ political will into the make-up of the elected body (typically parliaments). On the face of it, such a definition emphasises the “technical” aspect of distributing seats among successful parties; we cannot however ignore the fact that elections have an important personal dimension. Their point is always also to select particular people to elected offices and functions.So understood, elections simultaneously represent the outcome of a distinct organisational process that temporally precedes them. Selection of candidates constitutes an inseparable part of the pre-election period, together with formulating election programmes, planning the election campaign and raising funds for it. As a topic of scholarly research in political science, candidate selection (also preselection) has been gradually gaining ground, and both theoretical and empirical resources have been continually expanded. However, whereas international trends are apparent in this regard, the Czech political-scientific community still treats preselection as a topic of secondary importance. This fact underlines the relevance of the present book, which aims to provide an in-depth inquiry into this issue in the Czech context.
Regional (Kraj) elections in 2012, unlike the elections to the Chamber of Deputies in 2010 or 2013, certainly did not indicate a reversal in Czech politics. On the other hand, 2012’s elections were hardly boring, uninteresting affairs, where everything ran according to plan. Seen from the perspective of second-order elections theory, we had an opportunity to confirm that voters punished parties in the national government and rewarded the opposition, depending on the issues that dominated – whether it was for inappropriate reasons, such as salient, but national-level topics, or for appropriate, but boring, regional reasons. These and the entire gamut of other topics may be understood by arange of reasons. Superficially, through blanket “impressionism“, by way of individual independent case studies, or by pursuing a complex and deeper understanding of causes and effects. Using the format of this monograph focused on a single election (though necessarily with comparisons to previous ones) allows the topic to be investigated with the latter method. This is exactly what the authors of this book have attempted. The structure of the book corresponds to the logic of the electoral process, combining descriptive as well as interpretive and analytical methods.
A brief look into an etymological dictionary will show that the term economics is indirectly derived from the word nemein, meaning distribute, allot, apportion one‘s due. This implication is connected with the name of the Greek goddess of vengeance, Nemesis. The word economics therefore includes more than just a concern for economy: italso embodies the desire for justice.With respect to justice, the book does not consider its commutative form, but rather the distributive branch, where the examined problem consists in the use of private property for philanthropic and charitable purposes as opposed to the selfishness of one’s own benefit. In its final shape, the text subsumes three institutions of charity, or three universal patterns of behavior transmitted by education and culture, whose long line of development within European civilization can be followed from today’s complex system of social policies back to the realizations adopted in ancient Greece and Rome, obviously not excluding the essential intermezzo of medieval Christianity. The three institutions of charity are as follows: a gift (or alms), work (or an offer of sustenance), and loan. Eventhough specific activities of charitable organizations have been periodically transformed along with changes within the cultural and economic milieu, the patterns of human behavior remained the same.
The book is focused on a comparison of theoretical approaches to issues of style, in the context of Czech and Anglo-Saxon (especially British) scholarly discourses. The aim was to show and compare different methodological approaches based on different theoretical bases – for this reason, two different cultural contexts were selected, attention being paid also to mutual contacts within these contexts. The 20th century was chosen intentionally, as the period during which, in both of the respective contexts, stylistics was constituted as a modern scholarly discipline rooted in the fields of linguistics and literary theory. The book is aimed at members of academic communities, at teachers as well as at students, especially at those focusing on Czech and English studies.
German-language monograph on professional theatre in Brno during the baroque historical period is based on original research of so far unreflected and unpublished archival sources stored in the Brno archives. Thanks to the topic with numerous important overlaps the local history of professional theatre in Brno is included into the large context of Baroque theatre in Central Europe. The Czech edition of the book (2009) was received with enthusiasm in professional circles and superlative reviews in professional journals. The German version comes after repeated requests from foreign experts.
The work comprehensively characterizes and assesses the status and role of Bosnia in Croatian national integration ideologies, which greatly contributed to the formation of modern Croatian nation in the 19th century (Illyrism, Yugoslavism, “Pravaštvo“). The text is written from a historical perspective and based on the comparative analysis of political and literary sources of the time. Although Bosnia has been a subject of interest for practically all generations of Croatian politicians, no similar work has been written so far, describing the transformations and constant ideas about the historical, political and national status of Bosnia, outlining the creation of the image of Bosnia and its inhabitants in the Croatian milieu.
After all the research and resources available for Kurt family members from Mostar, on the basis of their position in society then, we can say that their ancestors in the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth century were members of the army of the Ottoman Empire. For carrying out military service they were given tymars i.e. feuds which generated income. After the conquest of parts of today’s Croatia and Hungary, they were received properties in that part of the empire, probably due to their warrior or other merits. They later moved to Lika, Perusic. Their nickname or surname was Kasumović. After taking Lika by Austria they fled to Bosnia. Around 1700, they came to Mostar and took the nickname / surname Kurt. They had several houses in the mahalle Carina in Mostar, where all Kurt family members lived. Thanks primarily to their military merits, they were received tymars which they later, either by purchase and marriage, increased around Nevesinje (villages Kljuna, Sopilja, Bijenja), in West Herzegovina (Duvno, Broćanac Biograci and Široki Brijeg), Stolac (Dabrica and Trijebanj) and in the villages north of Mostar (Potoci, Humi and Lišani, Vrapčići, Goranci, Vihovići, Dobrč, Zijemlja) and south of Mostar (Žulja, Hodbina and Opine). These properties later became hereditary. They used to marry members of the families belonging to the same social class. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, thanks to their incomes and abilities, they gained a place and reputation in Mostar, and gradually transformed into an ulema social class. They accepted the beginning of the industrial era passively. The value of their immovable properties were not invested in the creation of new value. In the period from 1908 to 1965, during the various agrarian reforms, they generally lost their properties, and thus lost a place and influence in the new societies. During the Ottoman Empire they belonged to the ruling class, firstly the military-feudal, and then the ulema class; during the Austro-Hungarian monarchy they belonged to the class of small landowners and religious intelligence. With the establishment of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Mostar Kurt family shared the fate of other Bosniaks, and came in a subordinate position and lost their properties. Some Kurt family members learned trades and became part of the working class, which in Bosnia and Herzegovina began to form between the two world wars. Other Kurt family members were educated and took their places in society according to their professions and skills.
The eighth volume of the extensive (ten-volume) monograph by Polish Slavic studies scholars (with contributions from scholars from a number of foreign research centres), made possible by an NCN OPUS grant (2014/13/B/HS2/01057). In terms of form, the monograph is a lexicon, the main body of which consists of entries-articles on the history of 27 selected ideas that anticipated and shaped the processes of modernization in the region: agrariarism, anarchism, capitalism, clericalization, confessions, conservatism, culture, education, enlightenment, evolution, history, homeland, humanism, liberalism, modernity, nation, politics, progress, rationalism, reformation, religion, revolution, schooling, secularization, socialism, tradition, and universalism. Their semantics, change able as it was in response to local conditions, was investigated separately for each of the seven current states of the southern Slavdom: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia. Volume 8 presents the three ideas – capitalism, homeland, and politics – that are at the foundations of the European discourses of modernization and anti-modernization, of the European imaginary of the human intellectual condition as the key to the formation of societies. The book contains many synthetically expressed, original and source-based insights on the southern Slavic cultures’ struggles with modernity.
This volume is a contribution to the decipherment of Ptolemy’s universal map, with focus on the territory known as Dacia. The information provided by Ptolemy was translated into modern data considering local features and complying with certain general principles. The difficulty of this task consisted in the way the ancient manuscripts transmitted the original location coordinates, as well as in the way Ptolemy patched together information from ancient itineraries and other sources. The author of this volume conceived a general formula for mapping Dacia based on the information found in the two oldest sources he used. Furthermore, he determined local patterns with the help of the other sources – therefore, defining locations resulted in a better determination of the surrounding relative positions. This information, as well as the correlation of the Ptolemaic locations with archaeological findings, provides an increased recognition of Ptolemaic Dacia, while also contributing to exposing the Ptolemaic universal map.
Women of Kurdistan: A Historical and Bibliographic Study documents a century long history of Kurdish women’s struggles against oppressive gender relations and state violence. It speaks to bibliographic silences on Kurdish women; silences that are systemic and structured, with many factors contributing to their (re)production. The book records extensive literature on violence perpetrated by the family, community, and the state as well as presenting the reader with a vibrant archive of resistance and struggle of Kurdish women. The analysis avoids the fashionable state-centered scholarship, which purifies processes of nation-building, state-building, and disguises their violence. The image depicted of the women of Kurdistan in this bibliography is shaped also by the languages we have chosen: English, French, and German. It is a record of material in languages that are not spoken by the majority of the Kurds. It will, therefore, be different from a bibliography of works in the Kurdish language, which have a majority of Kurdish authors, with more entries on topics such as poetry, fiction, education, and arts.
Drawn from conversations with Irit Amiel, the author of the famous Osmalone, Ostatnie fastrygi is, in a sense, her testament, her last, though not final, literary word. Sensing that she is writing for the last time, the writer once again tells her secretary, Agnieszka Piśkiewicz-Bornstein, her own biography and answers a number of previously unasked, sometimes quite uncomfortable questions, but this time she also lets herself be guided into various little alleys – she reveals details about Częstochowa, the ghetto, her first years in Israel, and raising her children. She also dissects the literature of the Holocaust, her relationship with Poland and with God. She is as strong and convincing in her judgments as she is in her feelings. It is also the first time she lets another person get so close to her, which is why Ostatnie fastrygi is also a masterpiece of intimate, long-running conversation, but a very meandering and warm one. The book is supplemented by numerous colour photos from the family album, footnotes, and an afterword.
The book deals with the figures of masculinity produced by various discourses of the late XIX c.: medical, economic, historical, hygienic. The interpretations relate to literary and paraliterary texts. The figure of the neurasthenic allegorizes masculinities threatened by excessive work, diffuse subjectivity, and perverse sexuality. The Polish idiom of neurosis has its particular manifestation in Without Dogma: Sienkiewicz, contrary to the theorists of neurosis, has designed the protagonist in such a way that his body is the heritage of the vigorous ancestors known from the Trilogy. In the petty bourgeois world of Dulska and Dulski gender has class, economic, socio-cultural determinants.
The book is solidly grounded in theory and methodology, but at the same time takes into account the most contemporary factual settings. Professional scientists are used to dry and uninteresting volumes, this one should give them a much needed variety. Thanks to its language the book can also acquire readers outside the strictly scientific academia, the humanities and the social sciences it should reach students and doctoral researchers, who could greatly benefit from it, as well as to the general public. Dr Piotr Majewski SWPS University
The series ,,Romanian Rural Tourism in International Context. Present and Prospects" explore some of the main concerns of both theorists and practitioners on the following topics: rural tourism, agritourism, ecotourism, tourism in the context of sustainable development at national, regional, and global level, traditionalism vs modernism in tourism, national and regional strategies for rural tourism development and marketing, e-tourism, etc. The series of ,,Romanian Rural Tourism in International Context. Present and Prospects" traditionally approaches the tourism phenomenon from a multidisciplinary perspective: economics, anthropology, ethnography, low, etc.
The book describes in the chronological order – with the attention focused mainly on the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century – key elements of the evolution of the European Slavic studies in the context of integrative and disintegrative processes. These tendencies are situated within the framework of diverse Slavic studies and their sociopolitical and cultural surroundings. The illustration of this issue is provided by the comparison of the extensive factography from the history of the polymorphous discipline, discussed in the methodological, socio-environmental and ethnopolitical dimensions. The oppositions “centralism – particularisms” or “collective norm – individual norm” have been designed for the ordering of rich material from all regions of Slavdom – in the perspective of creating and breaking the canon of the scholarly discoveries and the representations of the essence of Slavic studies as such.
The term ‘solar theology’ has been used in the study of Greco-Roman polytheism for over a century. The aim of this volume is to establish to what extent and in what cultural context solar theology can be viewed as a historical-religious phenomenon.