Наступність здобуття вищої бібліотечно-інформаційної та архівної освіти в умовах реформування
Purpose of Article. The purpose of the article is to identify and prove scientifcally modern trends in a phased sequence of training competent professionals integrated specialty 029 “Information, Librarian and Archive Science in the universities I-II and III-IV accreditation levels. Methodology. The achieving the research goal contributes to the methodology of socio communicative approach, which was used to refne the communication effect, the sequence structure in the preparation of the future experts of information, library, archive sector. Scientifc Novelty. The scientifc novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the frst time, a model sequence of acquisition of higher information and library and archival education is reviewed under the influence of globalization processes, integration of Ukraine to the European and world educational level in order to ensure international recognition of an integrated specialty. Conclusions. The proposed model of consistency in the acquisition of higher library and information and archival education will contribute to the development of professional competencies, which determine the effective use of skills of each employee, allow gradually implement the training in accordance with the requirements of a particular organization, which carried out the collection, processing, exchange of information and etc.