The rests of information technology as the historical monument has for human race important value. In this context we must search also their archival value. It can be realised on the base of different criteria. One of the possible criteria is measure of the positive economical changes, that reflect in the improved organisation or business of organisations. The basic value of the information technology can be different nature especially as contents, intellectual or physical potential etc. In the process of realisation of digital documents different problems can be noticed such as problem of the original, duplication of digital docu- ments in relation to the paper based archival material, organisation of documents, especially by complex data bases, problems of changing of technology, distributed computing, appraisal of hardware, compatibility of hardware and software for reading and reproduction of electronic documents. Analysis and appraisal of the contents of digital documents introduce in traditional archival theory and practice new professional starting points, which must be combined with the reflections related to the formats or modes of keeping and preserving of digital documents. Technical analysis of the documents is from archival starting point of view a relatively new activity with extraordinarily important importance. The contribution presents one of the models and approaches of ap- praisal of digital documents. Modern legislation, especially that, which regulated access to the public information, will change previous archival practice. New approaches in the process of appraisal of archival material can be expected. Arhivists must be prepared, that the public will have big- ger influence on this process as it is today.